presented demonstrate that the proxy questions can be
used to estimate the SES. However, it is also evident
that without relying on the proxy questions, based on
the direct data of an user and retraining of the machine
learning model the indirect approach employed Rule
based method can be effectively used. Even from the
results point of view, the indirect approach is better
than predictions from direct digital data. However,
the performance can be improved by collecting more
data. Additionally, a set of questions that are proxy to
the standard SES method is established. These
questions are less direct and more relevant from the
care programme’s point of view. The methods
proposed on this work can be extended to any such
digital application.
We thank the pregnant women who responded to the
socio-economic questionnaire. The Together For Her
program is run by Avegen Pvt Ltd and supported by
funding from MSD, through its MSD for Mothers
initiative and is the sole responsibility of the authors.
MSD for Mothers is an initiative of Merck & Co.,
Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA. MSD had no role in the
design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data,
in writing of the manuscript or in the decision to
submit the manuscript for publication. The content of
this publication is solely the responsibility of the
authors and does not represent the official views of
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