5.2 All Diagnoses Classification
This section deals with the multi-label all diagnoses
classification scenario. The results are summarised in
Table 4. We tested the same models as in the single-
label scenario. The only modification is using the sig-
moid activation function in the classification layer and
binary cross-entropy loss function. In this scenario,
HA-GRU is the best-performing model in terms of
both micro- and macro-averaged values. The results
indicate that the attention mechanism used in this net-
work is the most suitable for the task and outperforms
the more complex Electra model as well as the CNN
Table 4: Macro- and micro-averaged precision, recall and
F-measure for the all diagnoses classification scenario in
Macro Micro
F1 P R F1 P R
MLP (base.) 31.6 43.8 26.9 68.7 78.3 61.2
1-8 CNN 512 35.6 46.8 31.7 71.8 80.5 64.8
CNN 1024 34.2 43.9 31.3 72.0 81.3 64.4
ELECTRA 20.0 27.1 17.5 70.6 83.3 61.3
DocChar 33.9 47.1 29.6 65.2 80.5 54.8
HA-GRU 41.8 50.3 38.3 75.1 79.7 71.1
In this study, we have performed a comparative eval-
uation of several state-of-the-art models for the task
of medical report classification in Czech. To the best
of our knowledge, it is the first attempt at automatic
diagnosis coding on Czech data.
The results for the main diagnosis scenario indi-
cate that the models perform comparably and slightly
outperform the baseline which proved to be relatively
In the second scenario, the more sophisticated
models obtained better results compared to the base-
line. The HA-GRU model proved to be the best one
in this scenario.
We can also conclude that the results of the best
HA-GRU model are good enough to be integrated into
the target system which will significantly reduce the
workload of the operators and thus also saves the time
and money.
In the future work, we would like to improve the
architecture of the HA-GRU model and adjust it for
utilisation of other types of clinical reports such as
epicrisis etc. and improve the performance.
This work has been partly supported by Grant No.
SGS-2022-016 Advanced methods of data processing
and analysis.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence