(Aston et al., 2014). The static community detec-
tion algorithms cannot support such challenges be-
cause they overlook the time information that is cru-
cial to understand the phenomena taking place in the
dynamic networks. Recently, many algorithms (Caz-
abet and Amblard, 2011; Nguyen et al., 2011; Xie
et al., 2013) have been proposed to deal with dynamic
2.3 Community-Based
In recommender systems, there are two classes of en-
tities: items and users. Indeed, the community struc-
ture reveals either the set of items or users with the
same properties. Most of the existing works are inter-
ested in detecting communities of users since people
often tend to form communities in real life. For in-
stance, (Sahebi and Cohen, 2011) considered the dif-
ferent dimensions of social networks to extract latent
communities of users using the Principal Modular-
ity Maximization method. The resulting communities
help recommender systems to overcome the cold start
problem when the user has no rating history. (Qiang
and Yan, 2012) applied a Multi-label propagation al-
gorithm for static community detection in a bipartite
network composed of users and items. Based on the
active user’s communities, the authors recommended
items using the collaborative filtering recommenda-
tion method. (Ying et al., 2013) proposed a Prefer-
ence Aware Community Detection method (PCD) to
extract communities based on both users’ rating his-
tory and social structure. Besides, they implemented
a Preference Aware Community-based Recommenda-
tion System (PCRS) that uses the discovered commu-
nities to recommend items to users. (Guo and Peng,
2014) chose at first the spectrum analysis algorithm to
extract communities from a user-user network. Then,
they employed an evolutionary algorithm to identify
the best neighborhood size for each community. Fi-
nally, they integrated the best neighborhood size of
the active user’s community in collaborative filtering
to generate recommendations. On the other hand,
some studies are interested in finding communities
of items and incorporating them into the recommen-
dation model. For instance, (Qin et al., 2010) con-
structed a YouTube Recommender Network (YRN)
based on reviews left as comments in the YouTube
videos. Then, they used CFinder algorithm to find
communities in YRN. These communities are then
used to recommend, for the active user, diverse videos
that are not restricted to the same tag annotation. In
(Fatemi and Tokarchuk, 2013), the authors employed
the Louvain community detection method to extract
communities of movies from the social network of
movies that is constructed based on the Internet Movie
Database (IMDb). Based on these communities, ex-
tensive and diverse movies are recommended to both
individuals and groups. The studies presented above
overlooked the time dimension of users’ preferences
when computing recommendation. However, the data
collected from recommender systems is often times-
tamped. The time dimension plays a very impor-
tant role to properly capture the current need of users
based on the most recent data.
Some studies proposed to explore the dynamic as-
pect of users’ preferences in the recommendations
generation process. (Abrouk et al., 2010) proposed to
use fuzzy k-means clustering from time to time to dy-
namically capture the last users’ preferences when de-
tecting communities. These latter are then exploited
to predict the active user’s preferences for the unseen
items. In (Hamzaoui et al., 2012), the authors have
clustered items into groups using the K-mean algo-
rithm. Then, they identified the clustering center of
each cluster. The center is represented as the average
ratings over all the items in the cluster. Finally, they
computed the similarity between the target item and
all the identified centers to select its neighbors and
generate recommendations. The authors assigned a
time weight for each pair of <user, item> with the
aim to decay the old data when computing the item-
item similarity. In (Xin et al., 2014), the authors em-
ployed the Importance Greedy (IG) algorithm to de-
tect communities in the reader-reader similarity net-
work. The book recommendation list is generated
based on top ’k’ books which are recently borrowed
by the users belonging to the active user’s community.
The time of book borrowing is considered to highlight
the time factor when generating book recommenda-
tions. (Yin et al., 2014) employed a modified Proba-
bilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) model to dis-
cover communities. Then, they applied matrix factor-
ization on each community. To model the temporal
changes in users’ interests, they used a time decay
function which weighed the importance of the users
latest interests when generating recommendations.
The existing community based-recommendation
methods still rely on static community detection al-
gorithms that cannot deal with the dynamic aspect of
users’ interests. Static community detection cannot
support the network’s topological changes, and conse-
quently it misrepresents the true image of the network
partitions. Using these communities in the preference
prediction process may reduce the performance of the
generated recommendations.
A New Dynamic Community-Based Recommender System