Continual Optimization of In-Production Machine Learning Systems
Through Semantic Analysis of User Feedback
Hemadri Jayalath
1 a
, Ghadeer Yassin
1 b
, Lakshmish Ramaswamy
1 c
and Sheng Li
2 d
School of Computing, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, U.S.A.
School of Data Science, University of Virginia, U.S.A.
Machine Learning, MLOps, ML Maintenance, Clustering, Categorization, User Feedback for Learning.
With the rapid advancement of machine learning technologies, a wide range of industries and domains have
adopted machine learning in their key business processes. Because of this, it is critical to ensure the opti-
mal performance of operationalized machine learning models. This requires machine learning models to be
regularly monitored and well-maintained after deployment. In this paper, we discuss the benefits of getting
human guidance during the machine learning model maintenance stage. We present a novel approach that
semantically evaluates end-user feedback and identifies the sentiment of the users towards different aspects
of machine learning models and provides guidance to systematize the fixes according to the priority. We also
crawled the web and created a small data set containing user feedback related to language models and eval-
uated it using our approach and uncovered some interesting insights related to language models. Further, we
compare the trade-offs of alternative techniques that can be applied in different stages in our proposed model
evaluation pipeline. Finally, we have provided insights and the future work that can be done to broaden the
area of machine learning maintenance with human collaboration.
Over the past decades, machine learning (ML) has
become one of the most successful areas which dis-
closed lots of undiscovered potential in the computer
science field. This opened up many research possibil-
ities, not only in the computer science field but also
in many other domains. However, operationalizing
different research problems and maintaining the op-
erationalized models is not an easy task. In many
cases, the complexity of the ML model grows with
the complexity of the problem. This makes the main-
tenance of the ML model hard. Poorly maintained op-
erationalized ML models cause many problems in the
long run and can become stale (Sculley et al., 2015)
due to the changes in the environment.
To effectively monitor and maintain complex ML
models, collaborative research between ML, and do-
mains which guide towards the development of bet-
ter, usable applications, such as Software Engineering
(SE) and human-computer interaction (HCI) started
to emerge (Sculley et al., 2015), (Inkpen et al., 2019).
From these collaborations, ML models were able to
gain many advantages such as better usability, relia-
bility, and maintainability. In general SE, there are
many practices to assist the maintenance stage of an
operationalized application. As an example, contin-
uous delivery, continuous testing, gathering feedback
continuously, and user behavior monitoring (Amaro
et al., 2022) are some of the prominent practices and
they ensure a smooth, rapid and continuous delivery
process that leads to a well-maintained application.
These practices have been established over decades
and DevOps practitioners follow these practices to
monitor and maintain the deployed software applica-
tion. However, many of these practices are fairly new
to the ML platform, and directly mimicking the De-
vOps practices as it is for ML maintenance, is not suc-
In the monitoring stage of an operationalized ML
model, there are several aspects that should be con-
tinuously monitored. Such as input data, the accuracy
of the model predictions, model biases, infrastructure,
and the condition of the upstream data sources. To
explain further with an example, if the upstream data
Jayalath, H., Yassin, G., Ramaswamy, L. and Li, S.
Continual Optimization of In-Production Machine Learning Systems Through Semantic Analysis of User Feedback.
DOI: 10.5220/0011660300003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 285-292
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
source is not properly monitored and maintained, the
sensors that collect data to feed the operationalized
ML model can wear out and can feed incorrect data
to the ML model. These issues cause inaccurate op-
erationalized model outcomes and harm the credibil-
ity of the model. Continuous monitoring and updat-
ing of all these aspects accurately can help to over-
come the performance degradation of the operational-
ized models. However, updating operationalized ML
models very frequently is not realistic. Updating an
ML application is far more expensive than updating
a general software application. Finding relevant data
and retraining a model can take days or even weeks.
Hence, finding the sweet spot of retraining the model
is also a critical issue. Updating too frequently is
expensive and updating less frequently leads to poor
To tackle these challenges, the ML monitoring
and maintenance area has increasingly attracted re-
search attention in the past few years. ML opera-
tions (MLOps) (Sculley et al., 2015) (Alla and Adari,
2021) is one of the interesting research directions
that has emerged in this field. MLOps aims to as-
sist in the maintenance of operationalized ML mod-
els. One of its main goals of it is to rapidly adapt
the operationalized ML models according to the user
needs (M
akinen et al., 2021). This adaptation in-
cludes introducing new features, fixing bugs, improv-
ing the current features, etc. To make the maintenance
smoother, MLOps mimics some of the DevOps prac-
tices, and it introduces ML-specific additional prac-
tices as well (M
akinen et al., 2021).
In our research, we study the importance of in-
corporating human guidance during the model main-
tenance stage. We provide an automated guidance
framework that MLOps engineers can use for mon-
itoring the operationalized ML model. It analyzes
the end-user feedback related to operationalized ML
models and prioritizes the issues to be addressed. The
technical contribution of this paper can be summa-
rized as follows. 1.) We highlight the use of har-
nessing user feedback to identify user expectations
from operationalized ML models. 2.) We provide a
novel approach to identify the order of the issues of
operationalized ML models by performing a seman-
tic analysis of the end user feedback and examining
how widespread the issues are. 3.) We conducted a
set of experiments on harnessing user feedback using
our approach. 4.) We present a manually collected
and evaluated small dataset of user feedback related
to the language models (LM) and utilize it in our ap-
proach to examine the insight we can get regarding
the user LMs.
As mentioned by Sacha et al. (Sacha et al., 2017),
proper and effective use of human guidance can be
used to evaluate and exploit the full potential of the
ML models and to give a better user experience. Hu-
man guidance can be used in different ways in dif-
ferent stages of the ML development life cycle. Vi-
sual Analytics (Hohman et al., 2018) and interac-
tive ML are some interesting areas that use domain
expert guidance to steer the different phases of the
ML model development life cycle. In visual analyt-
ics, visualizations can be done in different phases of
the software development life cycle. As an example,
Arbesser et al. (Arbesser et al., 2016) introduce a
visualization approach called Visplause for support-
ing data quality assessments. Visplause inspects the
data quality problems for different time series, com-
pares them, and summarizes the results so that experts
can analyze the distributions and detect anomalies and
FROTE (Alkan et al., 2022) and Amazon Sage-
Maker Model Monitor (Nigenda et al., 2021) are
two recent research works that specifically focus on
maintaining deployed ML models. Both of them
use user-provided rules to update deployed ML mod-
els. FROTE is focused on pre-processing the training
dataset based on feedback rules. For a given tabu-
lar dataset, they produce an augmented dataset that
has a better alignment with the feedback rules as-
signed by the domain experts. Amazon SageMaker
Model Monitor continuously monitors the ML mod-
els hosted on Amazon SageMaker. This, as well, peri-
odically analyzes the data collected from the produc-
tion environment and checks if it adheres to the rules
provided by the users/ domain experts.
In the existing human-involved approaches, one of
the main limitations is the higher cost of manual labor.
During the stage that involves human-machine collab-
oration, humans have to be continuously involved in
the process (Jayalath and Ramaswamy, 2022). In this
research, we address that limitation and effectively
acquire human guidance while easing the burden of
the human. We believe analyzing the user feedback
of the end users is the key to achieving this goal.
Also, because of the convenience of using the nat-
ural language, end users tend to give a lot of feed-
back regarding their experiences expecting improve-
ments. And, with the advancement of content-sharing
platforms such as blogs, YouTube, and social media
platforms such as Twitter, many people tend to re-
view and publish their user experiences. At the same
time, these discussions can be found in many differ-
ent forms. They can be blog posts, tweets, comments,
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
videos, forum posts, or example scenarios of a model
failing. Doing a proper analysis of these discussions
will reveal what users expect from the operationalized
ML models and how to improve them.
Even though the end user and machine commu-
nication area have attracted the attention of the re-
search community, evaluating the user feedback re-
garding ML models still has a lot to explore. How-
ever, evaluating user feedback has several significant
challenges. User feedback can generally be chaotic
and unstructured. Because of that, having a uniform
way to evaluate them can be very challenging. Also,
the heterogeneity of the user feedback makes the eval-
uation challenging as well. In addition to that, when
there is a plethora of user feedback, manually exam-
ining them and finding which feedback should be ad-
dressed first can be highly time and labor-consuming.
The overall objective of our paper is to see the op-
erationalized ML models from the perspective of the
end user without having the end users involved in the
process continuously. To achieve this, we analyze the
feedback of the end users and find out what are the
major discussion topics of the users regarding an op-
erationalized ML model and what is the average user
sentiment regarding them. We will discuss our ap-
proach in detail in the next sections.
In our research, we are focused on evaluating the tex-
tual end-user feedback that is provided in the natural
language. This can be an end-user discussion of the
operationalized ML model, a comment from the end
user, or an example scenario that the end user has pro-
vided. Our approach takes a set of unrefined end-user
feedback related to an operationalized ML model and
analyzes them and figures out which issues should be
addressed. Figure 1 further explains how our pro-
posed approach can be used in an operationalized set-
When analyzing the user feedback using our ap-
proach, we specifically focus on several aspects. First,
we identify the main topics of the end-user discus-
sions. Also, we cluster the user feedback and examine
the cluster size to see how widespread each identified
aspect is and how many users are affected by each
aspect. As well as that, we analyze the average senti-
ment of the end users regarding those aspects to see if
the user sentiment is positive or negative.
This can be used as a guidance framework to pri-
oritize the issues to get an understanding of which
issues to be addressed first. To explain further with
an example, take an operationalized model to de-
tect spam emails. Day by day the scammers change
their strategies and try to come up with more realistic
and sophisticated emails. A few years back, phishers
tried to catch people by faking to offer an unrealistic
amount of money to the reader. But nowadays they
use more advanced methods. Such as, pretending to
act like they are from a bank or a government agency.
If the model is trained on past data and has not been
updated, it will fail to detect the current spam emails
and the end users will be frustrated. By evaluating
the feedback of the end users, we can identify what
kind of emails our operationalized ML model fails to
In our approach, unrefined end-user feedback un-
dergoes several stages to reach the final analysis. Fig-
ure 2 represents the high-level architecture of our ap-
proach and it exhibits the major stages of the ap-
proach. To explain the high-level architecture of our
approach briefly, we first get a set of unrefined user
feedback and preprocess them. After that, we simul-
taneously summarize each end user feedback and an-
alyze the sentiment of each user feedback. Then, we
perform feature extraction and cluster the embedded
user feedback space. And then we simultaneously
perform topic modeling for each cluster to identify
what the users are talking about in each cluster. Also,
we calculate the average sentiment for each cluster.
After that, we evaluate the results to see what kind
of insights we can get from our cluster space. As an
example in the spam emails detecting operationalized
ML model of the example that we discussed in the
previous paragraph, we will get a large cluster of users
that discuss about emails that pretended to be from a
bank, and the average sentiment of that cluster will be
To experimentally see if our approach identifies
the user issues accurately, we selected the LM do-
main. Recently, LMs have become a hype because of
the various advantages they offer. However, a sim-
ple web search regarding the LMs will reveal how
many LM related discussions are there regarding the
LM user experiences and the challenges. Even if
many researchers started to evaluate LMs in different
ways, the focus of the research community on these
direct end-user discussions is low. After building the
pipeline of our approach, we evaluate the end user
feedback related to LMs to observe if our approach
can extract meaningful information from the end user
Continual Optimization of In-Production Machine Learning Systems Through Semantic Analysis of User Feedback
Figure 1: Proposed Approach - End users use the operationalized ML model and give textual feedback related to the
model using natural language. The feedback analyzer analyzes the feedback and generates an analysis report. Model own-
ers/developers/MLOps engineers can use the analysis report as guidance and decide which issues to be addressed first.
Figure 2: High level architecture of the proposed approach.
Despite the availability of a wide range of user feed-
back on the ML models on the internet, finding a
dataset that includes those feedback is very challeng-
ing. Therefore, we use different datasets that include
user feedback on different domains to evaluate our ap-
20NewsGroup is a collection of approximately
20,000 newsgroup documents which are partitioned
almost evenly across 20 different newsgroups.
The amazon-Alexa-Reviews dataset contains
nearly 3000 Amazon customer reviews, star ratings,
date of review, variation, and feedback of various
amazon Alexa products like Alexa Echo, Alexa
Firesticks, etc.
After conducting the experiments with existing
datasets, we evaluate our pipeline for a dataset re-
lated to the user feedback for the LMs. For this, we
crawled the web that contains user reviews about the
different LMs and manually created a dataset of end-
user feedback related to the LMs. The dataset was
also manually evaluated to get the sentiment of each
user feedback. We call this data set the LM user feed-
back dataset. As major classes, the LM user feedback
dataset includes the end-user reviews, manually iden-
tified topics, and manually evaluated sentiment.
Figure 3: LM dataset clusters.
When manually evaluating the LM dataset, we evalu-
ated the main topic of each end user feedback along
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
with the sentiment of the end user. Then, we evaluated
the dataset using our approach. Figure 3 shows the
clusters created by our approach for the LM dataset.
Altogether there are 22 clusters. Since the LM dataset
is very small, the clusters are very sparse.
After clustering, the next step is getting insights
about the clusters. In table 1 we have summarized
insights about the clusters related to the LM dataset.
Some example insights we can get related to LMs
through the analysis we performed using our ap-
proach are, 1.) Many people are discussing the writ-
ing skills of LMs. And on average users have a pos-
itive sentiment regarding this. 2.) Many people are
talking about the racism related to LMs and they have
on average a lower sentiment regarding this. 3.) The
sentiment of the users related to the abilities of LMs
regarding the biomedical domain is also low. 4.)
Many people had bad experiences with LMs being
toxic. After that, we took the cluster data points and
the ground truth category and tried to name the cat-
egories manually. And the manual topics were very
similar to the predicted topics.
Table 1: LM dataset insights for first 5 largest clusters.
Size Predicted topics Sentiment
20 writing, articles, gener-
ate, write, completion
16 racist, black, white,
stereotypes, people
15 toxic, stereotypical, bit-
14 biomedical, corpora, do-
12 common, sense, knowl-
edge, understanding
In this section, we discuss comparisons of different
techniques we used in each stage, reasons behind
picking specific techniques and turning down the oth-
ers, the evaluation techniques we performed, and how
our approach performed in each stage.
6.1 Text Summarization
After preprocessing, the first step we performed on re-
fined user feedback is applying a text summarization
technique. For that, we used Huggingface transform-
ers (Wolf et al., 2020). Hugging Face is a platform
that contains various models and libraries that can be
used for NLP tasks. It has BERT based models that
Table 2: Intrinsic measures for the cluster approaches.
Silhouette 0.41431 1.0
Calinski 5096.20 11735639222069.18
Davies 1.17167 1.92258
perform NLP tasks like summarizing very well.
6.2 Experimental Comparison of
As the first clustering technique, K-Means was se-
lected to perform nearest neighbor based clustering.
The second technique we use is Density-based spatial
clustering of applications with noise, DBSCAN (Es-
ter et al., 1996). This is a clustering algorithm that
can discover clusters of any arbitrary size or shape in
datasets that even contain noise and outliers. Hierar-
chical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applica-
tions with Noise (HDBSCAN) (Campello et al., 2013)
is the third technique. This clustering algorithm ex-
tends the DBSCAN algorithm by converting it into a
hierarchical clustering algorithm and then extracts a
flat clustering based on the stability of clusters.
To determine the quality of the clusters we incor-
porated three Intrinsic Measures that do not require
ground truth. Silhouette Coefficient (Rousseeuw,
1987), Calinski-Harabasz Index(Cali
nski and
Harabasz, 1974) and Davies-Bouldin Index (Davies
and Bouldin, 1979). All three evaluations were
performed using the metrics package in sklearn
on the 20NewsGroup dataset. Table 2 shows that
HDBSCAN outperforms K-Means in both Silhouette
and Calinski Measures. DBSCAN gave very similar
results to HDBSCAN. However, DBSCAN takes the
distance threshold as a user defined parameter. But in
our research how user feedback scatters in the vector
space is not predefined. Hence we wanted to system-
atically ascertain the distance threshold. HDBSCAN
finds clusters of variable densities without having to
choose a suitable distance threshold first. Because
of that, we choose HDBSCAN as the most suitable
clustering technique for our approach.
6.3 Semantic Evaluation of Clusters
The next step is evaluating if the clusters are seman-
tically accurate. For this, we use the topic column in
our 20 newsgroup dataset as the ground truth. Figure
4 represents the flow of our semantic analysis pro-
cess. In this process, we group the data points of
each cluster by topic and find the topic of the major-
ity. If several topics have many different data points
Continual Optimization of In-Production Machine Learning Systems Through Semantic Analysis of User Feedback
Data points
Group each
by topic
each group
Find major
per cluster
Figure 4: Semantic accuracy calculation.
in one cluster and if those topics are very similar,
we consider all such topics as the major topic of the
cluster. As an example in the 20 newsgroup data
set there are similar topics like soc.religion.christian
and talk.religion.misc in one cluster, both are related
to news regarding religion. After that, we consider
the data points related to these categories as the cor-
rectly classified points and the rest as the misclassified
points. Then the accuracy of the predictions is cal-
culated considering all data points and the correctly
classified data points. Table 3 shows the results of the
semantic accuracy analysis of the three largest clus-
ters of the 20 newsgroup data set.
Table 3: Semantic Accuracy Analysis of the largest 3 clus-
ters per major groups.
Major Group/s Cluster Size Accuracy,,
5781 93%
1514 92.4%,
1200 93.8%
6.4 Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is an essential part of the approach
to derive a good cluster-friendly representation of user
feedback. For this, we use several data transforma-
tion techniques. Namely, Doc2Vec (Le and Mikolov,
2014), RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) and msmarco-bert-
base-dot-v5 sentence transformers model (Reimers
and Gurevych, 2019).
To compare the performance of feature extraction
techniques, we mainly consider two aspects. Compu-
tational time and semantic accuracy. Figure 5 shows
the computational time comparison between the three
feature extraction techniques. Flair embedding took a
significantly high training time compared to the other
two techniques.
After that, we compare the semantic accuracy be-
tween the doc2vec and the hugging face techniques to
pick the techniques that perform well in terms of time
and accuracy. For this, we performed feature extrac-
tion from both techniques separately. Since 20news-
group has 20 classes we tune the hyperparameters
when clustering, to get an optimum cluster number
closer to 20. Then we performed clustering using the
HDBSCAN clustering. And checked the average se-
mantic accuracy of all the clusters created after using
these two feature extraction methods.
For Doc2Vec, the optimal number of clusters we
can achieve by tuning the hyperparameters was 17.
For Hugging face the optimum number we achieved
was 18. Doc2vec clusters were mostly mixed with
data points belonging to different categories. But,
hugging face clusters had clear separations. And also
when evaluating the semantic accuracy, hugging face
has an accuracy of 0.90% and doc2vec had a very low
score which is 0.22%. In terms of computational time
and accuracy, we picked a hugging face transformer to
conduct the feature experiment of our pipeline. Figure
6 shows the visualization difference after performing
two feature extraction methods.
6.5 Topic Modeling Results
In this stage of the pipeline, our goal is to get an un-
derstanding of what each cluster represents. We con-
ducted experiments with three different topic model-
ing techniques in this stage. Namely, Latent Dirich-
let allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003), Non-negative
Matrix Factorization (NMF), and c-TF-IDF .
To evaluate the topic modeling, we use the
20NewsGroup dataset. After conducting our pipeline
until the topic modeling phase, we do comparisons to
see if the topics we create for our approach are rele-
vant to the topics that are given in the dataset. The
topic modeling techniques we compared are LDA,
NMF, and c-TF-IDF. Table 4 shows the comparison of
the topics generated by LDA, NMF, and c-TF-IDF of
the largest three clusters. The performance of all three
techniques was good. However, for some clusters,
c-TF-IDF performed slightly better and also since c-
TF-IDF is specifically adapted for multiple classes.
Based on that and because of the simplicity of c-TF-
IDF, we decided to stick with c-TF-IDF to perform
topic modeling in our pipeline.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Topic Modeling results for the largest three clusters.
Actual Majority
LDA First five sug-
gested topics
NMF First five sug-
gested topics
c-TF-IDF First five
suggested topics,,,
graphics, hard-
card, video, window,
screen, program
windows, dos, drive, scsi,
mormon, religion,
church, organ, subject
mormon, church, subject,
organ, line
god, jesus, christian,
bible, church,
detector, radar, rec, autos,
radar, car, owner, speed,
car, bike, dod, cars, en-
6.6 Sentiment Analysis Evaluation
doc2vec huggingface flair
Figure 5: Computational time comparison.
To evaluate the sentiment analysis, we use the
Amazon-Alexa-Reviews data set that we mentioned
above. The bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment
model was used to perform the analysis. The amazon-
Alexa-Reviews dataset contains the sentiment that
was given by the users. So we compare the predicted
sentiment to the actual sentiment that was given by
the user. As an example, if the predicted score is 5,
and the user score is 5, we give 1 point. If not 0.
Even though our scoring system was very strin-
gent, the sentiment analyzer performed very well. For
the Amazon Alexa data set, the strict score is 70%.
After that, we checked a more lenient score. In this
score, we gave leeway to the predicted score. If the
predicted score is exactly matching or 1 lesser or 1
higher than the user sentiment, we gave a point. The
sentiment analyzer scored 95% for this lenient evalu-
After that, we evaluate the average sentiment of
each cluster to identify the sentiment of the reviews
per each topic individually. We used Amazon-Alexa-
Reviews and obtained different sentiments for each
cluster. For example, on a score from 1 to 5 Cluster-
4 average sentiment was 4.07 while cluster-6 average
sentiment was 4.78. Despite that both scores are close
enough, they indicate that users were more dissatis-
fied with the topic of cluster-4 than the topic associ-
ated with cluster-6. Therefore, the topics associated
with cluster-4 are prioritized to be solved before the
topic associated with cluster-6, etc.
In this paper, we highlight the importance of evaluat-
ing user feedback related to operationalized ML mod-
els. We presented a novel approach to getting insights
about operationalized ML models through user feed-
back. Also, we created a data set related to user feed-
back regarding LMs. Then, we evaluated the dataset
using our approach, and encountered interesting in-
sights regarding the LMs. We identify several re-
search directions stemming from our work. 1.) Evalu-
ating user feedback is an interesting research direction
to monitor and maintain operationalized ML mod-
els. 2.) In this work we only evaluate textual feed-
back. But users provide feedback in different forms.
More studies need to be conducted to evaluate them.
3.) Collecting user feedback is also an interesting re-
search area that should be further studied.
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