Ptolemy II (, 2014), which proposes
many different MoCs including continuous time, data
flow and DE and studies their heterogeneous combi-
nations; MoCs can be combined hierarchically.
Metro II (Davare et al., 2007) is based on hier-
archical high level models. A common simulation
kernel handles the entire execution, leaving the im-
plementation of synchronization mechanisms to the
Modelica (Fritzson and Engelson, 1998), an
object-oriented modeling language for describing and
simulating cyber-physical systems, comes without
predefined time synchronization.
Linking simulations with different Models of
Computation can also be done by using the Functional
Mock-up Interface (Blochwitz et al., 2011), which is
closely related to the Modelica tools.
Into-CPS (Fitzgerald et al., 2013) uses model-
based formal methods by integrating discrete-event
models of controllers with continuous-time models of
their environments.
The SICYPHOS framework (Wawrzik et al.,
2015) proposes SysML for the overall model of the
system structure and component interfaces between
domains, which are then translated into domain-
specific languages like SystemC AMS or Modelica.
SystemC AMS (Accellera Systems Initiative, 2010) is
an extension of SystemC with AMS (Analog/Mixed
Signal) and RF (Radio Frequency) features (Vachoux
et al., 2003); several MoC are predefined. The in-
dustrial framework COSIDE (Einwich, 2022) handles
validation of hardware against software and gener-
ates Simulink or C Code. Digital components are de-
scribed by a Discrete Event (DE) MoC, while analog
components follow the Timed Data Flow (TDF) MoC,
based on the timeless Synchronous Data Flow seman-
tics (Lee and Messerschmitt, 1987). The most low-
level MoC is called Electrical Linear Network (ELN).
It relies on equations to capture the behavior of elec-
trical circuits in a simplified way.
3.1 Discrete Event
A DE simulation abstracts a system as a discrete se-
quence of events in time, where each event signals a
change of state, in contrast to continuous simulation
in which the system state changes continuously over
time. SystemC AMS DE modules have input and out-
put ports, and contain SystemC code.
3.2 Timed Data Flow
A TDF module samples continuous functions at dis-
crete intervals. Such a module is described with an
attribute representing the time step and a processing
function, a mathematical function depending on the
module inputs and/or internal states.
TDF modules have the following attributes:
1. Module time step (Tm) denotes the period during
which the module is activated, which is the case if
enough samples are available at its input ports.
2. Rate (R). Each module reads or writes a fixed
number of data samples each time it is activated,
annotated to the port as port rate.
3. Port time step (Tp) denotes the time interval be-
tween two operations (read or write).
4. Delay (D). A delay can be assigned to a port and
will make the port read or write samples only in
the following activation of the port.
At each time step, a TDF module reads a fixed
number of samples from its input ports, executes the
processing function, and writes a fixed number of
samples to its output ports. Schedulability denotes
the correct static execution order of TDF modules
in a cluster containing several modules; a cluster is
schedulable if the module time step is consistent with
the rate and time step of any port within a module.
3.3 Electrical Linear Networks
The ELN model of computation introduces the use
of electrical primitives and their interconnections to
model conservative, continuous-time behavior. The
ELN modeling style allows the instantiation of elec-
trical primitives, connected by electrical nodes. The
mathematical relations between the primitives are de-
fined at each node in the network, where both the po-
tential (voltage) and flow (current) quantities are used
according to Kirchhoff’s laws. The electrical network
is represented by a set of differential algebraic equa-
tions that are taken into account at simulation.
SystemC AMS extensions offers a limited set of
primitive modules; unlike for TDF models, there is no
possibility to implement user-defined electrical prim-
itives. An ELN module gives a detailed representa-
tion of an electrical circuit. Yet, non-linear behavior
cannot be represented; as a consequence, nonlinear
elements such as diodes and transistors must be ap-
proximated with the existing linear components.
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering