Predicting Visual Importance of Mobile UI Using Semantic Segmentation
Ami Yamamoto, Yuichi Sei
, Yasuyuki Tahara
and Akihiko Ohsuga
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communinacions, Tokyo, Japan
Deep Learning, Visual Importance, Mobile Interface, User Interface for Design.
When designing a UI, it is necessary to understand what elements are perceived to be important to users. The
UI design process involves iteratively improving the UI based on feedback and eye-tracking results on the
UI created by the designer, but this iterative process is time-consuming and costly. To solve this problem,
several studies have been conducted to predict the visual importance of various designs. However, no studies
specifically focus on predicting the visual importance of mobile UI. Therefore, we propose a method to predict
visual importance maps from mobile UI screenshot images and semantic segmentation images of UI elements
using deep learning. The predicted visual importance maps were objectively evaluated and found to be higher
than the baseline. By combining the features of the semantic segmentation images appropriately, the predicted
map became smoother and more similar to the ground truth.
In recent years, mobile terminals, as typified by
smartphones, have spread rapidly, and the rate of In-
ternet usage via mobile terminals has also increased.
In tandem with this growth, the types of applications
available on mobile devices and the number of down-
loads continue to increase, and consumer activities
centered on lifestyle and entertainment, such as shop-
ping, payment, and video streaming, are also expand-
ing. As a result, mobile application developers and
designers need to understand the elements that will
engage users to develop more usable applications.
Designers make improvements based on feedback and
eye tracking results on the UI they create. However,
these methods require research for each design, which
is time-consuming and costly.
In this study, we focused on visual importance,
rather than visual saliency, which has been widely
studied, as a metric for quantitatively evaluating de-
sign. Visual saliency is estimated from actual eye
gaze information obtained by eye tracking, whereas
visual importance data is created by mapping the ar-
eas that users perceive as important when they look at
a design, regardless of their gaze. Therefore, visual
importance is strongly related to semantic categories
such as text and images, as well as position and hue
(Bylinskii et al., 2017).
Since mobile terminal screens are smaller than PC
screens, the number of objects that can be displayed
on a single screen is smaller, and visual saliency man-
ifests itself differently on mobile terminals than on
PCs (Leiva et al., 2020). Therefore, it is highly likely
that the visual importance of mobile devices also
tends to be different from that of PCs, which makes
it significant to conduct visual importance forecast-
ing specific to mobile UI. In addition, new design pat-
terns and interface elements are frequently introduced
in recent mobile application platforms. Furthermore,
features such as hover status in PC interfaces are not
applicable in mobile UIs (Swearngin and Li, 2019).
Since mobile applications are finger-operated, more
emphasis is placed on visual importance as a quality
characteristic. In addition, since UI is composed of
various design elements such as text, images, and but-
tons, it is reasonable to use visual importance in the
optimization of UI design and feedback tools. Ac-
curately predicting the visual importance of a mobile
UI can provide designers with real-time feedback and
design optimization.
We propose a method for predicting visual impor-
tance maps from mobile UI screenshot images and
semantic segmentation images of UI elements using
deep learning. We investigated three different feature
combination methods and evaluated the predicted vi-
sual importance maps objectively and subjectively.
Yamamoto, A., Sei, Y., Tahara, Y. and Ohsuga, A.
Predicting Visual Importance of Mobile UI Using Semantic Segmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011655800003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 260-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The proposed method was rated higher than the base-
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes related studies, Section 3 explains the pro-
posed method, and Section 4 presents experimental
results and evaluates the proposed method. The re-
sults are discussed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6
concludes the paper and presents future prospects.
Several studies have been conducted on saliency pre-
diction in mobile UI, and Gupta et al. proposed a
method to predict saliency for each UI element, fo-
cusing on the fact that designers add, remove, and
edit elements for each interface component in mo-
bile UI design (Gupta et al., 2018). By using not
only UI images but also images at different scales
as inputs to the model, local and global features are
combined to predict saliency. Leiva et al. created
a dataset of saliency in mobile UI and developed a
saliency prediction model, SAM (SAM Saliency At-
tentive Model), and developed a saliency prediction
model specific to mobile UI (Leiva et al., 2020). They
also conducted a statistical investigation of saliency in
mobile UI and showed a strong bias toward the upper
left of the screen, text, and images.
Several models have been developed to predict
the visual importance of design, and Bylinskii et al.
proposed a method to predict the visual importance
of graphic design and data visualization using deep
learning (Bylinskii et al., 2017). Fosco et al. pro-
posed the Unified Model of Saliency and Importance
(UMSI), an integrated model that predicts the visual
importance of five design classes (web page, movie
poster, mobile UI, infographics, and advertisement)
and saliency in natural images (Fosco et al., 2020).
UMSI is a deep learning model that automatically
classifies classes of input images before predicting
their visual saliency and importance.
However, there are no prediction methods specific
to the visual importance of mobile UI, and no studies
have yet taken into account mobile UI-specific factors
such as the placement and categories of UI elements.
As mentioned earlier, since visual importance maps
have a strong association with UI element categories
such as buttons, images, and text, we hypothesized
that semantic segmentation images representing UI
element placement and categories could improve vi-
sual importance prediction performance. Therefore,
we propose a method to predict visual importance
maps from mobile UI screenshot images and seman-
tic segmentation images of UI elements using deep
In this study, a visual importance prediction model
was built based on MSI-Net (Kroner et al., 2020), a
natural image saliency prediction model, utilizing se-
mantic segmentation images that represent the cate-
gories and locations of UI elements. Figure 1 shows
the overall diagram of the prediction model.
3.1 Model Architecture
3.1.1 MSI-Net
In the architecture of this model, the UI encoder,
ASPP module, and decoder are based on MSI-Net
(Kroner et al., 2020), a saliency prediction model for
natural images. MSI-Net takes an encoder-decoder
structure and incorporates the Atrous Spatial Pyramid
Pooling (ASPP) module (Chen et al., 2018) with mul-
tiple convolution layers with different expansion rates
to extract multi-scale features. ASPP module can es-
timate the saliency of the entire image, and quantita-
tive and qualitative performance improvements have
been reported. The encoder is also based on VGG-16,
which removes the stride of the two pooling layers in
the second half of the encoder, allowing for a spatial
representation of 1/8 of the original input size. This
reduces the downscaling effect and allows for higher
feature extraction performance. Since the number of
trainable parameters for this modified model is the
same as for VGG-16, the model can be initialized
with weights previously learned in ImageNet (Deng
et al., 2009). Since the visual importance dataset is
small, it must be pre-trained on the saliency dataset of
natural images. We considered this adjustment to be
effective for efficient pre-training.
3.1.2 Semantic Segmentation Encoder
In this study, a semantic segmentation encoder that
represents the categories and positions of UI elements
was incorporated into MSI-Net to build the model.
The outputs of the UI encoder and the semantic seg-
mentation encoder were concatenated and used as in-
put to the ASPP module. Semantic segmentation im-
ages contain less detail than UI images and can be
processed at lower resolutions. Therefore, the seman-
tic segmentation encoder uses half the input image
size and fewer convolution layers of the UI encoder.
Predicting Visual Importance of Mobile UI Using Semantic Segmentation
Figure 1: Visual importance prediction model.
3.1.3 Feature Concatenation
In MSI-Net, the outputs of the 10, 14, and 18 layers
of encoders are concatenated and used as inputs to the
ASPP module to take advantage of the features of the
different levels of convolution layers. In our model,
the output of the UI encoder, which is the input of the
ASPP module, is varied from layers 18 only, 14,18,
and 10,14,18 to adjust the feature ratio of the UI and
semantic segmentation elements. The dimensions of
the features input to the ASPP module are shown in
Table 1. In the case of layer 18 only, the features of
UI elements are smaller, so the method emphasizes
semantic segmentation relatively more. 10, 14, and
18 layers are methods that emphasize the UI itself be-
cause the features of UI elements are larger. 14 and
18 layers are in between these two methods, empha-
sizing the balance between UI elements and semantic
Table 1: Dimensions of features to be input to the ASPP
Output layer UI Segmentation post-concat
18 512 256 768
14,18 1024 256 1280
10,14,18 1280 256 1536
In the experiment, MSI-Net without semantic seg-
mentation is used as the baseline model and compared
to three proposed methods with different feature di-
4.1 Dataset
For pre-training, we used 10,000 natural images and
semantic segmentation training sets and 5,000 test
sets from SALICON (Jiang et al., 2015) and MS
COCO, using the weights learned in ImageNet as ini-
tial values. For the subsequent fine-tuning, we used
Imp1k (Fosco et al., 2020) mobile UI data, 160 im-
ages from the semantic segmentation training set pub-
lished on Rico (Deka et al., 2017), and 40 images
from the test set. MSI-Net was pre-trained on natural
images and fine-tuned on the UI data, without seman-
tic segmentation.
imp1k is a dataset annotated with visual im-
portance in five design classes: web pages, movie
posters, mobile UI, infographics, and advertisements.
For mobile UI, 200 screenshots were randomly sam-
pled from the Rico dataset and annotated using mouse
strokes. The design structure of mobile UI and web
pages differs significantly from other design struc-
tures and cannot be generalized by models trained to
predict the importance of advertisements and posters
(Fosco et al., 2020). Therefore, we used 200 pieces of
data on mobile UI in the imp1k dataset for this study.
SALICON is a large dataset annotated with the
saliency of natural images and is often used to train
saliency prediction models. imp1k dataset has a small
number of mobile UI data, so we aim to improve
model performance by pre-training on the saliency
Rico contains not only UI screenshot images, but
also semantic segmentation related to the meaning
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and usage of elements on UI screens (Deka et al.,
2017). Therefore, we trained the Rico dataset using
only the semantic segmentation images correspond-
ing to the UI contained in imp1k.
4.2 Experimental Settings
In this study, we used KL divergence as the loss func-
tion. KL divergence is suitable for models that aim
at detecting salient targets because it provides a large
penalty for missed predictions. In fine-tuning, the
batch size was set to 4, the learning rate to 1e-4, and
Adam was used as the optimization function. Regard-
ing the input image size, the natural images are hori-
zontal and the mobile UI images are vertical. There-
fore, the natural images were resized to 240 ×160 for
pre-training, and the size was adjusted to 240×160 by
adding a margin next to the mobile UI image for sub-
sequent fine-tuning. The same procedure was used for
semantic segmentation, and the input image size was
set to 120 × 80.
4.3 Evaluation Metrics and Results
Various metrics have been used to evaluate the per-
formance of predictive models for saliency and visual
importance maps. In this study, four indices used in
previous studies of visual importance, R
and KL, were used for evaluation (Bylinskii et al.,
2017) (Fosco et al., 2020). R
is coefficient of de-
termination, CC is correlation coefficient, RMSE is
root mean square error, and KL is Kullback-Leibler
measures the fit between the estimated map and
the ground truth map. It is calculated based on the
variability of the data itself and the discrepancy be-
tween the predictions. The best fit is 1, and the closer
to 1, the better the performance of the model. Given
the grand-truth importance map Q and the predicted
importance map P, R2 is computed as:
(P, Q) =
where Q =
CC means the correlation between the estimated
map and the ground truth map. The closer CC is to 1,
the stronger the positive correlation, and the closer to
0, the weaker the correlation. CC is computed as:
CC(P, Q) =
where P =
RMSE is calculated from the square of the error
between the estimated map and the ground truth map.
The closer to 0, the higher the prediction accuracy.
Because the square is used, the indicator is sensitive
to outliers, with a lower rating if the prediction is far
off. RMSE is computed as:
RMSE(P, Q) =
The importance map can be interpreted as repre-
senting for each pixel the probability that the pixel is
considered visually important. KL is a measure of the
distance between the predicted distribution and the
ground truth, and represents how closely the proba-
bility distribution P approximates the probability dis-
tribution Q. A better approximation of the two maps
results in a smaller KL, and a KL of 0 indicates that
the maps are identical. KL is computed as:
KL(P, Q) =
) = L(P, Q)H(Q)
where H(Q) =
) is the entropy of the
ground truth importance map and L(P, Q) is the cross
entropy of the prediction and ground truth.
The evaluation results are shown in Table 2. The
numbers in parentheses indicate the layer of the UI
encoder that concatenates the outputs.
Table 2: Performance of visual importance prediction mod-
els for mobile UI.
MSI-Net 0.505 0.841 0.102 0.151
Ours(10,14,18) 0.548 0.844 0.0959 0.153
Ours(14,18) 0.639 0.845 0.0883 0.151
Ours(18) 0.631 0.835 0.0923 0.163
Examples of visual importance maps predicted by
the baseline and proposed methods are shown in Fig-
ure 2. Figure 3 shows an example where the proposed
method did not predict well. The more yellow the
pixel is, the higher the visual importance of the area
and the bluer the pixel is, the lower the visual impor-
tance of the area.
Table 2 shows that Ours(14,18) was equal to or bet-
ter than the baseline on all the evaluation indices.
Both Ours(10,14,18) and Ours(18) also outperformed
the baseline on the R
and RMSE metrics, but both
were slightly worse than the baseline on the KL met-
ric. Thus, a model that balances image features and
Predicting Visual Importance of Mobile UI Using Semantic Segmentation
Figure 2: Example of a projected visual importance map.
semantic segmentation features is most suitable for
predicting the visual importance of UI images, and
the appropriate use of semantic segmentation element
features improves the prediction performance of the
visual importance map.
To analyze the differences between the mobile UI
and the other images, Table 3 shows the results when
the prediction model was pre-trained for saliency on
natural images. Table 3 shows that Ours(10,14,18)
performed best in terms of saliency for natural im-
ages, while Ours(14,18), which was superior for mo-
bile UI, performed slightly worse. Even for natural
images, the use of semantic segmentation contributes
to performance improvement. However, the features
of the image itself play a more important role in the
saliency of natural images than semantic segmenta-
tion. Figure 2 shows that the ground truth of visual
importance in mobile UI tends to be distributed across
the UI element parts. Comparing Table 2 and Table
3, the difference between MSI-Net and Ours is larger
in Table 2, which represents the mobile UI results.
Therefore, the benefits of semantic segmentation are
particularly large for mobile UI, and our method was
Figure 2 shows that the predicted map is smooth
for Ours(18), but it fails to capture image shapes such
as rhombuses. In Ours(10,14,18), the image shapes
are captured, but the features of the semantic segmen-
tation elements are too small compared to the fea-
tures of the UI elements, and the results are almost
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Example of failure to predict well.
Table 3: Performance of saliency prediction models for nat-
ural images.
MSI-Net 0.521 0.880 0.113 0.224
Ours(10,14,18) 0.569 0.884 0.107 0.219
Ours(14,18) 0.497 0.881 0.116 0.222
Ours(18) 0.482 0.881 0.117 0.226
the same as in MSI-Net. However, Ours(14,18) is
able to predict smooth importance maps while pre-
serving image features and using semantic segmenta-
tion elements. The results show that using appropriate
semantic segmentation features improves the predic-
tion performance of visual importance maps for mo-
bile UIs.
Figure 3 shows an example where the visual im-
portance map could not be predicted well using se-
mantic segmentation. This UI is tiled with images,
but the visual importance map in ground truth is based
on the features of each image, not the structure of the
UI. Since the images in semantic segmentation rep-
resent only the structure and categories of the UI, we
found that the proposed method does not work well
for UIs with strong image features in the visual im-
portance map. As in this example, it is necessary to
build a model that is more robust to image features in
order to deal with a mobile UI that has a complex UI
structure and more prominent image features. How-
ever, such a model may have low prediction accuracy
for simple mobile UIs.
In this study, we proposed a visual importance predic-
tion method that takes UI elements into account with
the aim of accurately predicting the visual importance
of mobile UI. The evaluation compared the proposed
method with a baseline method that does not use se-
mantic segmentation of UI elements. The visual im-
portance map predicted by Ours(14,18) was smoother
and closer to ground truth than the baseline. We also
adapted the proposed method to natural images to see
if semantic segmentation works differently for mobile
UI and natural images. The use of semantic segmen-
tation was also effective for natural images, but its ef-
fect was weaker than for mobile UI. We found that a
balanced use of semantic segmentation features im-
proves the accuracy of predicting the visual impor-
tance of the mobile UI.
Since changes are made to UI elements such as
buttons and images, rather than to pixels, when devel-
oping UI, future research should examine the visual
importance of each UI element. In addition, since
the experiments in this paper were conducted using
only the UI data included in the imp1k dataset, we
would like to verify whether visual importance can
be predicted in the same way for UIs in different lan-
guages. We would also like to apply the visual im-
portance prediction model proposed in this study to
optimize mobile UI design and to provide feedback
Predicting Visual Importance of Mobile UI Using Semantic Segmentation
tools for designers. Specifically, we are considering
using our predictive model as an objective function
to optimize the color scheme of buttons and text in
mobile UI using a genetic algorithm. Optimization
allows developers to easily create a UI with the in-
creased importance of the UI components they want
to make stand out. For optimization, we would like
to perform predictions for novel and unique UIs that
are not included in existing datasets and conduct user
experiments to see if the predicted visual importance
maps are appropriate.
For a better user experience, it is also necessary to
analyze where users direct their attention when they
see a UI and whether they can understand that UI cor-
rectly. There is already related research on how users
understand UI, such as icon annotation in mobile UI
(Zang et al., 2021) and predicting mobile UI tappabil-
ity (Swearngin and Li, 2019). We believe that com-
bining these related work with our visual importance
predictions will provide more useful feedback to de-
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP21H03496, JP22K12157.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence