4.4 Discussion and Threats to Validity
To summarize the main results of our usability eval-
uation, Regarding Efficiency, we found out, that the
users needed on average 10% longer to complete the
training with the integrated help. However, consid-
ering the Error Rate, we can see improvements when
providing help during the training. The Error Rate de-
creased by 40% in the second playthrough compared
with the first. The Usability, measured with the SUS
scale, improved by 6%. This is only a minor change,
but we can see that, in general, there were fewer low
However, an important threat is the limited num-
ber of participants. Here, we need larger experiments
with more heterogeneous groups to derive statistically
representative results that help us to generalize our
ideas for various application domains.
In this paper, we have introduced the VR-ProM
framework that supports the logging of VR-based
training applications and produces log data in stan-
dardized XES format that can be analyzed based on
existing process mining tools. Furthermore, VR-
ProM provides generic and flexible guiding mecha-
nisms to improve the help and guiding mechanisms
in VR-based training applications based on the pro-
cess mining results. Based on an initial evaluation we
have shown the benefit of our VR-ProM framework
by applying it to a VR warehouse management train-
ing application.
While this shows the potential of process mining
for VR-based training applications, further steps are
needed to establish the application of process min-
ing techniques for VR technology. First of all, larger
evaluations with more participants are required. Fur-
thermore, to see the full potential of our solution ide,
the help mechanisms need to be iteratively adjusted
and evaluated. Finally, it would be beneficial to have
a process mining solution that works out of the box
and supports an automated integration in various VR-
based training applications.
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Towards Enhanced Guiding Mechanisms in VR Training Through Process Mining