Measurements of Cross-Border Quantum Key Distribution Link
Filip Lauterbach
1 a
, Libor Michalek
1 b
, Piotr Rydlichowski
2 c
, Patrik Burdiak
1 d
Jaroslav Zdralek
1 e
and Miroslav Voznak
1 f
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poznan,
Wielkopolska, Poland
SKR, Secret Key Rate, QBER, Attenuation, QKD, Correlation, Statistical Analysis.
The paper presents measurements of a Quantum Key Distribution system operating on a cross-border QKD
link between Ostrava (CZ) and Cieszyn (PL). The system is part of the Horizon OpenQKD project. The study
attempted to determine the maximum attenuation where the QKD system was still functional and also any
correlation between the crucial parameters of the quantum bit error rate (QBER), secret key rate (SKR) and link
attenuation (dB). Providing a statistical analysis of the measured data, the paper expands our understanding of
the behaviour of the QKD link as it approaches its technological limits.
Data security for public internet and corporate net-
works is a logical and integral component of com-
munications infrastructure. Digital security is con-
sequential to every individual, for example in us-
ing internet banking services, social networks and
cloud services, or to companies and institutions pro-
tecting their sensitive data. Quantum key distribu-
tion (QKD) technology and post-quantum cryptogra-
phy (PQC) provide solutions which address security
problems in the emerging era of quantum comput-
ers. The main problem with symmetric cryptosystems
is securing key exchange over unsecured channels.
Public key cryptosystems, for example RSA (Rivest,
Shamir, Adleman) (Gardner, 1977) and DH (Diffie–
Hellman) (Li, 2010), provide the means to exchange
secret keys. Security in these public key cryptosys-
tems is based on the assumption that their complex
mathematical problems cannot be solved in real time.
Using Shor’s algorithm, however, quantum comput-
ers will be able to break these cryptosystems. Cryp-
tosystems, though, are still able to extend the size of
the secret key in the future, for example with RSA-
3072, and be ITS (Information-Theoretically Secure)
(Lauterbach et al., 2022). Quantum key distribution
(QKD) is a network communications technology that
provides information-theoretically secure (ITS) cryp-
tographic keys. Its primary purpose is to distribute
keys between distant locations. QKD also provides
other operations, such as generating and managing
these keys (Dianati and All
eaume, 2007). The work-
ing principle of QKD is based on quantum physics;
for example, the BB84, B92 and COW protocols use
elements of quantum physics (Mehic et al., 2015),
(Mehic et al., 2017), (Gisin et al., 2004). Every node
in a QKD network is connected by QKD links, which
consist of two channels a quantum channel and a
public channel (Mehic et al., 2020). The secret key
rate (SKR) and quantum bit error rate (QBER) are
the two quantities generally presented to characterise
the performance of a QKD scheme. It is important
to keep the QBER as low as possible and the SKR as
high as possible to maintain the best achievable trans-
mission quality.
The main aim of post-quantum cryptography is to
secure against both quantum and classic computing
technology. In 2016, the National Institute of Stan-
dards (NIST) released information claiming that by
2030, quantum computers will be able to break the
2000-bit RSA algorithm in just a few hours. This is
a serious, major threat to the cryptosystems currently
standardized by NIST. (Moody et al., 2016). NIST
selected the following algorithms in the 2022, Round
4 Submissions BIKE, Classic McEliece, HQC and
Lauterbach, F., Michalek, L., Rydlichowski, P., Burdiak, P., Zdralek, J. and Voznak, M.
Measurements of Cross-Border Quantum Key Distribution Link.
DOI: 10.5220/0011647200003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 418-423
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Mingjian He et al. studied the application of noise-
less attenuation and noiseless amplification in multi-
mode continuous variable quantum key distribution
over satellite-to-ground channels. In their experi-
ments, the authors applied noiseless attenuation and
noiseless amplification at the receiver and transmit-
ter (He et al., 2020).
Alia et al. demonstrated a four-node, trusted-
node-free metro network which used dynamic
discrete-variable quantum key distribution DV-QKD
technology (Alia et al., 2022). The authors used IDQ
Clavis2 with six links and measured SKR and QBER
in both real-time and when the parameters were up-
dated (every two minutes). The first link had the
lowest power budget (attenuation of 5.19 dB) and
achieved a QBER of 1.31% and SKR of 1762.06 bps.
The sixth link had the highest power budget (attenu-
ation of 9.61 dB) and attained a QBER of 3.65% and
SKR of 360.08 bps.
In 2012, Zhang et al. developed and presented a
QKD system on FPGA, achieving a 17 kbps sifted key
rate, with the lowest QBER being 1% and the maxi-
mum almost 4% (Zhang et al., 2012).
In 2011, researchers experimented with the Tokyo
QKD network. This network uses a Cerberis system
and the BB84 protocol. The achieved QKD link was
45 km long, with a channel loss of 14.5 dB, an average
QBER of 2.7% and and average SKR of 268.9 kbps.
In 2008, researchers from the University of Wa-
terloo in Canada developed quantum key distribution
over two free-space optical links. The link was 1575
metres (435 + 1325 metres) long and attained an SKR
of 565 bps, QBER of 4.92%, and SKR generation of
85 bps (Sasaki et al., 2011).
The experiments in the current study were per-
formed with IDQ Cerberis3 hardware situated at
VSB–Technical University of Ostrava. Two QKD
IDQ Cerberis3 nodes are connected by a quantum
channel and a service channel (public channel) and
offer wire-speed encryption of traffic up to 10 Gbps.
QKD encryptors are positioned between the DU and
5G Core Network at the 5G Campus Network in Os-
trava. These devices contain IDQ Centauris encryp-
tors operated under the OpenQKD and NATO Quan-
tum5 projects.
The optical link is 10 kilometres long and has been
upgraded to 18 dB and uses a dense WDM multi-
plexing system. This system functions in the 1550
nm band. The link operates passively, with attenu-
ation below 16 dB; maximum optical attenuation is
18 dB (cer, 2022). The testbed is composed of high-
performance computers connected to the beginning
and end of the QKD link. QKD nodes monitor the
state of the quantum link and measure the link param-
eters (QBER, SKR, key buffer, etc.). The quantum
channel was established as a unidirectional via a dark
single mode optical fiber. Since we did not have a free
SM optical fiber, it was necessary to rebuild the exist-
ing DWDM from a pair to a single-fiber system, for
which splitters were used, see Fig. 1.
Figure 1: DWM rebuilt for the QKD link.
Thanks to this change, one SM fiber has been re-
leased for the quantum channel. The logical connec-
tion between QKD nodes and encryptors is depicted
in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: The logical connection between the QKD nodes
and encryptors.
Cerberis3, which is the newest generation Quan-
tum Key Distribution system from ID Quantique, pro-
vides a fast and secure solution which combines high-
speed layer 2 encryption with QKD. The system is
cost-effective since it evolves with the network. The
Cerberis3 system has the following key parameters
(cer, 2022):
Key generation rate: 1.25 GHz pulse repetition
High-speed hardware-based key processing to
Measurements of Cross-Border Quantum Key Distribution Link
distil secret keys
Key security parameter: ε
= 4.10
Dynamic range: 12 dB (up to 16/18 dB on re-
quest); our system has been upgraded to 18 dB
Maximum quantum channel length (0.23
dB/km): 50 km (up to 70 or 80 km on request)
Secret key rate: 1.4 kb/s (12 dB)
The experiments in the current study have shown
that the system is able to achieve 20 dB attenuation
despite having been upgraded to achieve a maximum
attenuation of 18 dB. The experiments attempted to
verify the hypothesis that with increasing attenuation,
the QBER increases and the SKR decreases. This
hypothesis was confirmed by the experimental results
graphed in the correlation diagrams below (Figs. 3
and 4).
Experimental Procedure:
Add optical attenuation elements of 15, 16, 17,
18, 19 and 20 dB to the QKD link in the quantum
channel (service channel).
Wait 15 to 30 minutes for the quantum channel to
achieve steady state.
Start measuring the QBER and SKR parameters
on the quantum channel.
A statistically significant correlation was observed
between the QBER values and the SKR. The ob-
served correlation (Pearson coefficient = –0.2842677,
p-value = 0.0004041) is statistically significant at the
0.05 materiality level (i.e., the p-value is less than α).
Table 1: Table of Shapiro–Wilk test for normality.
Attenuation (dB)
Shapiro–Wilk test (QBER/SKR)
α = 0.05
15 0.1155/0.03403 X
16 0.06783/0.07514 X
17 0.05455/0.2834 X
18 0.431/0.8939 X
19 0.4385/7.787e-07 ×
20 0.09408 /0.1773 X
The assumption of normality was rejected only
for the SKR (parameters measured at 19 dB attenu-
ation) based on the descriptive statistical analysis re-
sults from Table 1 and the Shapiro–Wilk test. Tables
2 and 3 indicate the statistical characteristics of the
Table 2: Table of statistical characteristics of the QBER.
QBER without outliers
Attenuation (dB) 15 16 17 18 19 20
Measures of position
Minimum 0.01354771 0.01468608 0.008509465 0.01154514 0.008805045 0.0098548
Lower quartile 0.01454422 0.01940843 0.01774629 0.01825826 0.01631018 0.01722791
Median 0.02145256 0.01570058 0.023395 0.0223911 0.01938833 0.02191777
Mean 0.01576297 0.02167488 0.02156005 0.02164785 0.02013117 0.02149707
Upper quartile 0.01661779 0.02315336 0.02698076 0.02515219 0.02396917 0.02515678
Maximum 0.01761039 0.02881422 0.02921345 0.03014283 0.0346447 0.03649546
Measures of variability
Sd 0.001227924 0.003503342 0.006008694 0.004586078 0.005858772 0.006077548
Var (%) 1.507797e-06 1.22734e-05 3.61044e-05 2.103211e-05 3.432521e-05 3.693659e-05
Table 3: Table of statistical characteristics of the SKR.
SKR without outliers
Attenuation (dB) 15 16 17 18 19 20
Measures of position
Min 893.7377 680.4253 313.9602 140.0565 65.30242
Lower quartile 1022.563 860.2464 455.5616 386.9134 252.7231
Median 1054.274 962.5391 557.1544 513.2131 352.2911
Mean 1040.95 933.5389 543.4928 487.5706 334.6116
Upper quartile 1087.441 1008.488 632.2455 591.8002 406.8988
Max 1117.546 1131.726 767.7501 737.2001 585.566
Measures of variability
Sd 61.4457 103.0566 118.2302 144.0575 127.5171
Var (%) 3775.574 10620.67 13978.37 20752.57 16260.62
QBER: the quantum bit error rate is the ratio of
errors to the SKR and contains information about
the existence of an eavesdropper. The QBER
specifies the quality of the quantum signal and
is calculated from the equation (Mlejnek et al.,
where the ISI error detection probability p
caused by chromatic dispersion according to
= 2 · f
· µ · t
· t
· t
· η. (2)
Secret key rate: describes the rate at which bits
are transferred from one location to another.
Measures of position: indicate a typical distribu-
tion of the variable values.
Minimum: x
= x
, i.e., 0% of values are less
than minimum.
Quartile: when the division is in four parts,
the values of the variate corresponding to 25%
(lower), 50% (median) and 75% (upper) of the to-
tal distribution are called quartiles.
Mean: the sum of the values divided by their
Maximum: x
= x
, i.e., 100% of values are
less than maximum.
Measures of variability: indicate a variability
(variance) of the values around their typical po-
Standard deviation (sd): calculated from the
square root of the variance.
Coefficient of variation (var): represents the rel-
ative measure of variability of the variable x, often
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
expressed as a percentage. The coefficient of vari-
ation is the ratio of the sample standard deviation
to the sample mean. (Lauterbach et al., 2022)
The plot in Figure 3 suggests a correlation between
attenuation and the QBER exists; the plot in Figure 4
suggests a correlation between the SKR and QBER.
Theoretically, as attenuation increases, the resulting
QBER should produce a decrease in the SKR; this
hypothesis is verified by the results, which indicate
a statistically significant correlation between the SKR
and QBER values. All outlier values were identified
according to the 1.5IQR rule:
< x
1.5 · IQR) (x
> x
+ 1.5 · IQR),
where IQR refers to the inter-quartile range.
Figure 3: Scatterplot of QBER vs attenuation.
The estimated regression line equation for QBER
vs attenuation is
QBER = 16.66 + 41.21 · Attenuation.
Figure 4: Scatterplot of QBER vs SKR.
Figure 5: Scatterplot of the regression line of QBER vs
Figure 5 plots the regression line of QBER vs
SKR. The estimated regression line equation for
QBER vs SKR is
QBER = 1368 24373 · Bitrate(SKR).
Figure 6: Histogram of QBER values without outliers.
The histogram of the QBER values in Figure 6 and
the Q-Q plots in Figures 7 and 8 indicate that the data
may follow normal distribution.
The measurements were observed and recorded over
five days. Optical attenuation elements of 15, 16, 17,
18, 19 and 20 dB were added to the QKD link in the
quantum channel (service channel).
The system measured the quantum bit error rate
(QBER) and secret key rate (SKR). These parame-
ters were logged to a CSV file; a subsequent statisti-
cal analysis processed the measurements with the R-
studio tool in R language.
Measurements of Cross-Border Quantum Key Distribution Link
Figure 7: Q-Q Plot of the QBER.
Figure 8: Q-Q Plot of the SKR.
A statistical analysis of QBER inrelation to at-
tenuation and QBER in relation to SKR suggested
correlations between each of these parameter pairs.
Regression curves were calculated for these relation-
ships and showed statistically significant correlations
between QBER and SKR and QBER and attenuation.
These results were expected. The results for normal-
ity, the histogram and Q-Q plots indicate that the mea-
sured values can be regarded as population samples
from a normal distribution.
The experiments were conducted to demonstrate
the hypothesis that as attenuation increases, the
QBER increases and the SKR decreases. The hy-
pothesis was verified by the results in correlation dia-
grams (Figs. 3, 4 and 5). Future work will include
a test for the limits in capability of the IDQ QKD
system. The system was upgraded for a maximum
attenuation of 18 dB, but the experiments in the cur-
rent study showed that it has an attenuation limit of
approximately 20 dB. The experiment was performed
on a real QKD link and thus provides a valuable con-
tribution to understanding its behaviour.
The research leading to the published results was sup-
ported under the NATO SPS G894 project “Quantum
Cybersecurity in 5G Networks (QUANTUM5)” and
partly under the H2020 project “OPENQKD Grant
Agreement No. 857156”.
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Measurements of Cross-Border Quantum Key Distribution Link