to do so. Its structure also allows further subdivi-
sion of nodes holding plane-intersected elements to
the point where a node represents a single point in
space and stores only elements whose minimum BB
intersects that point. This should make it a viable
alternative to octrees and binary space partitioning,
especially in scenarios where placement of collision-
free separation planes is challenging. The presented
point clustering method is more specialized but excels
when points are clustered within a predefined δ
The cutting algorithm and its auxiliary data struc-
tures would however benefit from additional valida-
tion and performance tests. Testing the algorithm on
a wider range of meshes and direct comparison with
existing hybrid mesh cutting algorithms would be de-
sirable as well. Future work will also have to address
the shortcomings found during testing (listed in Sec-
tion 6). For these, the following solution approaches
are proposed:
• Discontinuous Cutting Lines
Where both cutting line endpoints would be
merged to the same position, the two best dis-
tinct merge options should be used instead. Ad-
ditionally, a point P merged to a node N should
be used as an additional cluster center for N in the
subsequent algorithm iteration in cases where P is
within merge distance of N’s original position.
• Incomplete Physics Mesh Handling
A physics node’s anchor property should only be
copied if it is part of a render polygon.
• Physics Triangles Freely Rotate Around Edges
Wherever a physics triangle pair shares a physics
edge, an additional MSDM edge should be placed
between the two unshared physics nodes. These
would have to be considered when a physics tri-
angle’s neighborhood changes.
A fully parallelizable version of the algorithm
may be necessary for cases where a large number of
physics triangles are cut at once as well. Finally, a
strategy to effectively expand merge distances over
physics triangle boundaries should be incorporated.
Work on these issues is expected to be continued at
some point, although no time table can be given here.
This project is financed by research subsidies granted
by the government of Upper Austria within the re-
search projects MIMAS.ai and MEDUSA (FFG grant
no. 872604). RISC Software GmbH is Member of
UAR (Upper Austrian Research) Innovation Network.
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Accurate Cutting of MSDM-Based Hybrid Surface Meshes