Threats to validity may limit the ability to interpret
and/or describe data results obtained in a study
(Chapetta, 2006). Therefore, some threats should be
taken into account:
• Construct Validity: The search string and
elaborated research questions span the entire
related studies area. To mitigate this threat, an
attempt was made to develop a string based on
identified and refined terms with the help of
control articles guided by the PICO model.
• Internal Validity: To mitigate data extraction
and characterization problems, forms were
designed to be filled in by the publication
analysis and each analysis and extraction were
reviewed by two researchers.
This work carried out a systematic mapping with the
objective of identifying the ETLs usage in
transparency portals, analyzing and highlighting the
most relevant works in the area. Of the 204 studies
retrieved from the scientific databases, 25 were
accepted by the inclusion criteria, of which 24% were
published only in 2019. This fact reveals the trend in
the area, with recent attention from more researchers
to the problem. Among the principal means of
publication, conferences stood out, with 23 (92%)
works, while journals were represented by only 2
articles (8%).
As identified gaps, the need for more studies on
the quality process of ETLs was highlighted, as well
as the absence of benchmarks with closed source
tools widely used in the market. From a
methodological point of view,
An existing challenge is the lack of research that
carries out replications to consolidate and validate the
works already published, as well as the scarcity of
well-formatted experiments, which allow these
replications. On the other hand, the results obtained
in this research demonstrate that the application of
ETLs in transparency portals is researched in several
countries, allowing adaptations to the different
contexts of governance and transparency. Finally, it
is believed that this work presents relevant results to
the academy, providing a source of consultation of the
main gaps and trends in the use of ETLs in
transparency portals.
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