used to observe bugs, as well as the use of sanitis-
We interpret this general outcome as a clear call for
future research and developments.
Nowadays the only solutions to fuzz programs that
use forks are manually modifying the code or break-
ing the multi-process nature of the system (by em-
ploying tools like defork
) in order to get rid of the
Unfortunately, making modifications to the code,
as pointed out in the AFLNet documentation
, to
remove all the forks is a challenging and error-prone
task and break the multi-process nature of the system
often leads to weird system behaviours. The only so-
lution, therefore, remains to modify the fuzzers.
This paper analyses the fork awareness of the
coverage-guided fuzzers using three different aspects.
The analysis conducted on 14 well-known fuzzers
highlights that while is it clear how important is to
handle multi-process programs, the majority of the
fuzzers overlook the problem. 11 of 14 fuzzers are
not able to detect bugs in the child process. The intu-
ition behind these outcomes is related to the way these
fuzzers detect bugs. All the AFL-derived fuzzers use
signals (SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, etc) to detect bugs and
this mechanism misses bugs in child processes. We
noticed that dealing with forks is not the only problem
and other issues may be related to the IPC scheduling.
For example, the IPC may influence the success of
the fuzzing process since some bugs may be triggered
only after a specific process schedule and only after
access to a particular cell of memory. We believe this
paper represents a first step towards the devising of
fuzzers aware of the eventual multiprocess nature of
the software. The first step to achieve this goal might
be the implementation of a loop detector at an early
stage, e.g. by leveraging a dynamic library to keep
track of all process identifiers of forked processes. To
summarise, this work not only provides the first con-
crete way to evaluate the fuzzers according to their
fork awareness but sheds light for the first time on a
class of problems that have been ignored until now,
showing interesting future directions.
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