
model. The current paper goes one step forward: it
addresses agility in the context of SysML modeling.
Indeed, the algorithm introduced in the current pa-
per decides how a reachability property proved on a
model before an addition mutation can be proven on
the mutated model without having to consider the en-
tire mutated model. The main principle is to iden-
tify how the new execution paths impact the former
ones. A real-time communication architecture based
on TSN (Time Sensitive Networking) serves as a case
study to illustrate different mutations and shows how
our algorithm performs.
Our vision of future work has already been partly
covered in the discussion subsection. Optimization
is obviously part of our future work to decrease the
complexity: our contribution will increase in interest
when multiple mutations will be take into account.
Handling liveness and more complex properties is
also part of our future work. Also, addressing only
addition mutation can be seen as a limit. Indeed, if
incremental modeling mostly consists in adding new
details, it does not exclude to remove features that are
no longer necessary. Today, our algorithms cannot
handle the removal of modeling elements: this is part
of our future work. Last, the current contribution con-
cerns only safety properties. Yet, performance (Zoor
et al., 2021) and security properties (e.g., confiden-
tiality, integrity, authenticity), as defined in SysML-
Sec (Apvrille and Roudier, 2013), can also be im-
pacted by mutations. We do intend to address these
properties in the future.
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Mutation of Formally Verified SysML Models