would quickly learn that the abnormality was centre
aligned. Moreover, all the similar works only con-
sidered the mass cases of their selected data set when
performing their respective tasks. A contribution that
this study makes is providing results of various mod-
els that consider both calcifications and masses.
The accuracy scores of the control experiments
commonly landed in the region of 60%-65%, accom-
panied by usually poor precision and recall scores.
There is a cyclical relationship between the imbal-
anced data set towards the number of negative sam-
ples and the neural networks favouring negative pre-
dictions, as seen in the accompanying confusion ma-
trices. A bias toward predicting negative cases gener-
ates a large number of false negatives, which in turn
decreases the recall/sensitivity of a model.
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were made concerning the true positive rate of the
fine-tuned ResNet model, the Xception model’s met-
ric performance substantially degraded. It is difficult
to conclude the effectiveness of using the genetic al-
gorithm presented here for optimising convolutional
neural networks. Future work on this topic may con-
sider investigating the effects of evolutionary optimi-
sation on other CNN architectures.
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Using a Genetic Algorithm to Update Convolutional Neural Networks for Abnormality Classification in Mammography