ing and validation sets, whereas the samples gener-
ated using all the frames increased the similarity. We
found high variability beneficial for unknown presen-
tation attack detection and high similarity beneficial
for unknown presentation attacks of the same kind.
We explored face anti-spoofing performance using
image-based and video-based classification methods.
We found the first few frames more effective for de-
tecting face spoofing attacks than using each frame
independently. The keyframe data augmentation ap-
proach using the first 15 frames achieved the top per-
formance for Spoof in the Wild protocols 2 and 3.
The SiW and CASIA-FASD results proved
keyframe data augmentation to be the most effective
approach. Furthermore, we suspect augmenting train-
ing sets with generated spoof images can make deep
learning models more robust against DeepFake at-
tacks. We will investigate this in future work, along
with more advanced GAN image generation tech-
The support and resources from the South African
Lengau cluster at the Centre for High-Performance
Computing (CHPC) are gratefully acknowledged.
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