Systematically Searching for Identity-Related Information in the Internet
with OSINT Tools
Marcus Walkow and Daniela P
at der Bundeswehr M
unchen, Neubiberg, Germany
OSINT, Open Source Intelligence, Taxonomy, Identity, Attack.
The increase of Internet services has not only created several digital identities but also more information
available about the persons behind them. The data can be collected and used for attacks on digital identities
as well as on identity management systems, which manage digital identities. In order to identify possible
attack vectors and take countermeasures at an early stage, it is important for individuals and organizations to
systematically search for and analyze the data. This paper proposes a classification of data and open-source
intelligence (OSINT) tools related to identities. This classification helps to systematically search for data.
In the next step, the data can be analyzed and countermeasures can be taken. Last but not least, an OSINT
framework approach applying this classification for searching and analyzing data is presented and discussed.
The software company LastPass examined the pass-
word behavior of individuals (LastPass, 2021). Ac-
cording to them, 92 percent know that it is risky to
use passwords more than once. Nevertheless, 65 per-
cent always or mostly still use the same password
or variations. While financial accounts primarily re-
ceive stronger passwords (68 percent), work-related
accounts and medical records do not (32 resp. 31 per-
cent). For only 8 percent of the participants, a strong
password should not be tied to personal information.
According to (Zhang et al., 2010), it is possible to pre-
dict changes to the password. Consequently, search-
ing for personal information on the Internet may lead
to a valid new password. This is even more serious
as attacks are increasing, leading to further creden-
tials and personal data being compromised (Verizon,
2022). In organizations, not only one but several digi-
tal identities are managed in the identity management
system. Typically, users have further accounts, such
as web services, where information or credentials can
be leaked. Hence, one compromised account in the
organization can result in a wider attack.
Open-source intelligence (OSINT) can tackle the
problem of the personal factor in passwords and fall-
back mechanisms. The more knowledge is found
about the individual user, the greater the probability
that the authentication factor can be derived from it.
Hence, the results of a systematic search can warn the
user before an incident happens. In order to system-
atically search for data, a classification is required.
In addition, a modular open-source framework helps
to apply this classification. The contribution of the
paper is two-fold: 1) a classification of data related
to identities and identity management systems and 2)
an open-source OSINT framework approach based on
the classification. This can be utilized to identify pos-
sible problematic information.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of the related work. Section 3 in-
troduces and structures OSINT search. The classifica-
tion is applied by an OSINT framework approach in
Section 4. The approach is then discussed based on a
real-world example in Section 5. Section 6 concludes
the paper and provides an outlook on future work.
Several authors describe OSINT in general. For
example, (Pastor-Galindo et al., 2020) provide an
overview of OSINT with the basic workflows (collec-
tion, analysis, knowledge extraction). Additionally,
the authors categorize analysis (lexical, semantic,
geospatial, social media) and information (personal,
organizational, network). (Martins and Medeiros,
2022) propose a taxonomy for threat intelligence
Walkow, M. and Pöhn, D.
Systematically Searching for Identity-Related Information in the Internet with OSINT Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0011644200003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 402-409
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
sharing, which is of limited use for our purpose.
The Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP
Project, 2022) uses, among others, the categories of
blog posts, reports, presentations, news, forums, mail-
ing lists, repositories, and other sources. (Azevedo
et al., 2019) further detail the steps of clustering and
correlating data, while (Hickey and Arcuri, 2020) ex-
plain OSINT including web applications, passwords,
and emails. Like many other approaches, the authors
focus on generic threat intelligence.
Only a few approaches target OSINT for identi-
ties. (Butler et al., 2016) present REAPER, a tool for
automated mass credential harvesting. Related to that,
(Fang et al., 2019; Peng et al., 2019; Bermudez Vil-
lalva et al., 2018) describe the effects of a password
leak. The site Have I been Pwned (Hunt, 2022) ap-
plies a similar approach to warn of password leaks.
Social media platforms have changed the way people
communicate with each other. At the same time, they
are an interesting source for further actions. (Kanta
et al., 2020; Kanta et al., 2022) propose a concept to
generate individual password lists based on data gath-
ered by OSINT search. (V. et al., 2020) go a step fur-
ther by searching the Internet for information about
names, mobile numbers, and email addresses. The
authors apply different people’s search engines focus-
ing on social media. Similarly, (Sharad Sonawane
et al., 2022) performs account matching, extracting
user metadata to generate a single report. (Akhgar
et al., 2017) uses geographic, statistical, and other
public sources, while (Gibson, 2016) speaks of un-
structured and structured data as well as the type of
procurement and the origin of the data.
Especially on GitHub, different OSINT tool lists
can be found with (Cyber Detective, 2022) being the
most comprehensive. The author lists, e. g., the cate-
gories maps, geolocation, and transport; social media;
text/sound/video analysis; image search and identifi-
cation; cryptocurrencies; messengers; search engines;
datasets; passwords; emails; nicknames; phone num-
bers; contact and leak search. OSINT Framework
by (Nordine, 2022) visualizes different OSINT tools
by grouping them into 32 categories, e. g., username;
email address; images/videos/docs; social networks;
instant messaging; people search engines; dating;
phone numbers; public records; forums/blogs/IRC;
archives; digital currency. Similarly, (Bielska et al.,
2020) lists 7,600 tools and services. Two well-known
OSINT tools with open-source and commercial vari-
ants are SpiderFoot and Maltego. Although both of-
fer modules related to identities, their main target are
domains and networks. Maltego Community Edition
(CE) only has one person-related machine, searching
for email addresses, whereas SpiderFoot Open Source
offers more search options. In addition, full function-
ality is only available in the paid versions. This shows
that further work is required to better protect individ-
ual users and organizations with relatively low costs.
In order to search for compromised identities and fur-
ther information, which could lead to that state, rele-
vant data first needs to be explored. In the next step,
vulnerabilities can be fixed and data be removed to re-
duce the number of successful fraud attempts. Hence,
the goals are the stages of identity research and cy-
ber reconnaissance. We classify possible sources in
a systematic way. First, we detail identity search in
Section 3.1. As identity management systems require
additional inspections, these are explained in Sec-
tion 3.2. Next, we describe all-in-one search tools.
Last but not least, we show helpers, which aid in
the search and visualization (see Section 3.4). These
sources and helpers can be applied for an extensive
OSINT search, using all the different information.
3.1 Identity Search
The data requested during registration (e. g., user-
names, email addresses, phone numbers, and personal
information) can be leaked. Other data, such as re-
lationship status and hobbies, can be used for so-
cial engineering and are, therefore, particularly inter-
esting for security issues. Even though multi-factor
authentication is increasingly applied, it can be cir-
cumvented. Therefore, it is important to reduce pub-
lished data, described next, which can be found in
the following sources (Cyber Detective, 2022; MISP
Project, 2022; Hickey and Arcuri, 2020):
Social Media: Social media intelligence
(SOCMINT) is a sub-branch of OSINT and
refers to the information collected from social
media websites. The data available can be open to
the public or private (cannot be accessed without
proper permissions). The content comprises
posts/comments, replies, multimedia, social
interaction, and metadata.
Search Engines: Main search engines used by users
can be repurposed for OSINT. In addition, meta
and specialty search engines are available.
Public Media: News from newspapers, radio sta-
tions, etc. are published online. News digest and
discovery tools try to combine specific news.
Public Records: Reliable and legitimate source of
Systematically Searching for Identity-Related Information in the Internet with OSINT Tools
information, e. g., registration of a person or fi-
nancial data of a company.
Repositories: Codes, snippets, documentation, and
other information is published at public reposito-
ries, such as GitHub.
Archives: Website history and capture sites take
snapshots of websites that will remain online even
if the original page changes or disappears.
Leak Pages: Pastebin and alternative Pastebin-type
sites contain leaks. These leaks are then checked
by specific leak pages.
Dark and Deep Web: Another source for leaks is
dark and deep web pages, either information in
forums or specific web services.
Further Internet Pages: This includes forums,
blogs, academic resources such as publications,
cryptocurrencies, and all other Internet pages.
3.1.1 Registration Data
Email. Email addresses are often used as a sub-
stitute for self-chosen usernames or phone num-
bers. They immediately offer the advantage of
an address for the confirmation link. Differ-
ent tools search for email addresses or check
whether an email address exists (Hickey and
Arcuri, 2020; V. et al., 2020; Cyber Detec-
tive, 2022). This includes,,,,,, and In ad-
dition, searches by email ad-
dress for leaks.
Username. Especially at the beginning of Web 2.0,
self-chosen user names were common for logging
in (V. et al., 2020; Cyber Detective, 2022). Often,
users choose a name, or a variation thereof, with
which they have a personal connection. Hence, they
often reuse it in the same or in a modified form for
other registrations. There are two types of online
tools: 1) check whether a profile page exists on var-
ious social networks, such as and
2) create possible usernames based on entered names,
for example,
Password. As users tend to reuse passwords, lists leaks based on email ad-
dress. The leaks though can be found at paste sites,
dark and deep web (Hickey and Arcuri, 2020; But-
ler et al., 2016; Fang et al., 2019; Peng et al., 2019;
Bermudez Villalva et al., 2018; Hunt, 2022). In ad-
dition, default passwords and password crackers are
available online.
Phone Number. Eliminating the ownership factor
simply by knowing the phone number requires ad-
ditional technologies. However, there are hardly
any online services that link a mobile phone number
with a name or email address. A classic method is
the telephone book, which mainly publishes landline
numbers. The latter can be used, for example, via
an SMS for multi-factor authentication if no mobile
phone number is available. For practical attacks, land-
line number cloning is more complicated than mobile
number cloning. Some online services provide meta-
data, such as the provider for a specified phone num-
ber (V. et al., 2020; Cyber Detective, 2022). There is
the option of querying cell phone numbers that have
been found via Google Dork. The phone number can
also be read from social media using suitable crawlers
or online services. A possible tool for Instagram, for
example, is
Address. Personal information such as postal (ship-
ping) addresses can often be found in identity man-
agement systems of organizations (Cyber Detective,
2022). This information can be collected online after
a leak. In addition, telephone books and public ad-
ministrations provide further sources. For example,
addresses are included in criminal and traffic regis-
ters and property searches in the US. is a
Swedish search engine that offers telephone directo-
ries, addresses, and maps. Last but not least, search
engines collect information.
3.1.2 Further Data
Texts and Relationships. Information about social
relationships (personal and organizational (Pastor-
Galindo et al., 2020)) can provide a plausible back-
ground story for social engineering attacks or an-
swers to security questions. Depending on the coun-
try, different networks dominate the market (e. g.,
Russia VKontakte). In consequence, several tools
are specialized (Cyber Detective, 2022). As an ex-
ample, looks for usernames in In-
stagram, while crawlers such as Osintgram auto-
mate the quest. In contrast, meta-search engines
explore different social networks, search engines,
archives, and other websites in their forwarded search, for example, focuses on German-
speaking countries, addresses the US,
and can be used internation-
ally. In order to provide additional background infor-
mation, further searches, such as about cryptocurren-
cies (e. g., with can be applied.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Image, Video, and Sound. Users upload several
pictures and other material to social media and spe-
cific pages (Cyber Detective, 2022). Faces, ob-
jects, and logos be recognized in a photo using
Google Vision (Google, 2022b) or Microsoft’s face
recognition API (Microsoft, 2022a). Tools such as can reverse search or analyze the
image, e. g., with Sherloq. and further
tools analyze the geolocation if published by ex-
changeable image file format (EXIF) data. Political
information, maps, etc. help to locate the material.
3.2 Technical Search
Cyber reconnaissance is a technical investigation aim-
ing to provide attackers with as much information
about the target as possible. This includes which
(identity) software is being used. On the other hand,
publicly available data can be browsed. Hence, the
following sources can be utilized (Cyber Detective,
2022; MISP Project, 2022; Hickey and Arcuri, 2020):
Social Media: SOCMINT refers to the information
(text, multimedia, interaction, metadata) collected
from social media websites.
Search Engines: Main, meta, and specialty search
engines search for selected topics.
Public Media: Online news from original sources.
Public Records: Reliable and legitimate source of
information, e. g., financial data of a company.
Repositories: Data published at public repositories,
such as GitHub.
Archives: Snapshots of sites taken by archives.
Leak Pages: Information about leaks.
Dark/Deep Web: Information below the surface.
Further Internet Pages: All other Internet pages.
Organisation Website: Organisations provide infor-
mation online via their organization websites,
such as email addresses, roles, and persons.
Network: The organization’s network and servers
offer information about insecure systems, used
operating system and software versions, and in-
ternet protocol (IP) addresses.
3.2.1 Unsecured Data
Unintentionally leaked information, such as applica-
tion programming interface (API) keys, credentials,
and internal information, can be used during the at-
tack lifecycle. With self-built scrappers, crawlers
or uniform resource locator (URL) fuzzers such as
(Wilkening et al., 2022), and Google Dorks, publicly
accessible folders, files, and data are displayed.
3.2.2 Network Data
Network Scanner. In order for the identity man-
agement systems to be screened using OSINT, the
associated hardware must be found on the Internet. systemically asks for relevant ports and
publishes the results in a queryable format (Daskevics
and Nikiforova, 2021). provides a similar
service. Network scanners such as the Network Map-
per (NMAP) can be used to find out more about the
IT infrastructure.
Application Testing Software. Tools such as Burp
Suite examine the website of the identity manage-
ment system. The Burp Suite extension security as-
sertion markup language (SAML) Raider focuses on
the federated identity management protocol SAML.
The Open Authorization (OAuth) scanner extension
detects misconfigurations in the protocol implemen-
tations of OpenID Connect and OAuth.
Security Scanner. If the identity management
system software is known, databases such as display known vulnerabilities and
exploits (Cyber Detective, 2022). So-called security
scanners such as the Open Vulnerability Assessment
Scanner (OpenVAS) thoroughly test the server behind
it for possible vulnerabilities.
provides a collection of such security scanners.
3.3 All-in-One Search Tools
All-in-one search tools reuse the tools listed above
and combine the results across group boundaries (Cy-
ber Detective, 2022). Recon-ng, SpiderFoot, TiDOS,
The Harvester, and Maltego are comprehensive rep-
resentatives. In the case of Maltego and SpiderFoot,
the range of tools differs depending on the version.
APIs for paid services such as Social Links CE can
be integrated into Maltego CE and SpiderFoot HX. In
the full version, external services such as
or People Data Labs are purchasable. Although these
tools provide all-purpose searches, such as social me-
dia, search engines, dark web, and leak pages, their
main focus is on organization networks.
3.4 Helpers
Due to the huge amount of data that can be found on
the Internet, advanced techniques are needed to ana-
lyze the data and make a pre-selection.
Systematically Searching for Identity-Related Information in the Internet with OSINT Tools
3.4.1 Machine Learning
Machine learning is suitable for this task. Thereby,
the collected photos can be evaluated by various so-
cial media and provide new insights into identities
that were not yet obvious through research. Valu-
able information is also found in (short) messages
and other texts on the Internet, where machine learn-
ing algorithms help to extract keywords and analyze
the context. Microsoft’s Text Analytics (Microsoft,
2022b), IBM’s Watson API (IBM Developer, 2022),
and Google’s Natural Language API (Google, 2022a)
provide such analysis services.
3.4.2 Natural Language Processing
The aim of NLP (Noubours et al., 2013) is to pro-
cess natural language and thereby be able to grasp the
meaning of texts and language. Just like people, a
computer should have eyes and ears to pick up speech
and analyze it with the brain, convert it into code or
text, and then process it. In NLP, the problem is best
addressed through deep learning models, where suffi-
cient learning material is available due to large data
collections. For the purpose of the paper, named-
entity recognition (NER) (Yang and Lee, 2012; Al-
Moslmi et al., 2020), sentiment analyzes (Notz et al.,
2019), and text generation (Lee et al., 2022) are of
particular interest. A current text generator is a gen-
erative pre-trained transformer (GPT)-3 by OpenAI.
This section describes our open-source OSINT frame-
work to search for identity-related information (see
Section 3.1). In addition, the technical search de-
tailed in Section 3.2 can be used if the target is an
organization. The framework exerts the workflow de-
scribed by (Pastor-Galindo et al., 2020): Data collec-
tion (see Section 4.2), data analysis (see Section 4.3),
and knowledge extraction (see Section 4.4).
4.1 Overview
Our OSINT framework has a graphical user interface
(GUI) for interaction with the user. Thereby, the user
can select different modules for their search. The
modules are implemented or attached in the backend,
which interacts with the storage (using a pre-defined
folder structure) and database. The search results are
then displayed in graphs. In order to realize the inter-
actions, the framework Dash was chosen.
Figure 1 provides a brief overview of the GUI. In
the top line, new values (e. g., names, identities, email
addresses) are added. This can be combined with
modules, which come next. In the big frame below,
the results are displayed. In the example within the
figure, a node with an image was selected and passed
to a module. This evolved into new nodes with further
information. In the next section, Figure 2 details the
overview on an example. Thereby, the workflow can
be iterated.
Figure 1: OSINT framework.
4.2 Data Collection
For the data collection, we use our own and external
tools based on Google Dork, scrappers, and crawlers
for various sources including social media sites. For
example, if a name is entered, possible email ad-
dresses are generated and then checked for existence.
Next, those valid email addresses are then used to
search for social media accounts with Sherlock (Sher-
lock Project Team, 2022). Based on the results, dif-
ferent crawlers download texts, images, and videos as
well as further data. The raw data is either written di-
rectly to the project database or stored in the respec-
tive folders. In the next step, images and texts are
included to be analyzed with suitable tools. Thereby,
the phase data collection especially focuses on user-
names, texts, and relationships, as well as media. If
addresses and phone numbers are part of the social
media profiles, then these are also collected.
4.3 Data Analysis
The data analysis again uses external and imple-
mented tools. For example, images are analyzed
for geospatial data in EXIF format. Using an API,
Google Vision is supposed to recognize texts or faces
in images. Images can be further analyzed for loca-
tion information, such as buildings. The text analy-
sis utilizes an API to Microsoft Text Analysis and the
NER extraction tool for the German language. A list
of found tokens is returned via the API. In order to
receive full words, the words associated with the to-
ken are searched in the original text. Results from
the analysis are transferred to the database for knowl-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
edge extraction. This phase focuses on texts and me-
dia, although the selected words are used as input to
generate possible passwords. An attacker could apply
these passwords for brute-force attacks. In a defen-
sive scenario, the results may help to rise awareness
and improve current passwords.
4.4 Knowledge Extraction
For the extraction of knowledge from the images and
texts, the APIs of machine learning algorithms pro-
vided by Microsoft and Google are applied. Thereby,
emotions among others can be discovered. In order to
receive age and sex/gender, two convolutional archi-
tectures for fast feature embedding (CAFFE) models
with an OpenCV library are used. Here, the pictures
are transformed into binary large objects (BLOBs)
and transferred to the deep neural network (DNN)
of the CAFFE model. All liable results serve as in-
put for, e. g., GPT-NeoX to generate text messages,
which could be used by attackers. In addition, possi-
ble passwords are created by a custom wordlist gener-
ator. This shows, that knowledge extraction requires
the described helpers in Section 3.4.
We discuss our OSINT framework based on an exem-
plary search, the intended usage, and a brief compar-
ison with other OSINT tools.
5.1 Applying the OSINT Framework
To explain how the OSINT framework works, an ex-
emplary search was conducted on German Chancellor
Olaf Scholz. This was limited to gender age detection
(GAD) of images from his Instagram page and NER
of his tweets. After defining the target person of the
search, the new node ”olafscholz” as the username for
Instagram was entered. This is possible as a self-built
Instagram crawler was added via the corresponding
menu. The framework was informed that the crawler
needs information in string type as input, saves data
as result, and inserts the file names as nodes. With
this self-built crawler, all images were downloaded.
In Figure 2, 19 found images are displayed. De-
pending on the results, this overview can get too
crowded. In the future, this framework will pro-
vide better placement and formatting of the nodes
and edges; this may include a reduction of results by
5.2 Data Analysis
For the data analysis, a photo of the results
(olafscholz10.jpg) was selected via its represen-
tative node and examined with the ML application
GAD. Unlike the crawler, GAD requires images
as input and returns information. The results of
olafscholz10.jpg are inserted as two new nodes
on the graph. For Twitter, the tool is
used. The tweets are stored as text files in the ”Files”
folder and a node is added to the graph.
By selecting the node and the German NER ML
analysis tool, after pressing the ’crawl text file for
possible passwords’ button, all tweets are examined
for named entities. These appear below the graph and
are stored in a text file. In later versions, the results
will be sorted by frequency and by sentiment analysis
according to emotional significance. The text file can
be used by programs such as Hydra to reduce the time
for a brute-force attack. The assumption behind this is
that users choose their passwords with a personal ref-
erence to remember them better. However, it should
be noted that further cleaning of the words must take
place to remove the # and characters that are typical
for Twitter. Furthermore, the German NER also rec-
ognizes words as named entities that are none. In the
future, information from nodes will be added to the
password list, in order to include, for example, Olaf
Scholz’s wife Britta Ernst as well as other informa-
tion found about her.
The automated analysis of photos that supports re-
search has been demonstrated with GAD. This ca-
pability becomes more helpful when extended with
other services such as Google Vision. In the next step,
we plan to test the framework on more private indi-
viduals as they are typically not aware of the external
effects on their posts.
5.3 Comparison and Limitations
The basic functioning of collecting and gaining in-
formation about identities has been explained. On the
technical side, however, there are still some limits and
obstacles in comparison to the established tools. The
search can only search at locations, where modules
with APIs are already written. Further APIs still have
to be integrated. In case of APIs are not possible, the
search becomes cumbersome. This is also one limi-
tation of existing tools. In comparison, Maltego CE
found four unrelated email addresses, whereas Spi-
derFoot Open Source said the person exists. The latter
result did not change when including a Google API.
As programs return different data types, a
workaround for Python-based programs was created.
Systematically Searching for Identity-Related Information in the Internet with OSINT Tools
Figure 2: Research on Olaf Scholz.
From the Python method used,
each output of the executed program is recorded as
a string. For outputs in list format, an interpreter
was written that turns the string back into a list. Fur-
ther interpreters for other Python typical data formats
are planned. However, here lies a possible weakness
that affects user-friendliness. If developers were to
use proprietary data types for the output, users would
have to write their interpreter or information extrac-
tion process. A first idea would be to create a menu, as
envisaged for the integration of APIs, in which users
insert a tool output and mark which information is
relevant. The framework should then recognize this,
save it, and build an interpreter.
OSINT unearths information just waiting to be dis-
covered - either by an individual/organization or an
attacker. In order to master the flood of information,
classification is necessary for a systematic search.
This paper provides a systematic classification for
identity and technical data, which is based on a litera-
ture review and available tools. In addition, all-in-one
search tools and helpers are described. The classifi-
cation is applied by the open-source OSINT frame-
work approach, which covers the phases of data col-
lection, data analysis, and knowledge extraction. The
OSINT framework approach is then discussed based
on a targeted search on Olaf Scholz. It shows that
open-source tools are possible, though require addi-
tional work to produce similar or better results than
established tools with a focus on networks.
In order to provide a comprehensive tool for iden-
tity protection, further sources will be added in future
work. In addition, we plan a user study on the us-
ability and success rate, comparing the results with
other open-source and commercial tools. At the same
time, countermeasures to hide one’s information will
be outlined. This OSINT framework will then be ex-
tended for organizational purposes.
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Systematically Searching for Identity-Related Information in the Internet with OSINT Tools