FakeRecogna Anomaly: Fake News Detection in a New Brazilian Corpus
Gabriel Lino Garcia
1 a
, Luis C. S. Afonso
1 b
, Leandro A. Passos
2 c
, Danilo S. Jodas
1 d
Kelton A. P. da Costa
1 e
and Jo
ao P. Papa
1 f
School of Sciences, S
ao Paulo State University, Bauru, Brazil
CMI Lab, School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, England, U.K.
Fake News, Corpus, Portuguese.
The advances in technology have allowed digital content to be shared in a very short time and reach thousands
of people. Fake news is one of the content shared among people and it has a negative impact on our society.
Therefore, its detection has become a research topic of great importance in the natural language processing
and machine learning communities. Besides the techniques employed for detection, it is also important a good
corpus so that machine learning techniques can learn to differentiate between real and fake news. One can
find corpora in Brazilian Portuguese; however, they are either outdated or balanced, which does not reflect a
real-life situation. This work presents a new updated and imbalanced corpus for the detection of fake news
where the detection can be treated as an anomaly detection problem. This work also evaluates the proposed
corpus by using classifiers designed for anomaly detection purposes.
The advent of social media has made possible to eas-
ily create and share information and reach millions of
people around the world. As information can be eas-
ily shared, it can also be manipulated and distorted to
shape opinions about products and services as well.
Sensational headlines, satirical texts with misleading
content, and usually with no theoretical basis on the
subject addressed are a few examples. This bad prac-
tice is often referred to as “fake news” and defined by
Allcott and Gentzkow (Allcott and Gentzkow, 2017)
as news articles that are intentionally and demonstra-
bly false and may mislead readers. Lazer et al. (Lazer
et al., 2018) define “fake news” as fabricated informa-
tion that mimics news media content in form but not
in organizational process or intent.
The first significant worldwide impact caused by
fake news in this century occurred in 2016 during the
U.S. elections which influenced the choice of candi-
dates for the presidency of that country. More re-
cently, the current pandemic situation has also gener-
ated a considerable number of false news about treat-
ments and vaccines. It is worth mentioning that fake
news became popular in this century, but false reports
are circulating in the community since the 6th cen-
tury (Allcott and Gentzkow, 2017).
In recent years, fake news detection has caught the
attention of a large number of academics to help on-
line users identify what is real or fake information.
Many of the works take advantage of the advances
in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML) along with natural language processing (NLP)
techniques to address this problem. Singhal (Sing-
hal et al., 2019) proposes a framework to identify
fake news by exploring textual and visual resources
using language models and image resources. Os-
hikawa (Oshikawa et al., 2018) outlines the chal-
lenges involved in detecting fake news by reviewing
and comparing systems, as well as highlighting the
importance of NLP solutions for detecting fake news.
Kesarwani (Kesarwani et al., 2020) presents an ap-
proach to detecting fake news on social media with
the help of the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classi-
fier. Ruchansky (Ruchansky et al., 2017) works with
a model called CSI, which stands for Capture, Score,
and Integrate, that comprises a module that extracts
the temporal representation of news and a module for
representing and scoring user behavior. Zhou (Zhou
Garcia, G., Afonso, L., Passos, L., Jodas, D., P. da Costa, K. and Papa, J.
FakeRecogna Anomaly: Fake News Detection in a New Brazilian Corpus.
DOI: 10.5220/0011660700003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and Zafarani, 2020) reviews and evaluates methods
that detect fake news from four perspectives: the false
knowledge it carries, writing style, propagation pat-
terns, and the credibility of the source.
Many works deal with news published in English.
However, we focus on the detection of fake news
among texts published in Portuguese. One of the
main disadvantages of works related to the detec-
tion of fake news in Portuguese is the lack of corpus
and mainly the amount of data. Garcia et al. (Gar-
cia et al., 2022) proposes creating a new fake news
dataset named FakeRecogna that contains a greater
number of samples, more up-to-date news and cov-
ers a few of the most important categories. Mon-
teiro et al (Monteiro et al., 2018) developed a cor-
pus called Fake.Br, that has 7, 200 that has news ex-
tracted between 2015-2018, while The FakePedia cor-
pus (Charles et al., 2022), on the other hand, gathers
news collected between 2013 and 2021 with a total of
12, 398 samples.
However, all mentioned corpora are balanced, that
is, they have the same amount of real and fake news,
which does not reflect the real world. Taking notice
of this point, this work proposes a new large cor-
pus named FakeRecogna Anomaly, which is highly
imbalanced and interesting for studies in the context
of anomaly detection. The corpus is comprised of
101, 000 samples where 100, 000 are real news and
1, 000 are fake ones. This work also presents an ex-
periment using six classifiers designed for the context
of anomaly (outlier) detection evaluated over the pro-
posed corpus.
The main contributions of our work are three-fold:
(i) to create a dataset in Portuguese for anomaly detec-
tion called FakeRecogna Anomaly, (ii) to apply and
quantitatively compare the results of the anomaly de-
tection techniques in our dataset, and (iii) to foster the
research on fake news in Brazilian Portuguese.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides a review of related works.
Section 3 introduces the proposed dataset. Sections 4
and 5 present the methodology and results of a toy-
evaluation performed over the proposed dataset, re-
spectively. Finally, Section 6 states conclusions.
Concerning fake news detection, Zhang and Ghor-
bani (Zhang and Ghorbani, 2020) present a com-
prehensive overview of the online fake news detec-
tion ecosystem. Mishra et al. (Mishra et al., 2022)
present a research on fake news using the probabilis-
tic latent semantic analysis approach; besides this, a
comparison of different machine learning and deep
learning techniques assesses the performance of fake
news detection. Oshikawa et al. (Oshikawa et al.,
2018) describe the challenges involved in fake news
detection and also compare the task formulations,
datasets, and NLP solutions. In Brazil, Faustini and
oes (Faustini and Cov
oes, 2019) proposed to de-
tect fake news by training a model with only fake sam-
ples in the training dataset through One-Class Clas-
sification. Endo et al. (Endo et al., 2022) explore
the use of machine learning and deep learning tech-
niques to identify fake news in online communica-
tions in the Brazilian Portuguese language relating
to the COVID-19 pandemic. Differently from many
works, Li et al. (Li et al., 2021) proposed an unsuper-
vised fake news detector using an autoencoder-based
In the field of anomaly detection, Wang et
al. (Wang et al., 2019) presented a review of out-
lier detection methods from 2000 to 2019. Chalap-
athy and Chawla (Chalapathy and Chawla, 2019) pre-
sented a comprehensive overview of deep learning-
based methods for anomaly detection and review the
adoption of such methods in various domains and as-
sess their effectiveness. Later, Chalapathy et al. (Cha-
lapathy et al., 2018) proposed a one-class neural net-
work to detect anomalies in complex datasets. Mo-
haghegh and Abdurakhmanov (Mohaghegh and Ab-
durakhmanov, 2021) proposed a character-level rep-
resentation of unsupervised text datasets for anomaly
detection problems. Pang et al. (Pang et al., 2021) re-
viewed twelve diverse modeling perspectives on har-
nessing deep learning techniques for anomaly detec-
tion. Kannan et al. (Kannan et al., 2017) presented a
matrix factorization method, which is naturally able
to distinguish the anomalies with the use of low-
rank approximations of the underlying data. Ruff
et al. (Ruff et al., 2019) introduced a new anomaly
detection method—Context Vector Data Description
which builds upon word embedding models to learn
multiple sentence representations that capture mul-
tiple semantic contexts via the self-attention mecha-
nism. In Brazil, Carvalho et al. (de Carvalho et al.,
2018) evaluate how machine learning techniques can
be employed in the task of identifying anomalies in
bee behavior. Kintopp (Kintopp, 2017) demonstrated
the application of anomaly detection to find anomalies
in the expenditure information disclosed by Brazilian
municipalities, thus being able to indicate suspected
cases of administrative improbity. However, the use
of anomaly detection techniques for textual data is not
common in the Brazilian context.
FakeRecogna Anomaly: Fake News Detection in a New Brazilian Corpus
3 FakeRecogna ANOMALY
The development of the FakeRecogna Anomaly cor-
pus as an imbalanced dataset of real and fake news
is based on the FakeRecogna Corpus (Garcia et al.,
2022). The main idea of the FakeRecogna Anomaly
corpus is to explore a real-life situation where the
number of real news is greater than the number of
fake ones. The proposed imbalance between real and
fake news in the contextualizes the Brazilian scenario,
in which real news are produced in a greater amount
compared to fake ones.
The FakeRecogna Anomaly corpus has all the at-
tributes contained in the FakeRecogna corpus, but
with a ratio of 100 real news to 1 fake news, that is,
our corpus has 100, 000 true news and 1, 000 false
news. The collection of news was carried out by
crawlers developed to mine news pages from well-
known agencies of great national relevance.
Following the pattern established in the FakeRe-
cogna corpus, the main news agencies used as a ba-
sis for extracting news were G1
and Extra
which are publicly recognized as reliable news out-
lets, in addition to the Ministry of Health do Brasil
For the selection of fake news, the main means of
fact-checking already extracted in the development of
FakeRecogna were analyzed, and we chose to ran-
domly extract data based on the proportion of news
from each site. Table 1 presents the news agencies as
well as the number of fake news collected from each
Table 1: The fact-checking agencies used in the FakeRe-
cogna Anomaly.
agency web address # news
AFP Checamos https://checamos.afp.com/afp-brasil 11
Boatos.org https://boatos.org 504
E-farsas https://www.e-farsas.com 167
Fato ou Fake (“Fact or Fake”) https://oglobo.globo.com/fato-ou-fake 110
Projeto Comprova https://projetocomprova.com.br 91
UOL Confere https://noticias.uol.com.br/confere 117
total 1, 000
Differently from FakeRecogna, each sample of
FakeRecogna Anomaly has seven metadata fields in-
stead of eight, the ”Subtitle” column was not placed
in the dataset because the vast majority of real news
does not have a subtitle, which are described in Ta-
ble 2.
Another difference between the corpora is that
texts in FakeRecogna Anomaly are distributed in five
categories. Table 3 presents the distribution of news
by category and its respective quantity.
Table 2: Metadata used to describe each sample.
columns description
Title Title of article
News Information about the article
Category News grouped according to your information
Author Publication author
Date Publication date
URL Article web address
Class 0 for fake news and 1 for real news
Table 3: Distribution of news per category in the FakeRe-
cogna Anomaly.
category # news
Brazil 2, 912
Entertainment 20, 081
Health 37, 599
Politics 33, 311
Science 7, 097
total 101, 000
This section presents the steps employed for the eval-
uation of the proposed corpus.
4.1 Pre-Processing
The preprocessing is responsible for preparing the
text for the next steps. This step comprises four oper-
Truncation: It intends to avoid bias that the length
of news may cause in the training and classifica-
tion steps since real news are usually longer than
fake ones.
Removal of specific terms: It removes any words
that may characterize a piece of news as a fake
one, such as, “enganoso”, “boato”, “#fake” and,
so on. This operation also removes punctuation,
special characters, and URLs.
Lemmatization: The lemmatization comprises the
morphological analysis of the words by taking
into account the context, that is, differentiating the
meaning of identical words depending on the con-
Removal of stop words: It removes any words
considered irrelevant for the understanding of the
news, such as articles and prepositions.
4.2 Text Representation
This step is responsible for computing a numerical
representation for each text over the output of the pre-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
processing step. The evaluation takes into account the
following three techniques:
Bag-of-Words: The Bag-of-Words model is one
of the most popular representation methods for
object categorization. The key idea is to quan-
tize each extracted key point into one of the visual
words, and then represent each image by a his-
togram of the visual words (Zhang et al., 2010).
Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency
(TF-IDF): It is a statistical analysis method for
keywords, used to evaluate the importance of a
word to a document or a corpus (Li, 2021). TF-
IDF for word representation is computed using the
1, 000 most frequent words.
FastText: It extracts morphological features
by processing subwords of each word, where
“subword” is a character-level n-gram of the
word (Choi and Lee, 2020). The representation of
a word is given by the sum of the numerical fea-
tures of all it is n-grams. This approach allows ex-
tracting the meaning of shorter words and allows
embeddings to understand suffixes and prefixes.
The parameter values for FastText were: embed-
ding size equals 200 to dimensions, the maximum
number of unique words as 1, 000, and the max-
imum amount of tokens for each sentence equals
to 1, 000.
Note that this step outputs three representations
for each text and they are not combined. The main
idea is to perform the detection using different repre-
4.3 Classification
The experiment employs seven classifiers designed
for the problem of anomaly detection, which are cat-
egorized as follows:
1. Probabilistic Models:
(a) Empirical-Cumulative-distribution-based Out-
lier Detection (ECOD) (Li et al., 2022): This
algorithm is inspired by the fact that outliers are
often considered events that appear in the tails
of a distribution. Briefly, ECOD first assesses
the underlying distribution of the input data
non-parametrically by calculating the empirical
cumulative distribution for each of to estimate
the tail probabilities for each data point. Fi-
nally, it calculates an outlier score for each data
point by aggregating the estimated tail proba-
bilities across dimensions.
2. Proximity-Based Models:
(a) Local Outlier Factor (LOF) (Cheng et al.,
2019): This classifier is a density-based dis-
crepancy detection algorithm that finds discrep-
ancies by calculating the local deviation of a
given data point. The outlier determination is
judged based on the density between each data
point and its neighboring points; the lower the
density of the point, the more likely it is to be
identified as the outlier.
(b) Clustering-Based Local Outlier Factor
(CBLOF) (He et al., 2003): It is a mea-
sure to identify the physical significance of an
outlier and gives importance to the behavior of
local data.
3. Linear Models:
(a) One-class SVM (G
eron, 2019): The algorithm
seeks to separate the instances in the high-
dimensional space of the origin. In a high-
dimensional space, the algorithm tries to find a
hyperplane that separates the training set sam-
ples from the origin, this will correspond to
finding a small region that encompasses all in-
stances, so if a new instance does not fit in this
region, it is classified as an anomaly.
(b) One-Class SVM using Stochastic Gradient De-
scent (SGDOneClassSVM) (Pedregosa et al.,
2011): The algorithm implements an online
linear version of the One-Class SVM using
stochastic gradient descent. Combined with
kernel approximation techniques, this algo-
rithm can be used to approximate the solution
of a kernelized One-Class SVM with a linear
complexity in the number of samples.
4. Outlier Ensembles:
(a) Isolation Forest (G
eron, 2019): The algorithm
builds a Random Forest in which each Decision
Tree grows randomly: at each node, it picks a
feature randomly, then it picks a random thresh-
old value (between a minimum and a maxi-
mum value) to split the dataset into two. The
dataset gradually gets chopped into pieces until
all instances end up isolated from the other in-
stances. An anomaly is usually far from other
instances and it tends to get isolated in fewer
steps than normal instances.
5. Graph-Based Model:
(a) Optimum-Path Forest Algorithm: The
Optimum-Path Forest for anomaly detec-
tion, namely OPF-AD, was proposed by Passos
et al. (Passos et al., 2016) and concerned
with an adaption of the unsupervised OPF
for the task. In this context, the unsupervised
FakeRecogna Anomaly: Fake News Detection in a New Brazilian Corpus
OPF is employed to cluster a training dataset
composed of positive samples only. Regarding
the testing step, each new instance is associated
with the closest cluster using a k-NN-based
approach, as performed by the standard
unsupervised OPF. Further, the density of
this new sample is computed and compared
against a threshold, which is pre-defined as
a hyperparameter. Finally, the instance is
considered regular if the density is higher
than the threshold. Otherwise, it receives an
anomaly label.
4.4 Experimental Setup and Evaluation
Anomaly detection methods are unsupervised learn-
ing models that learn what is normal from training
data. Thus, any other data that does not follow the
pattern determined by each method is identified as
an anomaly. To carry out the experiments, we use
the real news samples for training, making the classi-
fier understand this pattern. Thus, when the testing
samples containing fake news appear, the classifier
can flag the information focuses that deviate from the
standard properties. The classifiers are trained using
80% of the real news from the corpus, whereas the
testing set comprises the remaining 20% of real news
plus all fake news, Table 4. The idea of partitioning
idea of using usch a partitioning configuration is due
to the fact that the amount of fake news is much lower
than the real news. Thus, this division is fairer and
generates a greater impact when verified at a training
percentage greater than 20%.
The performance is assessed through three met-
rics: (i) f1-score micro, (ii) f1-score macro, and (iii)
precision. The f1-score micro calculates the over-
all mean f1-score by counting the sums of true pos-
itives (TP), false negatives (FN) and false positives
(FP). Macro f1-score treats all class equally, regard-
less their supporting values because is calculated us-
ing the arithmetic mean (also known as unweighted
average) of all f1-scores per class. The application of
such metrics is motivated by the type of database (i.e.,
unbalanced) used in the experiments.
Table 4: Details of each experimental set.
set types of news # samples
train real 80, 000
test real and fake 21, 000
This section discusses the experimental results us-
ing FakeRecogna Anomaly, as presented Table 5.
As aforementioned, each classifier is evaluated using
three text representations as input to analyze their im-
pact on the detection task.
The codes of each classifier can be found either
in the scikit-learn library
or in the PyOD library
which is one of the most comprehensive and scalable
Python library for detecting peripheral objects in mul-
tivariate data (Zhao et al., 2019).
Table 5: Experimental results over FakeRecogna Anomaly.
model text representation
f1-score precision
micro macro real fake
BoW 0.866 0.522 96.0% 8.0%
TF-IDF 0.869 0.519 96.0% 8.0%
FastText 0.867 0.519 96.0% 8.0%
BoW 0.904 0.703 99.0% 31.0%
TF-IDF 0.928 0.517 95.0% 9.0%
FastText 0.866 0.500 95.0% 5.0%
BoW 0.863 0.526 96.0% 9.0%
TF-IDF 0.902 0.717 100.0% 32.0%
FastText 0.866 0.501 95.0% 5.0%
BoW 0.488 0.358 94.0% 4.0%
TF-IDF 0.519 0.413 100.0% 9.0%
FastText 0.494 0.354 94.0% 3.0%
BoW 0.591 0.457 100.0% 10.0%
TF-IDF 0.518 0.413 100.0% 9.0%
FastText 0.951 0.491 95.0% 9.0%
BoW 0.912 0.548 96.0% 13.0%
TF-IDF 0.912 0.515 95.0% 8.0%
FastText 0.909 0.522 95.0% 9.0%
BoW 0.056 0.054 99.0% 5.0%
TF-IDF 0.069 0.068 100.0% 5.0%
FastText 0.049 0.047 97.0% 5.0%
Concerning text representation, TF-IDF achieved
the best precision results. The fact that we use stem-
ming in the pre-processing phase may have hindered
FastText, since it works with n-grams, prefixes, and
suffixes, which are information that can be lost when
words are stemmed. Additionally to precision, when
analyzing an unbalanced base, one of the main met-
rics is the macro f1-score, in which CBLOF classifier
with TF-IDF representation achieved the highest av-
erage among the other experiments, followed by LOF
with BoW representation and, much further down,
IsolationForest also with BoW.
Regarding the models, the proximity-based outlier
detection methods obtained the best results to iden-
tify real and fake news. Two other points worth men-
tioning are: (i) the proximity-based models for outlier
detection obtained better results than the other tech-
niques, and (ii) the ECOD classifier did not present
any great performance variation for any of the textual
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
5.1 Comparison Experiments:
Standard vs Anomaly Detection
This section presents the results that evaluate the
performance of both standard and anomaly detec-
tion based technique classifiers over the FakeRecogna
Anomaly dataset. However, the data was normalized,
that is, we used a pre-processing technique that places
the data on the same scale, thus transforming the sam-
ples and distributing the data in an range.
To carry out this comparison, we created differ-
ent folds from the tests presented above, but applying
the same methodology. This set of experiments fo-
cus on the micro and macro f1-score metrics. Table 6
shows the results obtained with the previously men-
tioned classifiers, the table being divided first with
the supervised algorithms and then below, the unsu-
pervised algorithms.
Table 6: Algorithm results using FakeRecogna Anomaly.
f1-score precision
micro macro real fake
LinearSVC 0.993 0.498 99.0% 0.0%
Naive Bayes 0.990 0.499 99.0% 0.0%
SVM 0.990 0.498 99.0% 25.0%
OPF 0.983 0.575 99.0% 15.0%
RandomForest 0.990 0.418 96.0% 0.52%
ECOD [NB] 0.331 0.285 97.0% 5.0%
IsolationForest [RF] 0.931 0.497 95.0% 2.5%
LOF [NB] 0.619 0.413 94.0% 3.0%
OneClassSVM [SVC] 0.931 0.502 100.0% 32.0%
OPF-AD [OPF] 0.070 0.069 100.0% 0.05%
SGDOneClassSVM [SVM] 0.952 0.502 95.0% 0.0%
The achieved results show that even for an unbal-
anced base, standard classifiers achieve a good perfor-
mance. However, the use of unsupervised algorithms
had a better performance analyzing the applied met-
rics, since the f1-score micro gives equal importance
to each observation, that is, when the classes are un-
balanced, those classes with more observations will
have a greater impact. in the final score, resulting
in a score that can hide the performance of minority
classes and amplifies the majority.
On the other hand, the F1-macro score gives equal
importance to each class, so a majority class will con-
tribute equally to the minority, allowing the f1-macro
score to still return objective results in unbalanced
datasets. In short, if we analyze the results, we can see
that the unsupervised algorithms obtained a better re-
sult involving the FakeRecogna Anomaly dataset than
the supervised algorithms, thus demonstrating that the
detection of fake news can be treated as an anomaly
detection problem.
This work proposed a new corpus for the detec-
tion of fake news in Portuguese called FakeRecogna
Anomaly. We carried out experiments with classical
textual representations and different classifiers cover-
ing different working methods, in which we managed
to produce interesting results considering the diffi-
culty of the problem. A far we know, no specific
databases were found that present the proportion de-
veloped in this work, i.e, according to their charac-
teristics of corpus formation with one false news for
every 1,000 real news, coming from internationally
recognized agencies and that have their news updated
in comparison to other databases. By building the
dataset, we hope to encourage research on anomaly
detection involving fake news in Portuguese.
We also performed experiments over the proposed
corpus using classifiers designed for outlier detection,
where the models achieved interesting results, in ad-
dition to the performance comparison involving stan-
dard algorithms.
The main scope of the work is to foster research
on the detection of fake news in Portuguese, work-
ing with new approaches and providing a corpus to
be further developed by the scientific community. As
future work, we intend to explore our dataset with
new approaches, use other word embeddings, and use
more utilities provided by the PyOD library. Regard-
ing deep learning, we intend to consider new architec-
tures such as unsupervised neural attention models,
unsupervised Bidirectional Encoder Representations
from Transformers (BERT) and other neural network
The authors are grateful to FAPESP grants
#2013/07375-0, #2014/12236-1, #2019/07665-4,
#2019/18287-0, and #2021/05516-1, and CNPq grant
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