Table 6: Social-distance violation detection results (α=0.5).
Fixed-height Varying-height
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Geometry-based 94.52 91.14 94.53 79.69
Neural network 95.89 91.77 94.53 79.69
(Trained on 32.5in)
ence of people of different heights both approaches
achieve high enough CCR and F1-score values to
be potentially useful in practice for the detection of
social-distance violations in the wild.
We developed two methods (the first of their kind)
for estimating the distance between people in indoor
scenarios based on a single image from a single over-
head fisheye camera. Demonstrating the ability to ac-
curately measure the distance between people from a
single overhead fisheye camera (with its wide FOV)
has practical utility since it can decrease the num-
ber of cameras (and cost) needed to monitor a given
area. A novel methodological contribution of our
work is the use of a height-adjustment test-time pre-
processing operation which makes the distance esti-
mates resilient to height variation of individuals as
well as body occlusions. We demonstrated that both
methods can achieve errors on the order of 10-20in for
suitable choices of height-adjustment tuning parame-
ters. We also showed that both of our methods can
predict social distance violation with a high F1-score
and accuracy.
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Estimating Distances Between People Using a Single Overhead Fisheye Camera with Application to Social-Distancing Oversight