Mode Analysis of Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Using Multilayer
Spectral Green’s Function and Rational Function Fitting Method
Abdorreza Torabi
School of Engineering Science, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide, Spectral Green’s Function, Rational Function Fitting, Surface Plasmon,
Effective Refractive Index, Propagation Length.
Abstract: A fast and accurate approach to find hybrid plasmonic waveguide mode and its properties is presented in this
paper. The method is based on rational function fitting of spectral Green’s function of layered hybrid
plasmonic waveguide with the use of modified VECTFIT algorithm. Complex modes including surface
plasmonic modes of structures with insulator/metal loss can be obtained. The main advantage of this method
lies in its simple implementation, speed as well as controllable accuracy. Effective index and propagation
length versus thickness of layers are evaluated and excellent agreements with rigorous COMSOL solution
(finite element method) are shown.
Surface plasmons (SPs) are the interaction of surface
electrons of metals with the electromagnetic fields.
Unlike surface wave (SW) modes of dielectric
waveguide, SPs modes are localized and propagate
along interface between dielectric and metal which
several optical modules can be developed on the scale
of nanometre based on this concept and make these
modules widely utilized in information technology,
energy and biology (Zia, et all. 2004, Brongersma and
Kik 2007, Chang and Tai 2011, Kalavrouziotis, et all.
Plasmonic waveguides have advantages of mode
size and diffraction limit over the dielectric
waveguides while they suffer from large losses due to
metal presence. Hybrid plasmonic waveguide (HPW)
does not suffer from large losses and diffraction limit
due to confinement of mode power in low refractive
index region. Various configurations of metal and
insulator are reported as HPW structures and for
applications like communication (fundamental mode
propagation) and biology (multimode propagation)
(Sharma and Kumar 2017).
Dispersion equations can be obtained by solving
Maxwell’s equations for the given geometry and
applying proper boundary conditions at the interfaces.
In general, dispersion equations have no analytic
closed-form solutions and therefore using numerical
approach is inevitable. Bisection method (Press, et.
all. 1988) for lossless and argument principle method
(APM) (Anemogiannis and Glytsis 1992, Kocabas, et
all. 2009) for lossy structures can be utilized to have
real and complex solutions of modes respectively.
APM gives nearly accurate results but the main
challenge is its computation time especially for
structures supporting large number of modes.
There are also some other techniques which
require exact programming defined for special
problem and are not efficient in general (Press, et. all.
1988, Anemogiannis, et all. 1999, Zia, et all. 2004).
For instance, high sensitivity to initial guesses
provided by user is another important challenge of
these methods. On the other hand, although full
numerical solution like finite difference time domain
(FDTD) method (Feigenbaum and Orenstein, 2007)
can extract the parameters and physical picture of
plasmonic waveguides but this method usually
suffers from intensive computational cost. Scattering
matrix (S-matrix) method along with finite difference
frequency domain (FDFD) (Kocabas, et all. 2008) can
be useful in modal analysis but commonly the form
of the derivations are not suitable to handle the field
In this paper rational function fitting of spectral
Green’s function (SGF) is used for fast mode
analysis of HPW of Figure. 1. Modified VECTFIT