eyes are opened to faces that are not wearing sun-
glasses boosted the accuracy from 88% to 96%. Fi-
nally, constraining the gaze estimation algorithm to
faces that are not wearing sunglasses and have their
eyes opened boosted the accuracy from 80% to 96%.
These experiments validate the potential of this
prototype deployed at University of Aveiro. It is
worth mentioning that the sunglasses detection algo-
rithm used in this prototype was the low-level one
and not the Deep Learning one (Subsection 3.6). This
choice was done to keep the system responsive when
in high demand.
A photo management system was presented in this
document. This system analyzes submitted photos
with image processing algorithms, enabling users to
update their identity photo automatically. A use-case
was tested, and it is currently in use at University of
Aveiro. In this use-case, a prototype was implemented
to allow the staff to update their identity photo. To
validate this prototype, a dataset was built and anno-
tated based on images from the LFW dataset. Two
experiments were conducted to test the several im-
age processing algorithms of the prototype. It was
concluded that it is possible to take advantage of the
dependency of certain image processing algorithms
to boost their accuracy. The results obtained were
quite satisfactory, considering the challenging nature
of the LFW images. The results ranged from 92% to
100% accuracy, depending on the image processing
algorithm being tested. The most crucial algorithm
of such systems, which is face verification, attained
100% accuracy.
As for future work, this prototype can be improved
in several aspects. The face verification algorithm
needs to employ strategies to deal with aging, as dis-
cussed in Section 2, since there are institutions that
have not updated the identity photos of their collab-
orators for a long time. This prototype also needs to
be equipped with an emotion recognition algorithm,
since generally identity photos require a neutral ex-
pression. Furthermore, it also needs an algorithm to
detect hats and other accessories that are not usually
welcome in a professional setting.
This work was supported in part by Institute of
Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro
(IEETA), University of Aveiro.
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AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff Directories