Then, Table 7 illustrates the total and average run-
ning time (msec.) of determining whether or not
P ⊴ T by CATCATISO* and CATCATISO2* and of
determining whether or not P ⊑ T by CATCATINC.
Table 7: The total and average running time (msec.) of de-
termining whether or not P ⊴ T by CATCATISO* and CAT-
CATISO2* and of determining whether or not P ⊑ T by
data total ave. total ave.
N-glycans 4,788/4,721 0.02 16,075 0.06
all-glycans 611,103/603,052 0.01 2,221,026 0.04
CSLOGS 13,211,929/13,497,908 0.01 83,129,368 0.05
73,315,987/73,548,291 0.03 143,584,440 0.05
SwissProt 3,706,628/3,696,157 0.08 7,291.159 0.16
11/11 0.01 29 0.03
164,107/164,240 0.01 596,332 0.02
1/1 0.00 9 0.01
As stated in the previous sections, the algorithm
CATCATINC runs in O((h + H)σ) time (Theorem 4)
and the algorithms CATCATISO* and CATCATISO2*
run in O(hHσ) time (Theorem 5). On the other hand,
Table 7 shows that the algorithms CATCATISO* and
CATCATISO2* are much faster than the algorithm
CATCATINC. One of the reasons is that, whereas
the main loop in the algorithm CATCATINC is re-
peated at near to h + H times, the for-loop in the
algorithms CATCATISO* and CATCATISO2* are re-
peated at much smaller than H times.
Furthermore, Table 8 illustrates the number
(#pairs) of pairs (P,T ) such that P ⊴ T and P ⊑
T (Miyazaki et al., 2022) with its ratio (%) in all the
Table 8: The number (#pairs) of pairs (P,T ) such that P ⊴ T
and P ⊑ T with its ratio (%) in all the pairs.
P ⊴ T P ⊑ T
data #pairs % #pairs %
N-glycans 17,505 6.67 21,919 8.35
all-glycans 646,170 1.01 907,776 1.42
CSLOGS 1,979,560 0.11 2,277,568 0.13
364,182,693 13.79 364,184,642 13.79
SwissProt 1,400,455 3.03 1,400,455 3.03
108 10.23 108 10.23
3,701 0.01 3,701 0.01
1 0.15 1 0.15
Table 8 shows that, whereas #pairs such that P ⊴ T
is smaller than #pair such that P ⊑ T for N-glycans,
all-glycans, CSLOGS and dblp
, the former is equal
to the latter for SwissProt, Nasa
, Protein
; Nevertheless, for these data, we can de-
termine P ⊴ T faster than P ⊑ T shown in Table 7.
In this paper, we have designed the algorithms of
CATCATISO and CATCATISO2 to solve the subcater-
pillar isomorphism between caterpillars and given the
experimental results of comparing them with the sub-
caterpillar isomorphism algorithms of CATTREEISO
and CATTREEISO2 and the caterpillar inclusion al-
gorithm CATCATINC.
Then, the algorithms of CATCATISO and CAT-
CATISO2 are faster than the algorithms of CAT-
TREEISO and CATTREEISO2 for subcaterpillar iso-
morphism between caterpillars. Also, whereas the al-
gorithm CATCATINC is faster than the decision ver-
sions CATCATISO* and CATCATISO2* in theoreti-
cal, the latter is faster than the former in experimental.
Since Theorem 1 for the subtree isomorphism also
holds for unrooted trees, it is a future work to extend
the algorithms in this paper to unrooted subcaterpil-
lar isomorphism between caterpillars. In particular,
it is necessary to investigate whether or not the un-
rooted subcaterpillar isomorphism between caterpil-
lars can avoid to the SETH-hardness of subtree iso-
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods