Moreover, the ciphertext size produced by public
and symmetric key encryptions is often large com-
pared to that of secret sharing, where the computed
shares are almost the same size as the input. There-
fore, ciphertext generated by public and symmetric
key encryptions incurs more storage costs than shares
generated by secret sharing. In other words, our pro-
posed SE requires less storage.
Finally, SEs using symmetric and public key en-
cryptions can be performed using a single cloud
server; therefore, all computations are performed lo-
cally. In contrast, secret sharing typically requires
communication between multiple servers. In the pro-
posed SE, only a single server is required, and com-
putations are performed on the server, except when
reconstructing the result, where communication with
the TTP is required. In our future study, we will con-
sider using a TEE in the CPU to realize an SE with
zero communication. Detailed comparison with con-
ventional SEs is omitted owing to space limitation.
In this study, we extended the secure computation
in the TUS 6 method, combined the concept of di-
rect searching in (Kamal and Iwamura, 2021), and
realized an improved SE using (k,n) threshold secret
sharing with only a single cloud server. We succeeded
in solving the drawbacks of SEs using secret sharing,
where multiple cloud servers are required.
In future studies, we will implement the proposed
method and perform a detailed comparison with con-
ventional SEs. We also consider the means of increas-
ing the practicality of the proposed method by consid-
ering the use of a TEE instead of TTP.
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TTP-Aided Searchable Encryption of Documents Using Threshold Secret Sharing