Automatic Subjective Answer Evaluation
Vijay Kumari, Prachi Godbole and Yashvardhan Sharma
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Subjective Answer Evaluation, Learning Assessments.
The evaluation of answer scripts is vital for assessing a student’s performance. The manual evaluation of
the answers can sometimes be biased. The assessment depends on various factors, including the evaluator’s
mental state, their relationship with the student, and their level of expertise in the subject matter. These
factors make evaluating descriptive answers a very tedious and time-consuming task. Automatic scoring
approaches can be utilized to simplify the evaluation process. This paper presents an automated answer script
evaluation model that intends to reduce the need for human intervention, minimize bias brought on by evaluator
psychological changes, save time, maintain track of evaluations, and simplify extraction. The proposed method
can automatically weigh the assessing element and produce results nearly identical to an instructor’s. We
compared the model’s grades to the grades of the teacher, as well as the results of several keyword matching
and similarity check techniques, in order to evaluate the developed model.
Exam questions can be broadly categorized as either
Objective or Subjective. Objective questions con-
sist of selecting a response from a list of alternatives
or providing a word or brief sentence. These types
of questions have only one correct answer and can
easily be graded automatically by an online assess-
ment platform. On the other hand, Subjective ques-
tions require answers in the form of explanations. Es-
say questions, short answers, definitions, scenarios,
and opinion questions are among them. It is vital
to include human knowledge of the concepts when
grading these detailed answers using Artificial Intelli-
gence techniques, as well as to take into account lin-
guistic factors like vocabulary, sentence structure, and
Due to the ongoing pandemic, education has un-
dergone a significant transformation that has rapidly
increased online learning, where instruction is deliv-
ered remotely via digital platforms and online class-
rooms. As the teaching-learning sessions have be-
come virtual, online descriptive tests and assessments
can be the best carriers of skills and personality en-
hancement. Students can learn better and experiment
with their writing patterns by working on spontaneous
thoughts regarding the subject. Descriptive questions
help students develop a deeper engagement with the
electronic content provided to them regularly. Stu-
dents must adhere to the rules of content, syntax, and
punctuation while submitting subjective answers, and
they must explain their reasoning by giving examples,
writing figures, or even sketching an illustration. The
subjective content is more alluring and remarkable as
a result of all these factors.
The proposed system’s goal is to assist the evalu-
ators in assigning grades to the answers by applying
automatic grammar checks, a scan for the existence of
important keywords or key phrases, and various sim-
ilarity measures. The weights for the evaluation pa-
rameters are automatically assigned by the developed
The significant contributions of the paper are as
1. Developed a model for evaluating answer scripts
by taking the question, expected answer, and the
student’s answer as the input. The proposed
model has been trained to weigh the evaluation
components automatically. The questions can be
weighted, and the student’s response can be eval-
uated based on the question it has the most simi-
2. A subset of a few students’ answers can be
tested to find the optimal combination of keyword
extraction, summarization, and similarity check
methods, and the rest of the answers can be eval-
uated accordingly.
Kumari, V., Godbole, P. and Sharma, Y.
Automatic Subjective Answer Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011656000003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 289-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
3. Instead of only one model answer (expected an-
swer), a set of multiple answers can be provided
for each question.
The content of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explains the literature review of the automatic
answer evaluation methods. Section 3 describes the
proposed method for evaluating the descriptive an-
swer. Section 4 presents the experiments and results.
Section 5 provides the conclusion and recommenda-
tions for future work.
For the automatic evaluation of subjective answers,
several techniques have been developed. Some of
them are mentioned as follows:
Assessment of Answers in Online Subjective Ex-
amination. The following categories of ques-
tions were used to classify the questions: Define,
Describe/Illustrate, Differentiate/Distinguish, Dis-
cuss/Explain, Enumerate / List / Identity / Outline,
Interpret, Justify / Prove with considering answer in
one sentence. The paragraph indexing module re-
ceives a set of query words from the question process-
ing module, which it utilizes to carry out the informa-
tion retrieval. For the answer, part-of-speech tagger
(e.g., Python POS tagger), shallow parsing was per-
formed to extract only the relevant word or phrase.
Lexical resources like WordNet (Synonyms) for cor-
rectness were used. Paraphrasing (synonym based,
lexical/structural-based, alteration based) was done to
focus more on the answer intention. Semantic analy-
sis was carried out using a word net dictionary, which
determines the density of each word in a given se-
quence; if more than 50 % of the words in a sentence
matched, the sentence was termed as correct. The
overall performance of the system was found to be
70%. The major constraint of the system was that the
questions, which included mathematical formulas, di-
agrams, and examples, were not considered (Dhokrat
et al., 2012).
Artificial Intelligence-Based Online Descriptive
Answer Verification System. The Cosine Similarity
module and Text Gears Grammar API were two in-
dependent modules that made up the Answer Verifier
Unit. Text Gears grammar API allows the integration
of language processing methods. If the grammar is
flawless, the API outputs 1, whereas if there are any
errors in the sentence, the API outputs 0. The three at-
tributes that made up the Result Set Unit were: Gram-
mar, keywords, and QST (Question Specific Terms).
Keywords had a value from 1 to 6, with 1 denoting
excellent and 6 denoting poor. The grammar attribute
has values between 0 and 1, with 1 denoting correct
usage. Class values varied from 1 to 9, with 1 be-
ing the best and 9 representing the worst. The two
main components of the system were the Information
Extraction module and the Weighing Module. The
system’s main strength was its use of Cosine Sim-
ilarity to match keywords. Fuzzy Wuzzy, a Python
module, was utilized to determine an answer’s grade
(Jagadamba et al., 2020).
Machine Learning-Based Subjective Answer Eval-
uation. The system used Wordnet, Part of Speech
Tagging, Lemmatization, and Tokenization of words
and sentences to analyze the subjective answers. Data
from the scanned images have been appropriately re-
trieved and organized. The examiner provides the in-
put, which consists of the keywords and model re-
sponse sets. Using machine learning techniques, sen-
tences in the model answer have been clustered ac-
cording to the ontology concepts and combined with
the ontology map. The words in the model answer
were merged with Ontology concepts once the words
were fetched from the Ontology. The score for every
keyword was determined by dividing the number of
times each word appeared in the student’s answers by
the total number of words in their responses. (Bashir
et al., 2021).
Evaluation of Descriptive Responses Using Seman-
tic Relational Features. The model utilizes text pat-
terns taken from the responses to be categorized into
the answers. The Naive Bayes classifier was used to
classify the questions into factual, inductive, and an-
alytical categories. Retrieval of facts from the ques-
tion is required for the factual questions. Who, where,
when, how, what, or which inquiry categories were
used to identify these queries. By using named en-
tity recognition or stemming to separate the question’s
phrase or tag from the question, it was possible to in-
fer the answer’s emphasis. The categories for provid-
ing answers included explanation, comparison, cause
and effect, sequence, and problem and solution. Co-
sine similarity and Jaccard matrices are used to ob-
tain the similarity score. The total score is calculated
by adding the value of the similarity score and the
number of keywords. As a result of the various ways
students may choose to represent the answer, further
improvements in vocabulary are required. Addition-
ally, grammatical analysis and fingerprinting can be
used for evaluation to examine the meaning provided
in responses (Nandini and Uma Maheswari, 2020).
Automatic Answer Script Evaluation Using NLP.
For measuring similarities, various techniques like
cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, bigram similar-
ity, and synonym similarity were utilized. Another
strategy involved multiplying the parameter value and
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
weight value after giving each parameter a weight
value depending on relevance. The text in the im-
age has been extracted using the Python module
pytesseract. To provide an automatic summary of
the lengthy text, lemmatization and tokenization tech-
niques were used. Based on the different types of
questions, different weight values were given to each
parameter. When assessing the answer script, the
synonym parameter was given a higher weight than
the grammar-checking parameter. The automatically
awarded scores were very similar to the manually
awarded scores when the student’s answer and the
correct answer have more structural and synonym
similarities. In contrast, there was a sharp difference
between the automated and manually scored marks
when the student’s answer and the correct answer had
more Jaccard and Cosine similarity than structural
similarity. The machine learning algorithms that can
be trained by various determined parameters to fore-
cast the marks of that answer script can be used for
further improvements (Rahman et al., 2020).
The techniques and methods work differently based
on the type of question asked; the proposed model
allows for multiple method combinations to achieve
the optimal grade. For assessing the answers, not ev-
ery evaluation criterion has to be given equal weight.
As a result, the proposed method enables the marks in
accordance with the weightage of the evaluation crite-
ria. The proposed model has the following evaluation
1. Keywords Matching. Check for the presence of
important keywords.
2. Similarity Check. Find the sentence similarity
between the student’s and model’s responses.
3. Grammar/Language Check. Language score is
determined by examining spelling and grammati-
cal errors.
The developed model, as presented in Figure 1, con-
sists of two parts: one is for the evaluation of answers
(Checker), and another is for finding the optimal com-
bination of evaluation techniques that can be used
to evaluate answers to a particular question (Evalu-
ator). The sum of the similarity, language/grammar,
and keyword scores determines the final score.
3.1 Evaluator
A sample of the student’s responses can be tested to
find the most effective method combination for key-
(a) Checker Module
(b) Evaluator Module
Figure 1: Architecture of the proposed automated answer
script evaluation model. A question, student answer, ex-
pected answer, and expected keywords (optional) are pro-
vided to the checker. The checker module matches the
important keywords, grammar, and similarity with the ex-
pected answer and gives the final score assigned to the an-
swer. The evaluator module will find the automatic weights
for the evaluation criteria, optimal keyword matching, and
optimal similarity check algorithm from the different com-
word extraction, summarization, and similarity check.
The remaining responses can then be evaluated in ac-
cordance with the results.
The user needs to input a question, model answers,
student’s answer, total marks, and marks awarded by
the instructor for a set of answers. Weightage of
grammar, keyword matches, and similarity checks are
optional inputs. The model then computes the opti-
mal combination of keyword, similarity, and grammar
evaluation methods. The weighted sum of evaluation
factors becomes the total marks that the model has
awarded. If weights are not mentioned, each evalu-
ation criterion is assigned a weight automatically by
doing a similarity check between the input question
and a list of previously evaluated questions. This is
done by maintaining a CSV file (as shown in Figure
2) of previously evaluated questions. According to
the evaluation of the questions, the CSV file is auto-
matically updated. If the question is not present in
the dataset, then the question and weights get added;
Automatic Subjective Answer Evaluation
hence, the weights previously assigned to the most
similar question are used for the new question.
3.2 Checker
The implemented system offers the user a choice of
techniques for sentence similarity analysis, keyword
extraction, and summarization. The combination ob-
tained by an evaluator can be used in this part, or the
user can try their own combinations. The system is
implemented as a web application using Flask that
takes a question with up to three model answers (Ex-
pected Answers), a student’s answer, and total marks
as user input.
For the manual option, the user must enter the de-
sired keywords, separated by commas, and for the
automatic option, the user must provide the desired
number of keywords. Additionally, a selection for the
keyword-matching technique is provided. In case the
student’s response is too lengthy, the user can then se-
lect a technique to summarise it. The maximum num-
ber of grammatical mistakes that may appear in the
response can be specified. When comparing expected
and student replies, the user has a choice of meth-
ods. The user must enter the percentage weighting
of grammar, keyword matches, and similarity checks
in order to calculate the final marks.
The process of extracting keywords involves se-
lecting the most pertinent words and phrases from the
text. Both the Manual and Automatic options are pro-
vided for keyword extraction. For the manual method,
an input of comma-separated keywords is required.
Methods used for automatic keyword extraction are:
1. Term Frequency- Inverse Document Fre-
quency (TF-IDF). It is a statistical method for de-
termining how pertinent a word is to a document
within a group of documents. To accomplish this,
the frequency of a word within a document and its
inverse document frequency across a collection of
documents are multiplied (Ramos et al., 2003).
2. CountVectorizer. It is a utility offered by the
Python scikit-learn package that turns a given text
into a vector based on the frequency of each word
that appears across the full-text (Cou, n.d.).
3. SpaCy. It is a Python and Cython programming-
based open-source natural language processing li-
brary. For trainable features such as named entity
recognition, part-of-speech tagging, dependency
parsing, text classification, and entity linking, it
has built-in support. It segments the paragraph
into pieces, and keywords can be identified by us-
ing parts of speech tagging and noun extraction
(spa, n.d.).
4. Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction Algo-
rithm (RAKE). To identify the significant words
or phrases in a document’s text, it employs a set
of stopwords and phrase delimiters (rak, n.d.).
5. Yet Another Keyword Extractor (YAKE). It is
a simple unsupervised automatic keyword extrac-
tion technique that chooses the most significant
keywords from a text by using statistical text fea-
tures acquired from individual documents. (yak,
3.2.1 Methods Used for Keyword Matching
For keyword matching, the RAKE and YAKE ap-
proaches are utilized, with the optimum strategy cho-
sen based on the needs. The extracted keywords of the
model answers are compared with the keywords of the
student’s response. The keywords are also matched
with the synonyms of the keywords that were ex-
tracted from the model answer if the check synonym
option is chosen.
3.2.2 Summarization Method
Summarization can be defined as the task of produc-
ing a concise and fluent summary while preserving es-
sential information and overall meaning. If a student’s
answer is lengthy, summarization will help the eval-
uator to understand the answer’s gist and determine
the student’s level of subject understanding. Methods
used for summarization are:
1. Cosine Similarity. It is a Natural Language Pro-
cessing method used for measuring the text simi-
larity between two documents regardless of their
size. The similarity between each pair of sen-
tences in a paragraph is calculated and ranked.
The highest-ranked sentences are used in sum-
mary (Rahutomo et al., 2012).
2. BM25 Okpi. BM is an abbreviation for best
matching. It’s a ranking algorithm that assigns a
bunch of documents a ranking based on the search
phrases that exist in each one of them, indepen-
dent of how a document’s search phrases relate to
each other. (Robertson et al., 2009).
3. BM25L. It is an extension of BM25, which was
developed to overcome the previous model’s un-
fair preference for shorter documents over longer
ones (Lv and Zhai, 2011). We observed that
the BLEU (bilingual evaluation understudy) score
and ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for
Gisting Evaluation) score for BM25L were the
best among other summarization methods.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: A snapshot of the CSV is as follows (weightage given in percentage).
3.2.3 Grammar Method
Grammar is the structural foundation of one’s abil-
ity to express oneself. It can help foster precision,
detect ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expres-
sion available in the language. Automated grammar
check is implemented using the Language check li-
brary of Python, which specifies the mistakes along
with the document’s Rule Id, Message, Suggestion,
and line number. The user can choose the maximum
number of errors permitted as a cutoff point at which
the grammar marks can be deducted.
3.2.4 Similarity Check
The similarity between the student’s and model’s an-
swers is checked to determine how closely the stu-
dent’s response corresponds to the model’s response.
Methods used for checking similarity are:
1. FuzzyWuzzy. It is a Python library for string
matching that uses Levenshtein distance to de-
termine the differences between sequences. The
Levenshtein distance between two words is the
smallest number of insertions, deletions, or char-
acter swaps (single-character changes) required to
change one word into another. (Fuz, n.d.).
2. Jaccard Similarity. Also known as the Jaccard
index and Intersection over Union. It is a metric
used to determine the similarity between two text
documents by finding common words that exist
over total words (Bag et al., 2019).
3. TF-IDF. It displays a word’s frequency in a docu-
ment as well as its inverse document frequency for
a collection of documents (Ramos et al., 2003).
4. BERT. Bidirectional Encoder Representations
from Transformers (BERT) is a transformer-based
model to measure the semantic similarity between
sentences. It converts all the sentences into a vec-
tor form and then determines the sentences that
are closest in proximity to one another in respect
of Euclidean distance or cosine similarity. (Devlin
et al., 2018).
3.3 Weightage of Evaluation
There are different kinds of questions that can be
asked, such as direct answers, conceptual explana-
tions, definitions, and others. In terms of grammar,
keyword matching, and similarity to the model an-
swer, all of these questions cannot be assigned the
same weighting. As a result, the developed system
has the option of giving each component a variable
weight. The marks calculated are based on the per-
centages assigned to each component.
The end-to-end model is implemented using Python
programming, Flask, HTML, and CSS on the front
end. For an introductory computer science course, the
assessment model has been tested with more than 20
questions and responses from 14 students.
The expected answer and student responses are
compared to determine the similarity score. The key-
words, grammar, and semantics of words are checked
to ensure that the response is accurate. The evalua-
tor module determines the best approach for similar-
ity checking, or it can also be selected manually.
The total score is the sum of the similarity, gram-
mar/ language, and keyword scores. According to Ta-
ble 1, the student with ID8 does remarkably well. In
order to evaluate how effectively the developed model
performed, we compared the model’s grades to the
Automatic Subjective Answer Evaluation
Figure 3: A comparison of the final score obtained by the students using the proposed model and marks awarded by the
Figure 4: A comparison of the marks obtained by the students using various keyword-matching methods.
Figure 5: A comparison of the marks obtained by the students using various similarity methods.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Scores obtained by the students in Q1.
Marks awarded
by model
Total marks
Q1 id1 2 4
Q1 id2 2 4
Q1 id3 3 4
Q1 id4 1 4
Q1 id5 2 4
Q1 id6 3 4
Q1 id7 2 4
Q1 id8 4 4
teacher’s grades, and the results are shown in Figure
3. Figures 4 and 5 compare the scores given by dif-
ferent keyword matching and similarity check algo-
The grading of student responses is more difficult un-
der the existing evaluation procedure. The evalua-
tion scheme has significant issues that require a lot of
human resources, time, and expertise. To overcome
these challenges, this work developed a mechanism
for automatically assessing answer scripts that use the
question, the expected answer, and the student’s re-
sponse as an input. The proposed model is trained to
categorize questions according to marks, which can
assist in automatically assigning weights to compo-
nents. The proposed method does not consider an-
swers that include non-textual information like equa-
tions, graphs, and tables, which could be the direction
of future research. Additionally, batch processing of
all students’ responses is a viable alternative to ac-
cessing a question at a time.
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Automatic Subjective Answer Evaluation