ods like iCARL or Maximal Interfered Retrieval (Re-
buffi et al., 2017; Aljundi et al., 2019) will be use-
ful. These methods can then be deployed on the Jet-
son Nano setup itself towards an on-edge solution that
continually adapts with minimal manual intervention.
Furthermore, there have been interesting advances
in the area of Unsupervised Continual Learning (Rao
et al., 2019; He and Zhu, 2021; Bertugli et al., 2020).
Such an approach could not only aid in solving the
issues discussed in this paper but can also allow for
the product using the detection model to be much
more scalable to new environments without manual
labelling. Hence, comparing the results and practi-
cality of an unsupervised method to the incremental
labelling approach is another area for further investi-
This research is supported by the Ministry of Uni-
versity and Research (MUR) as part of the PON
2014-2020 “Research and Innovation” resources –
Green/Innovation Action – DM MUR 1061/2022.
This research was also supported by the Nvidia Aca-
demic Hardware Grant Program.
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Using Continual Learning on Edge Devices for Cost-Effective, Efficient License Plate Detection