nals depending on the status of obstructive apnea oc-
currence, in addition to depression status and sleep
stage. We then process the data to ensure it is clean,
has an approximately normal distribution, and is z-
score normalized before we partition and input it into
our three classifiers. We train three classifiers using
the intervals or observations of 75 % of the subjects
and perform 10-fold cross-validation on the same set,
then test classifier performance with the data of the
remaining 25 % of subjects. Using the Chi
rithm to select the six most important features and
ANN for classification yielded the best performance
with an accuracy of 79.00 %, F1-score of 80.00 %, a
κ of 0.58, a Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.58
and an AUC of 0.84, while also considering the low
computational cost compared to the GRU-LSTM. The
performance is promising, and we believe further pre-
processing of the data, as well as further optimizing
network architectures and hyperparameters and us-
ing more novel approaches like transformers could
improve classification performance. In addition, im-
plementing explainability metrics, like SHAP and de-
scriptions would certainly make our work more ac-
cessible to clinical personnel, or even laypersons.
The authors would like to thank the American Cen-
ter for Psychiatry and Neurology (ACPN) in Abu
Dhabi for their invaluable contribution in sharing the
polysomnography data and acknowledge the support
of the biomedical engineering department and the
Healthcare Engineering Innovation Center (HEIC) at
Khalifa University of Science and Technology. The
authors would also like to highlight the importance
of the KAU-KU Joint Research Program, in partic-
ular, project DENTAPNEA between Khalifa Univer-
sity and King Abdulaziz University, in particular the
advice of Dr. Angari, Dr. Balamesh, Dr. Khraibi, and
Dr. Marghalani.
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BIOSIGNALS 2023 - 16th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing