Towards Automatic Medical Report Classification in Czech
Pavel P
, Josef Baloun
, Ji
ı Mart
, Ladislav Lenc
, Martin Prantl
and Pavel Kr
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Machine Learning, Classification, Multi-Label, Single-Label, Medical Data.
This paper deals with the automatic classification of medical reports in the form of unstructured texts in Czech.
The outcomes of this work are intended to be integrated into a coding assistant, a system that will help the
clinical coders with the manual coding of the diagnoses.
To solve this task, we compare several approaches based on deep neural networks. We compare the models
in two different scenarios to show their advantages and drawbacks. The results demonstrate that hierarchical
GRU with attention outperforms all other models in both cases.
The experiments further show that the system can significantly reduce the workload of the operators and thus
also saves time and money. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at automatic medical report
classification in the Czech language.
International classification of diseases (ICD) is a stan-
dard that assigns codes to diseases and other causes of
patient encounters with the health care system. One
of the main usages of the coding system is for billing
data that hospitals report to insurance companies.
The coding thus should be done by well-trained
and experienced staff. However, in the real world,
this task is often performed by a doctor who writes the
report, which can lead to inconsistencies and mistakes
in the coding.
In the last several years, there have been efforts
to solve this task automatically because manual cod-
ing is an expensive and time-consuming task, often
erroneous due to the human factor. At least partial
automation of this process will bring better reliability
and especially time and money savings. The predic-
tion models can also be used to validate already re-
ported diagnoses.
Czech doctors typically write medical reports in
the form of unstructured text. The texts are usually
assigned with one main and several secondary diag-
The main goal of this paper is to propose and com-
pare different approaches to solve automatic diagno-
sis coding in Czech using deep neural networks. We
compare and evaluate ve deep models in two dif-
ferent scenarios: 1) main diagnosis classification; 2)
all diagnoses classification. The approaches are com-
pared with a simple baseline based on a multi-layer
perceptron (MLP) to show their advantages and in-
For evaluation, we use a novel Czech medical
dataset collected from a large Czech hospital. The
dataset contains more than 300,000 anonymised med-
ical reports associated with the ICD codes.
To the best of our knowledge, this work represents
the first attempts at automatic medical report classifi-
cation in the Czech language.
In this section, we summarise approaches that are
used for multi-label classification in the medical do-
main as well as methods used in similar text categori-
sation tasks.
An approach for classifying legislative docu-
ments from the European Union was presented by
n, P., Baloun, J., Martínek, J., Lenc, L., Prantl, M. and Král, P.
Towards Automatic Medical Report Classification in Czech.
DOI: 10.5220/0011641900003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 228-233
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Chalkidis et al., 2019). (You et al., 2019) carried out
the benchmark on the six most common multi-label
datasets, including the huge Amazon-3M ((McAuley
and Leskovec, 2013)) with their proposed deep model
called AttentionXML.
In the medical domain, (Perotte et al., 2014) used
models based on support vector machines (SVM) for
predicting ICD codes from discharge summaries. Ap-
proaches based on recurrent neural networks for the
same task were presented in (Shi et al., 2017; Vani
et al., 2017).
(Mullenbach et al., 2018) proposed an attentional
convolutional network CNN-LWAN for the predic-
tion of medical codes and evaluated it on MIMIC-II
and MIMIC-III ((Johnson et al., 2016)) datasets. The
authors of (Baumel et al., 2018) investigated several
models, including hierarchical attention GRU (HA-
GRU), for predicting diagnosis codes. The best per-
formance has been obtained by HA-GRU. Moreover,
the sentence-level attention can be visualised to high-
light important parts (words or sentences) of clinical
documentation, which is beneficial for operators who
check the outputs.
Authors of (El Boukkouri et al., 2020) state that
Character level embeddings are better for medical
data compared to word-level ones.
Diagnoses assigned to medical reports often corre-
late with each other. Some diagnoses appear together
very often and some combinations are quite rare. This
fact was addressed in (Xun et al., 2020) where the
authors developed a special classification layer called
CorNet which can be appended to arbitrary architec-
Correlation is also used by Gu et al. (Gu et al.,
2021). They use Graph Convolutional Network to
find correlations between diagnoses. As a result, the
system is also capable of predicting less frequent di-
agnoses with improved precision.
The above-mentioned approaches are evaluated
mainly in English. However, to the best of our knowl-
edge, no work for automatic diagnoses classification
dealing with the Czech language exists.
We propose and evaluate the following state-of-the-
art models from the text classification domain. As a
baseline, we use an MLP with an input based on the
TF-IDF document representation.
For all models, numbers and diacritics are re-
moved from the input text that is converted to low-
3.1 Multi-Layer Perceptron
We use TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document
frequency) method for feature selection and document
representation. The MLP has the following topology:
8000 nodes in the input layer, 8192 neurons in the hid-
den layer and the output layer dimension corresponds
to the number of classes. This bag-of-word (BoW)
model is hereafter called MLP (base).
3.2 Convolutional Neural Network
We use the architecture proposed in (Lenc and Kr
2016), which is an adaptation of the CNN model pre-
sented by (Kim, 2014). The model contains an em-
bedding layer with randomly initialised word embed-
dings which are tuned during the training process.
This model is hereafter called CNN 512 when we use
512 words for the input or CNN 1024 if the input is
composed of 1024 words.
Another model for the classification that we se-
lected is the Czech pre-trained Small-E-Czech
model (Koci
an et al., 2022). This is a Czech version
of the English ELECTRA-small (Clark et al., 2020)
model based on the Transformer (Vaswani et al.,
2017) architecture. We decided to use this model
since it has significantly fewer parameters (14M) than
the other available Czech BERT-like models, Czert
(Sido et al., 2021) (110M) or RobeCzech (Straka
et al., 2021) (125M). Thus, it can be fine-tuned faster
and with less GPU memory than the latter two. We
fine-tune the model in the same way as the authors
in the original ELECTRA (Clark et al., 2020) model,
i.e., we add a classification head that consists of a sim-
ple linear classifier on top of ELECTRA.
3.4 Document Character-Level
The architecture utilises character-level word embed-
dings where each word is represented as a tensor of
character indices (codes from the UNICODE table)
with padding or cropping to a certain length. Two
CNN layers with 1D kernels of different sizes are ap-
plied to the input tensors and the results are concate-
nated together.
Embeddings for all words from the medical report
are summed together with a simple sum since it is
independent of the word ordering in the document.
It provides us with a single vector representation for
each report.
Towards Automatic Medical Report Classification in Czech
The report representation is directly passed to a
fully connected network that serves as a classification
head. This model is hereafter called DocChar.
3.5 Hierarchical Attention GRU
As a representative of the recurrent neural network,
we employ hierarchical attention GRU. This model
should reflect the structure of a document since it
contains a word and sentence encoder ((Yang et al.,
2016)). Word embeddings are initialised randomly
and are fed into a bidirectional GRU ((Cho et al.,
2014)) layer, which is followed by the attention mech-
Our first intention was to use medical sections
(paragraphs) instead of sentences. However, it is chal-
lenging to segment such unstructured reports into sec-
tions reliably. Therefore, we used fixed-length word
sequences (50 sequences filled with 25 words). This
model is hereafter called HA-GRU.
The dataset consists of the medical reports collected
between the years 2016 and 2021. The data were pro-
vided by a Czech hospital and are fully anonymised.
A medical report contains several blocks, such as a
diagnoses block containing descriptions of assigned
diagnoses or a header with information about the hos-
pital. However, the blocks are not structured, contain
various headings and sometimes they are missing at
all. Therefore, we consider the reports as unstructured
Example of input can be seen in Table 1.
All reports are annotated with a set of medical
codes according to the ICD. The ICD-10 taxonomy
contains more than 15,000 codes with a hierarchi-
cal structure. The first level grouping is according
to chapters ranging from A to Z. We exclude chap-
ters U to Y that are actually not diagnoses but some
special purpose codes and external factors influencing
the patient. The chapters are further divided into the
ranges (e.g., F00-F99), sub-ranges (e.g., F00-F09),
diagnoses (e.g., F01) and finally to the specific diag-
noses (e.g., F01.1).
Due to the highly imbalanced numbers of the la-
bels in the last level of the hierarchy, we have de-
cided to concentrate on classifying the penultimate
level codes (3 character codes, e.g., F01). According
to the discussions with practitioners, the three charac-
ter codes are sufficient for practical usage.
The dataset is divided into three parts: train 85%,
test 10% and dev 5%. In the following text, we pro-
vide the statistics of the dataset. Figure 1 depicts the
label co-occurrence matrix, which describes how fre-
quently other related diagnoses occur if the examined
diagnosis is present. It indicates that there are patterns
of highly correlated diagnoses that can be utilised for
model improvements as well as for validating the pre-
Figure 1: Label co-occurrence matrix (normalized and di-
lated by kernel 15x15 for visualization purposes).
Label Distribution
Label ID
0 5000 15000 25000 35000
0 500 1000 1500
Figure 2: Label distribution in the dataset.
Document & Label Histogram
Label Count
0 5 10 15
0 50000 100000 150000
Figure 3: Label count histogram.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of the labels in the
dataset. There are several very frequent classes and
the distribution has a very long tail of rare diagnoses.
Figure 3 shows the label counts in particular docu-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Example of a part of a message. left - czech, right - machine-translated to english.
EZA: OA: St.p. vysok
e DVT vlevo v roce XX,
stp. recid. PE, st.p. zaveden
ı kav
ıho filtru, postrom-
y syndrom vlevo, stav po
urazu kotn
ıku vlevo,
hematologicky dle vlastn
ıch slov vy
an nebyl a ani
ı v dispenzarizaci, v roce XXXX snad znovu trom-
boza LDK, trombosa VSM XXXX, lupus antikoagulans,
homozygot PAI 4G/5G, zv
s. fVIII, pozit. proC global,
chronicky warfarinizov
an, st.p. plastice k
ze v oblasti
kolene l.sin. po
urazu XXXX, jinak se s ni
ım nel
an jen u OL, kam chod
ı na kontroly INR. FA: War-
farin 3 mg 0-3-0 (nyn
ı 5. den ex), Euphylin 300 1-0-1,
Detralex 2-0-0, Vessel due 1-0-1. Abusus: 20 cig denn
alkohol: p
e - 10piv na posezen
ı FF: v norm
aha 125 kg, v
ska 193 cm Alergie: neguje
I: Pacient s opakovan
trombosami hlubok
ıho syst
emu DKK a recid.
ı embolizac
ı se zaveden
ym kavafiltrem. Nyn
ı na CT
ena nevhodn
a poloha filtru a nekompletn
ı rozvinut
rijat k extrakci kavafiltru, ev. impl. Milesovy svorky.
Medical History: Previous high deep vein thrombosis
(DVT) in the left leg Previous recurrent pulmonary em-
bolism (PE) Cavain filter was inserted Post-thrombotic
syndrome in the left leg Previous ankle injury in the left
leg Hematological examination not performed according
to patient’s statement, not in dispense Possible DVT in
the left leg in XXXX VSM thrombosis in XXXX Lupus
anticoagulans Homozygous PAI 4G/5G Increased fVIII
Positive proC global Chronic warfarin treatment Previ-
ous plastic surgery on the left knee after injury in XXXX
Otherwise not receiving any treatment, only monitored
by outpatient clinic for INR check-ups
FA: Warfarin 3 mg 0-3-0 (currently on day 5 of treat-
ment) Euphylin 300 1-0-1 Detralex 2-0-0 Vessel due 1-
Abusus: 20 cigarettes per day Occasional alcohol con-
sumption - 10 beers per social occasion
FF: Within normal limits Weight: 125 kg Height: 193
CURRENT CONDITION: Patient with repeated DVT
and recurrent PE, currently has a cavafilter inserted. CT
showed that the filter is in an inappropriate position and
incompletely deployed. Admitted for cavafilter extrac-
tion and possible implementation of Miles stenting.
ments. Almost 140,000 reports are labelled with only
a single label determining the main diagnosis. Most
of the documents then have up to 6 diagnoses in to-
tal and there are several reports with more diagnoses.
Table 2 shows the statistics of the corpus. The values
represent number of words within the dataset.
Table 2: Dataset statistics.
Part All Train Test Dev
Records 316,808 269,578 31,404 15,826
Avg text length 1,351 1,351 1,349 1,348
Avg label count 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.48
The performed experiments follow two scenarios.
The first one, the main diagnosis classification
(single-label), concentrates on determining the main
diagnosis for each medical report. The main diagno-
sis is the most important one for the billing purposes
and therefore, it is the priority for the target applica-
The second scenario (multi-label classification) is
to find all diagnoses, including the main one. The sce-
narios were defined in cooperation with practitioners
who are supposed to use the outcomes of this study.
In both scenarios, we deal with the 3 character codes
as described in Section 4. The total number of labels
is 1126 in the single-label scenario and 1523 in the
multi-label one. The difference shows that not all di-
agnoses are used as the main one.
For the single-label classification, we report the
accuracy and also the macro-averaged precision, re-
call and F-measure which takes into consideration the
imbalanced label distribution. The multi-label clas-
sification is evaluated in terms of both micro- and
macro-averaged precision, recall and F-measure.
5.1 Main Diagnosis Classification
Table 3 shows the comparison of the selected clas-
sification models for the main diagnosis classifica-
tion scenario. Based on the results, we can state that
most models perform comparably and slightly out-
perform the baseline approach. Best accuracies were
obtained by CNN, Electra and HA-GRU. The differ-
ences among these models are very small and they are
under the confidence level which is 0.5 % in our set-
Table 3: Macro precision, recall, F-measure and accuracy
for the main diagnosis classification scenario [in %].
Model F1 P R Acc.
MLP (base.) 42.0 45.7 42.3 75.3
1-5 CNN 512 43.9 47.9 44.3 77.6
CNN 1024 43.8 48.8 43.6 78.0
ELECTRA 44.8 47.4 46.2 78.3
DocChar 44.5 59.8 45.5 74.8
HA-GRU 45.1 48.4 45.6 78.2
Towards Automatic Medical Report Classification in Czech
5.2 All Diagnoses Classification
This section deals with the multi-label all diagnoses
classification scenario. The results are summarised in
Table 4. We tested the same models as in the single-
label scenario. The only modification is using the sig-
moid activation function in the classification layer and
binary cross-entropy loss function. In this scenario,
HA-GRU is the best-performing model in terms of
both micro- and macro-averaged values. The results
indicate that the attention mechanism used in this net-
work is the most suitable for the task and outperforms
the more complex Electra model as well as the CNN
Table 4: Macro- and micro-averaged precision, recall and
F-measure for the all diagnoses classification scenario in
Macro Micro
F1 P R F1 P R
MLP (base.) 31.6 43.8 26.9 68.7 78.3 61.2
1-8 CNN 512 35.6 46.8 31.7 71.8 80.5 64.8
CNN 1024 34.2 43.9 31.3 72.0 81.3 64.4
ELECTRA 20.0 27.1 17.5 70.6 83.3 61.3
DocChar 33.9 47.1 29.6 65.2 80.5 54.8
HA-GRU 41.8 50.3 38.3 75.1 79.7 71.1
In this study, we have performed a comparative eval-
uation of several state-of-the-art models for the task
of medical report classification in Czech. To the best
of our knowledge, it is the first attempt at automatic
diagnosis coding on Czech data.
The results for the main diagnosis scenario indi-
cate that the models perform comparably and slightly
outperform the baseline which proved to be relatively
In the second scenario, the more sophisticated
models obtained better results compared to the base-
line. The HA-GRU model proved to be the best one
in this scenario.
We can also conclude that the results of the best
HA-GRU model are good enough to be integrated into
the target system which will significantly reduce the
workload of the operators and thus also saves the time
and money.
In the future work, we would like to improve the
architecture of the HA-GRU model and adjust it for
utilisation of other types of clinical reports such as
epicrisis etc. and improve the performance.
This work has been partly supported by Grant No.
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Towards Automatic Medical Report Classification in Czech