trol an EWH in order to maximize comfort and to
minimize energy cost. Results showed that the for-
mulation of DHW production as a multi-objective
sequential decision problem allows to have multiple
policies that can suit each user in terms of prefer-
ences. The proposed approach can save energy cost
up to 10.24 % in a cautious control case without any
real impact on comfort. It turns out that a trained
agent with the most conservative policy for comfort
can have better results in terms of comfort and cost re-
duction than decreasing the rule-based control by 10
C compared to the baseline. In future work, these re-
sults can be compared to a multi-objective optimiza-
tion with known DHW consumption needs. Thus, the
Pareto front can be estimated and this will allow to
check the optimality of the obtained policies.
The presented method can also be used to find
trade-offs between energy consumption reduction and
comfort for multiple applications. This can be useful
during the current energy crisis in Europe and allows
energy consumption to be reduced without impacting
comfort and habits of users.
Some limitations of the proposed method are
known. The method requires a prior knowledge of
preferences over different objectives and the expres-
sion of preferences can be limited to linear scalariza-
tion. In addition, the architecture of the NN can be
improved to solve problems with more objectives.
The authors would thank the partners of the COREN-
STOCK Industrial Research Chair, as a national ANR
project for providing the context of this work.
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Multi-Objective Deep Q-Networks for Domestic Hot Water Systems Control