Figure 7: Q-Q Plot of the QBER.
Figure 8: Q-Q Plot of the SKR.
A statistical analysis of QBER inrelation to at-
tenuation and QBER in relation to SKR suggested
correlations between each of these parameter pairs.
Regression curves were calculated for these relation-
ships and showed statistically significant correlations
between QBER and SKR and QBER and attenuation.
These results were expected. The results for normal-
ity, the histogram and Q-Q plots indicate that the mea-
sured values can be regarded as population samples
from a normal distribution.
The experiments were conducted to demonstrate
the hypothesis that as attenuation increases, the
QBER increases and the SKR decreases. The hy-
pothesis was verified by the results in correlation dia-
grams (Figs. 3, 4 and 5). Future work will include
a test for the limits in capability of the IDQ QKD
system. The system was upgraded for a maximum
attenuation of 18 dB, but the experiments in the cur-
rent study showed that it has an attenuation limit of
approximately 20 dB. The experiment was performed
on a real QKD link and thus provides a valuable con-
tribution to understanding its behaviour.
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ported under the NATO SPS G894 project “Quantum
Cybersecurity in 5G Networks (QUANTUM5)” and
partly under the H2020 project “OPENQKD Grant
Agreement No. 857156”.
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