EHDI: Enhancement of Historical Document Images via Generative
Adversarial Network
Abir Fathallah
1,2 a
, Mounim A. El-Yacoubi
and Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara
e de Sousse, Institut Sup
erieur de l’Informatique et des Techniques de Communication,
LATIS - Laboratory of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Systems, 4023, Sousse, Tunisia
Samovar, CNRS, T
ecom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry Cedex, France
e de Sousse, Ecole Nationale d’Ing
enieurs de Sousse,
LATIS-Laboratory of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Systems, 4023, Sousse, Tunisia
Historical Documents, Document Enhancement, Degraded Documents, Generative Adversarial Networks.
Images of historical documents are sensitive to the significant degradation over time. Due to this degrada-
tion, exploiting information contained in these documents has become a challenging task. Consequently, it is
important to develop an efficient tool for the quality enhancement of such documents. To address this issue,
we present in this paper a new modelknown as EHDI (Enhancement of Historical Document Images) which
is based on generative adversarial networks. The task is considered as an image-to-image conversion process
where our GAN model involves establishing a clean version of a degraded historical document. EHDI implies
a global loss function that associates content, adversarial, perceptual and total variation losses to recover global
image information and generate realistic local textures. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments demon-
strate that our proposed EHDI outperforms significantly the state-of-the-art methods applied to the widespread
DIBCO 2013, DIBCO 2017, and H-DIBCO 2018 datasets. Our suggested model is adaptable to other docu-
ment enhancement problems, following the results across a wide range of degradations. Our code is available
Historical Arabic Documents (HADs) are a valuable
part of cultural heritage, but access to them is of-
ten limited due to inadequate storage conditions. To
be understood automatically by machine vision, dig-
ital historical documents must be transcribed into a
readable form, as they are not readily processed in
their original form. These documents often suffer
from various types of degradation. The restoration
of historical documents can be complicated by the
presence of watermarks, stamps, or annotations, es-
pecially when these forms of degradation occur in
the text itself. This is particularly challenging when
the stain color is similar to or more intense than the
font color of the document. Document processing,
which involves transcribing digital historical docu-
ments into a readable form, can be done using a com-
puter vision tool or by a human being. In recent
years, the development of various public databases
has led to a significant expansion of document pro-
cessing. The processing of historical documents is
a very challenging task and it is not always efficient
due to the poor quality of manuscripts. These doc-
uments can be affected by various types of damage,
such as wrinkles, dust damage, nutrition stains, and
discolored sunspots, which can hinder their process-
ing efficiency (Zamora-Mart
ınez et al., 2007). Degra-
dation may also occur in the scanned documents due
to poor scanning conditions related to the use of the
smartphone camera (shadow (Finlayson et al., 2002),
blurring (Chen et al., 2011), varying light conditions,
warping, etc.). In addition, several documents are
sometimes infested with stamps, watermarks, or an-
notations. In this paper, a new document enhance-
ment model is evolved for enhancing degraded docu-
ments to provide a cleaned-up version. Specifically,
we consider the document enhancement task as a
GAN-based image-to-image converter process. This
paper proposes a new GAN architecture specifically
designed to improve the clarity of images of histori-
cal documents. In contrast to previous methods, this
approach aims to simultaneously remove noise and
watermarks while preserving the quality of the text.
The ultimate goal is to create a system that is able to
Fathallah, A., El-Yacoubi, M. and Ben Amara, N.
EHDI: Enhancement of Historical Document Images via Generative Adversarial Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0011662700003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
effectively enhance document images. An ideal sys-
tem should be able to remove noise and watermarks
while also maintaining the quality of the text in doc-
ument images. The ability to perform both tasks si-
multaneously would be highly desirable. Deep neural
networks, specifically deep convolutional neural net-
works (auto-encoders and variational auto-encoders
(VAE)) (Mao et al., 2016; Dong et al., 2015), and
generative adversarial networks (GANs) (Isola et al.,
2017), have recently made significant progress in gen-
erating and restoring natural images.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides an overview of relevant pre-
vious work. Section 3 presents the proposed approach
for enhancing degraded documents. The experimental
study is described in section 4. Finally, the conclusion
and future directions are outlined in Section in section
Document enhancement involves the perceptual qual-
ity improvement of document images and the removal
of degradation effects and artifacts from the images
to make them look as they originally did (Hedjam
and Cheriet, 2013). In order to improve the qual-
ity of historical documents, the binarization of docu-
ments is the most widely applied technique. It aims
to separate each pixel of text from the background
(Sauvola and Pietik
ainen, 2000). This technique re-
duces the amount of noise in document images. Tradi-
tional methods of document binarization (Otsu, 1979;
Sauvola and Pietik
ainen, 2000) are generally formu-
lated using the thresholding technique. Hence, sev-
eral approaches have evolved to determine the most
optimal thresholds for applying it as a filter. Depend-
ing on the threshold(s), binary classification is per-
formed to specify whether the pixels are part of the
text or the degradation. In order to determine the bi-
narization threshold, the authors in (Chou et al., 2010)
proposed a method based on machine learning tech-
niques. Each region of the image is defined as a three-
dimensional feature vector obtained from the gray-
level pixel value distribution. To classify each region
into one of four different threshold values, the sup-
port vector machine (SVM) was employed. Gener-
ally, the major limitation of these traditional methods
lies in the fact that the results are extremely depen-
dent on the document conditions. Indeed, in the pres-
ence of a complex image background or with an atyp-
ical intensity, several problems appear. A variational
model aimed at eliminating transparencies from de-
graded two-sided document images is introduced in
(Moghaddam and Cheriet, 2009).
Recently, GANs have gained impressive achieve-
ments in both image generation and translation. In
this section, we consider the application of GANs
in document processing and enhancement issues. In
terms of image segmentation, Ledig et al. reported
SRGAN (Ledig et al., 2017), which provides a GANs
for super-resolution of images. The authors employed
conditional GANs for document enhancement tasks
based on image-to-image translation. Dual GAN gen-
erator algorithms (Yi et al., 2017) intended for under-
water image enhancement exploit two or more gen-
erators for predicting the enhanced image. The in-
tention behind using two generators along with one
discriminator or two generators with two discrimina-
tors is to either share features between the generators
or to consider the prediction of one generator as an
input to the other generator. The model is weakly
supervised and avoids the need to use matched un-
derwater images for training in that the underwater
images can be considered in unknown locations, thus
allowing for adversarial learning. Isola et al. (Isola
et al., 2017) developed the GAN Pix2Pix for image-
to-image translation using CGAN. An adversarial loss
is used to train the GAN Pix2Pix model generator,
thus promoting plausible image generation in the tar-
get domain.The discriminator assesses whether the
generated image is a real transformation of the source
image. There are various approaches to improving
documents, but most of these approaches address a
specific problem. For example, in a study published
in (Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020), the authors ex-
amined the issue of documents that have been dam-
aged due to watermarks or stamps and proposed a
solution using conditional GANs to restore historical
documents to their original, undamaged state. Sim-
ilarly, the authors in (Jemni et al., 2022) developed
a method using GANs that combines document bi-
narization with a recognition stage. Another study
(Gangeh et al., 2021) specifically addressed problems
such as blurry text, salt and pepper noise, and water-
marks by proposing a unified architecture that com-
bines a deep network with a cycle-consistent GAN for
the purpose of denoising document images.
As motioned above, there are some recent tech-
niques for document enhancement that are emerging,
involving the use of deep learning tools. Most of them
employ Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and
GANs, in order to learn how to generate a clean
binary version for any degraded document image
(Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020; Tamrin et al., 2021).
However, most authors employed a simple architec-
ture with an optimization technique that is not well
adapted to the complexity of historical document im-
EHDI: Enhancement of Historical Document Images via Generative Adversarial Network
ages. Essentially, the aim of document enhancement
is to generate a significantly better and cleaner version
of degraded document images, which is very bene-
ficial for further processing tasks. To this end, we
propose a robust GAN architecture that is trained and
optimized following several loss functions in order to
overcome the complexity of historical documents and
to generate a quite clean image comparing with the
existing methods.
In this section, we present the main steps of our pro-
posed approach called EHDI (Enhancement of Histor-
ical Document Images via GANs). It aims to generate
a clear version of a degraded historical document us-
ing GANs. GANs are machine learning models that
are used to learn the distribution of real data and gen-
erate images based on random noise. The goal of
our model is to use GANs to improve the quality of
historical documents. The main purpose of GANs,
as previously discussed in studies such as (Marnissi
et al., 2021; Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020; Jemni
et al., 2022), is to learn the distribution of real data
and create an output image from random noise. In
our GAN model, the goal is to generate a clean ver-
sion of a degraded historical document. This can be
thought of as an image-to-image conversion process,
where our model learns to map a degraded document
image (represented as x”) to a clean document image
(represented as y”). During the training process, the
GAN takes a degraded document image as input and
attempts to generate a cleaned version of it. On the
other hand, the discriminator receives two inputs: the
generated image and the ground truth, which is the
known clean version of the degraded image. It then
determines whether the generated image is a realistic
representation or not based on the ground truth. As
shown in Figure 1, our model consists of two main
components: a generator (G) and a discriminator (D).
The generator is trained to convert a degraded docu-
ment image into a clean version, while the discrim-
inator helps the generator to produce more realistic
images by distinguishing between generated and real
3.1 Generator Architecture
The generator in our model is an image transforma-
tion network that generates the transformed image us-
ing the input image. It is designed as an autoencoder
model, which consists of an encoder and a decoder.
The input image is typically processed through a se-
ries of convolutional layers with downward sampling
to reach a particular layer, and then decoded through
a series of up-sampling and convolutional layers. Fig-
ure 1 illustrates the details of our suggested GAN ar-
chitecture. Our generator network is based on the ar-
chitecture proposed in (Wang et al., 2018), with each
sub-network following the structure outlined in (John-
son et al., 2016).
3.2 Discriminator Architecture
The discriminator in our model is a simple fully con-
volutional network that receives two input images: the
generated image and its ground truth. Its purpose is
to determine whether the generated image is real or
fake. As shown in Figure 1, our suggested discrim-
inator architecture consists of five convolutional lay-
ers, followed by a normalization layer (except for the
last layer) and a LeakyReLU activation function (ex-
cept for the first and last layers). Inspired by Patch-
GAN (Isola et al., 2017), we use a 70×70 patch as in-
put to our discriminative network, which determines
whether local image patches are real or fake. The dis-
criminator’s goal is to identify whether the input patch
in an image is genuine or synthetic.
3.3 Loss Functions of Proposed GAN
To effectively train our EHDI model, we include a
content loss to penalize the distance between the gen-
erated and ground-truth images. The adversarial dis-
criminator helps the generator to synthesize fine and
specific details. The discriminator helps the generator
create more accurate and specific details by identify-
ing and penalizing deviations from the desired output.
To further enhance the clarity and precision of these
details, we also incorporate a combination of percep-
tual and Total Variation (TV) losses. Our objective
loss is comprised of four losses: adversarial loss, con-
tent loss, perceptual loss, and TV loss. These losses
are defined as follows:
Adversarial loss: To encourage the generator to
produce high-quality, accurate images, we use an
adversarial loss. This loss function, defined in
Eq.(1), helps ensure that the generated clean im-
ages G(x) are as close as possible to the true clean
images y.
= E
[log(D(G(x), y)] (1)
Content loss: To preserve the content informa-
tion present in the ground truth image y in the
generated image G(x), we use a content loss in
our improved GAN. This loss function, defined
in Eq.(2), is a pixel-wise mean squared error that
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Block 1
AvgPool 3x3
Block n
Block 1
Block m
document image
Ground truth
3x3x128 3x3x256
Figure 1: Proposed GAN architecture for our document enhancement model EHDI.
minimizes low-level content errors between the
generated cleaned images and their corresponding
ground truth images.
i, j
i, j
where W and H refer to the height and width of
the degraded image, respectively. The L
is denoted by .
, and the pixel values of the
ground truth image and the generated image are
represented by y
i, j
and G(x)
i, j
, respectively.
Perceptual loss: To improve the perceptual quality
of the generated results and correct any distorted
textures caused by the adversarial loss, we use a
perceptual loss function introduced in (Johnson
et al., 2016). This loss function calculates the dis-
tance between the generated image and its ground
truth based on high-level representations extracted
from a pre-trained VGG-16 model.The perceptual
loss is defined by Eq.(3).
i, j
i, j
where Φ
represents the feature representations of
the k
maxpooling layer in the VGG-16 network,
and C
represents the size of these feature
Total variation loss: To prevent over-pixelization
and improve the spatial smoothness of the cleaned
document images, we use the TV loss introduced
in (Aly and Dubois, 2005). This loss function is
defined in Eq.(4).
G( ˜y) +
G( ˜y)| (4)
where |.| refers to the absolute value per element
of the indicated input.
The loss function that optimizes the network param-
eters of the generator (G) is referred to as the global
loss function L given by Eq.(5).
L = L
+ λ
+ λ
+ λ
where λ
, λ
and λ
represent the weights that
control the share of different losses in the full objec-
tive function.
In this section, we present the main experiments that
were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of our
proposed approach.
4.1 Datasets
To train our document enhancement architecture, we
used the Noisy Office database (Zamora-Mart
et al., 2007). For the evaluation phase, we con-
sidered the DIBCO 2013 (Pratikakis et al., 2013),
DIBCO 2017 (Pratikakis et al., 2017), H-DIBCO
2018 (Pratikakis et al., 2018b) and (Pantke et al.,
2014) datasets.
4.2 Experimental Setup
4.2.1 Evaluation Protocol
To evaluate the ability and the quality of our EHDI
model, we have conducted a series of experiments
on different datasets. We introduce qualitative and
quantitative results to evaluate our EHDI. We se-
lect four performance assessments (Pratikakis et al.,
2013): Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), pseudo-F-
measure (F
), Distance reciprocal distortion metric
(DRD) and F-measure.
EHDI: Enhancement of Historical Document Images via Generative Adversarial Network
4.2.2 Implementation Details
The learning process is optimized using the stochas-
tic gradient descent algorithm with a learning rate of
and a batch size of 512. T. All parameter values
were chosen based on empirical testing. The exper-
iments were implemented using the PyTorch frame-
work and the EHDI model was trained on an NVIDIA
Quadro RTX 6000 GPU with 24 GB of RAM. To fa-
cilitate the training of the architecture, each image is
resized to 1024 × 1024 pixels and a set of stacked
patches of size 256 × 256 pixels are extracted. This
results in a total of 2,304 patch pairs, which are used
to train the EHDI model. During training, the weights
of the different losses in the full objective function are
set to λ
= 0.3, λ
= 1, and λ
= 1, respectively.
4.3 Results
In this section, we evaluate the performance of the
proposed EHDI model and compare it to the cur-
rent state of the art in document binarization. It is
important to note that the model was only trained
on the Noisy Office (Zamora-Mart
ınez et al., 2007)
database, while the evaluation was conducted on ex-
ternal databases not included in the training. The re-
sults of our EHDI model are presented in Table 1 and
compared to other approaches on the DIBCO 2013
dataset. Figure 2 also shows a qualitative comparison
of the results on the DIBCO 2013 dataset, where it can
be seen that the EHDI model produces a cleaner im-
age quality than DE-GAN, especially when the degra-
dation is very dense. This is because DE-GAN may
struggle to remove such degradation from the docu-
ment background in these cases.
Table 1: Results of our proposed EHDI on DIBCO 2013
Model PSNR F-measure F
(Otsu, 1979) 16.6 83.9 86.5 11.0
(Niblack, 1985) 13.6 72.8 72.2 13.6
(Sauvola and Pietik
16.9 85.0 89.8 7.6
(Gatos et al., 2004) 17.1 83.4 87.0 9.5
(Su et al., 2012) 19.6 87.7 88.3 4.2
(Tensmeyer and Martinez,
20.7 93.1 96.8 2.2
(Xiong et al., 2018) 21.3 93.5 94.4 2.7
(Vo et al., 2018) 21.4 94.4 96.0 1.8
(Howe, 2013) 21.3 91.3 91.7 3.2
(Souibgui and Kessentini,
24.9 99.5 99.7 1.1
EHDI 26.8 99.9 99.9 0.97
To demonstrate the improvement achieved by our
EHDI model, Figure 3 presents an example of the
generated document image that is very close to and
even superior to the ground truth image.
Original image
Ground truth
DE-GAN (Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020)
Figure 2: Example of degraded documents enhancement by
our EHDI and DE-GAN on sample PR08 from DIBCO-
2013 (Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020).
Original image Ground truth Generated image
Figure 3: Example of enhancing degraded documents by
our EHDI.
The proposed EHDI (enhanced document im-
age) outperforms the state-of-the-art DE-GAN model
(Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020). This is evident in
the results of the 2017 DIBCO and 2018 H-DIBCO
test sets, as shown in Table 2. An example of this
superiority is shown in Figure 4, where EHDI outper-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: A comparative review of competitor approaches of DIBCO 2018 on DIBCO 2017 and DIBCO 2018 Datasets.
DIBCO 2018 DIBCO2017
PSNR F-measure F
DRD PSNR F-measure F
1 (Pratikakis et al., 2018a) 19.11 88.34 90.24 4.92 17.99 89.37 90.17 5.51
7 (Pratikakis et al., 2018a) 14.62 73.45 75.94 26.24 15.72 84.36 87.34 7.56
2 (Pratikakis et al., 2018a) 13.58 70.04 74.68 17.45 14.04 79.41 82.62 10.70
3b (Pratikakis et al., 2018a) 13.57 64.52 68.29 16.67 15.28 82.43 86.74 6.97
6 (Pratikakis et al., 2018a) 11.79 46.35 51.39 24.56 15.38 80.75 87.24 6.22
(Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020) 16.16 77.59 85.74 7.93 18.74 97.91 98.23 3.01
EHDI 20.31 92.69 90.83 3.94 19.15 98.56 99.44 2.87
Original image Ground truth Winner team DE-GAN EHDI
Figure 4: Qualitative binarization results on sample 16 in DIBCO 2017 dataset. Here, we compare the results of our proposed
model with the winner’s approach (Pratikakis et al., 2017) and DE-GAN (Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020).
Original image DE-GAN (Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020) EHDI
Figure 5: Example of qualitative results on HADARA dataset compared to DE-GAN enhancement approach (Souibgui and
Kessentini, 2020).
forms the winner’s method and DE-GAN on (sample
16) from DIBCO 2017. The winner’s method used a
U-net architecture and data augmentation techniques,
while DE-GAN used a simple GAN network. Our
model achieved better results due to the use of multi-
ple loss functions that optimize the generator to pro-
duce images more closely aligned with the ground
As shown in Figure 5, the visual quality of the
enhanced document images on samples from the
HADARA dataset (Pantke et al., 2014) is demon-
strated. It is clear that EHDI consistently outperforms
DE-GAN. To fairly evaluate our EHDI against state-
of-the-art methods, we used the same sample as in the
DE-GAN paper and compared EHDI to pix2pix-HD
(Wang et al., 2018) and CycleGan (Zhu et al., 2017).
The results, shown in Figure 6 and Table 3, demon-
strate the superior performance of EHDI in terms
of visual quality compared to cycleGAN, pix2pix-
HD, and DE-GAN. In contrast to previous work in
(Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020), which used three
separate cGAN-based models for binarization, water-
EHDI: Enhancement of Historical Document Images via Generative Adversarial Network
marking, and deblurring, this paper presents a single
model that can handle all these tasks.
Table 3: Results of our proposed model on DIBCO 2018
Model PSNR F-measure F
cycleGAN 11.00 56.33 58.07 30.07
pix2pix-HD 14.42 72.79 76.28 15.13
DE-GAN 16.16 77.59 85.74 7.93
EHDI 26.8 99.9 99.9 0.97
Original image
Ground truth
DE-GAN (Souibgui and Kessentini, 2020)
Figure 6: Example of qualitative enhancement results pro-
duced by different models of the sample (9) from the H-
DIBCO 2018 dataset.
In this paper, we have put forward a conditional GAN
as a means to generate clean document images from
highly degraded images. Our suggested EHDI has
been designed to handle different degradation tasks
such as watermark removal and chemical degradation
with the goal of producing hyper-clean document im-
ages and fine detail recovery performances.
Extensive experiments have shown the effective-
ness of the proposed EHDI for cleaning extremely de-
graded documents. An interesting improvement for
historical documents compared to many recent state-
of-the-art methods on reference datasets.
Future work will include the adoption of the vi-
sion transformer techniques for a better document im-
provement process. In addition, we intend to add
a recognition module to our framework to provide
a comprehensive platform for processing historical
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EHDI: Enhancement of Historical Document Images via Generative Adversarial Network