MEEK is only a first step in building an effective,
easy-to-use, and more comprehensive tool for archae-
ological ima ge enhancement. In fact, MEEK cur-
rently offers a gener ic image enhan cement tool, but
it co uld be complemented by alternative and/or ad-
ditional algorithms adapted to archaeolo gical image
processing. In particular, MEEK c ould be expanded
to include denoising techniques, which are often de-
sired to reduce noise du e to low illumination. In this
context, a collaboration with archaeologists would be
of considerable help both in testing the curre nt ver-
sion of meek as well as in indicating possible modifi-
cations and/or guiding the development of new ad-hoc
techniques for the enhance ment of visual documents.
MEEK c ould also be eq uipped with deep learning
image enhancers, e.g., (Liu et al., 2021), (Lv et al.,
2021), possibly trained on archaeological images. Fu-
ture research will therefore address these topics.
The author would like to thank the Research Unit 3D
Optical Metrology of the Fondazio ne Bruno Kessler
of Trento (IT) and the Soprintendenza per i Beni
Culturali di Trento for providing the images of the
Trento -SASS dataset
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