Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data
Zorana Do
, Tomislav Hrka
and Zoran Kalafati
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Recurrent Neural Network, Gated Recurrent Unit, Online Gesture Recognition, Hand Skeleton, Sliding
Hand gesture recognition from skeleton data has recently gained popularity due to the broad areas of ap-
plication and availability of adequate input devices. However, before utilising this technology in real-world
conditions there are still many challenges left to overcome. A major challenge is robust gesture localization –
estimating the beginning and the end of a gesture in online conditions. We propose an online gesture detec-
tion system based on two models one for gesture localization and the other for gesture classification. This
approach is tested and compared against the one-model approach, often found in literature. The system is
evaluated on the recent SHREC challenge which offers datasets for online gesture detection. Results show the
benefits of distributing the tasks of localization and recognition instead of using one model for both tasks. The
proposed system obtains state-of-the-art results on SHREC gesture detection dataset.
In recent years, hand gesture recognition has become
an important part of human-computer interaction with
a growing field of application, such as the video-
game industry, medicine, sign language translation,
automotive industry etc. Advancement of input de-
vices has allowed scientists to develop methods for
different input modalities, such as RGB, depth and
hand skeleton data as well as different multimodal ap-
Hand keypoints are easily obtained from sen-
sors available in modern virtual reality devices (e.g.
Leap Motion Controller, HoloLens 2), or alterna-
tively using standard RGB input processed by a
lightweight convolutional model such as MediaPipe
Hands (Zhang et al., 2020). This allows for a variety
of interaction mechanisms in virtual and mixed real-
ity, making us rethink standard human-computer in-
teraction. This inspired us to create an online gesture
recognition system based solely on 3D hand skeleton
The online gesture recognition (or detection) in-
cludes both the temporal localization of a gesture and
its subsequent classification. However, up to this
point a majority of research and datasets were fo-
cused on classification of already segmented gestures.
Although this is an important part of online gesture
recognition, it is less challenging than gesture extrac-
tion and recognition from continuous input data. Con-
sequently, developed online systems were often appli-
cation and/or dataset specific, and therefore not robust
enough for general real world use.
There are several challenges regarding online ges-
ture recognition in the real world systems. The system
latency should be very low to give a feeling of an in-
stant response. Also, the system should not have too
many false positives; however, it should have a high
detection rate, which often becomes a trade-off. Fi-
nally, the models should often be lightweight to be
appropriate for real time use on embedded hardware.
A crucial part of online gesture recognition is ges-
ture localization estimating the beginning and end
of each gesture. There are two possible approaches
to this problem. In one approach, continuous input
data is fed to the model by a (temporal) sliding win-
dow technique where the model labels each incoming
input frame with one (or none) of the known gesture
classes. Final gesture boundaries are then determined
by different postprocessing strategies (Maghoumi and
LaViola, 2019), (Emporio et al., 2021). Another ap-
proach first determines gesture boundaries (using of-
ten complex and time latent heuristics (Caputo et al.,
2022), (Caputo et al., 2021)) and then classifies the
segmented data into gesture classes.
We believe the latter is a more prudent approach
because gestures lengths vary drastically, both within
and between classes, which the former approach
Doždor, Z., Hrka
c, T. and Kalafati
c, Z.
Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0011663200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
struggles to handle. In this work, we propose a similar
system; however, instead of using a complex heuris-
tic for gesture localization, we propose training a re-
current model for this task. This results in a system
comprised of two recurrent lightweight models – one
for gesture localization and another for gesture classi-
Our contribution is as follows:
a novel hand gesture recognition approach that
uses two lightweight, easy to implement models;
a hand gesture localization model based on
trained recurrent network instead of using com-
plex heuristics.
The proposed system achieves state-of-the-art results
on SHREC gesture detection dataset.
Much of the published work in gesture recognition
utilizes traditional computer vision methods where
features are hand-crafted. However, deep learning
methods have recently come to the forefront.
Gesture recognition methods differ based on the
utilized input modalities, as they indicate the shape of
the data upon which the algorithms are based. Out of
the several prominent input modalities (RGB, depth,
skeleton, segmentation mask), our work focuses on
gesture recognition from hand skeleton data.
As for gesture localization, there has not been
much research or datasets for temporal gesture lo-
calization from continuous skeleton data – something
which this work aims to build upon.
2.1 Skeleton-Based Hand Gesture
In skeleton-based hand gesture classification, the in-
put rarely consists of just raw 3D hand skeleton points
(Maghoumi and LaViola, 2019). Defining additional
features based on 3D points can significantly improve
model performance. Various features extracted from
the hand-skeleton have been proposed, based on joint
velocity, acceleration, joint-to-joint distances, angles
between selected joints, etc.
Recurrent networks are one of the dominant ap-
proaches in gesture recognition because of their abil-
ity to extract important temporal information from se-
quential data. Still, they underperform when it comes
to extracting spatial features. To aid this, convolu-
tional neural networks (CNNs) are often utilised.
In (Maghoumi and LaViola, 2019), a deep recur-
rent network with an attention module is proposed for
skeleton-data gesture recognition. The main building
blocks of the model are stacked gated recurrent units
(GRUs). (Shin and Kim, 2020) also use GRU archi-
tecture, but they divide the input features into multi-
ple parts to reduce the number of network parameters
needed for optimization. In (Song et al., 2017), a re-
current network is constructed with LSTM units with
spatial and temporal attention subnetworks. (Chen
et al., 2017) also utilizes an LSTM network, but in
addition to skeleton sequence input they construct a
set of finger and global motion features to describe
hand movement and improve classification accuracy.
As for the CNN, a simple convolutional network
inspired by DDNet architecture (Yang et al., 2019) is
proposed in (Emporio et al., 2021). Instead of using
raw data, the authors constructed five different input
features from the input skeleton: the Euclidian dis-
tances between pairs of joints, the palm orientation,
the orientations of selected joint pairs and the joint
speeds. In (Devineau et al., 2018) a CNN with par-
allel branches for feature extraction is presented. In
(Hou et al., 2019), an end-to-end attention residual
temporal convolutional network is proposed, tracking
both spatial and temporal features.
A combination of CNN and LSTM is presented in
nez et al., 2018), with CNN being used as encoder
part of the network, while LSTM is used for gesture
classification. For that approach, a two-stage training
strategy is presented, firstly adjusting the weights of
the CNN, then training the combination of CNN and
Additionally, there have been some attempts in
creating an image representation of skeleton trajec-
tories. In (Lupinetti et al., 2020) and (Caputo et al.,
2020), color intensity is used to represent temporal
information, and the final 2D image is created by pro-
jecting the 3D points onto a view plane. Images are
then classified by a CNN. Similarly, in (Wang et al.,
2016), hue, saturation, and brightness are used to
represent spatial-temporal motion information. Joint
trajectory maps are constructed for three orthogonal
planes and processed by a CNN, then fused for the
final result.
2.2 Temporal Gesture Localization
There has been a lot of work done on temporal local-
ization in videos. However, localization for skeleton-
based continuous data is yet to be researched. To the
authors knowledge, the only non-segmented skeleton-
based hand gesture recognition datasets have been
proposed by Caputo et al. as a part of the SHape Re-
trieval Contest (SHREC).
Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data
The SHREC 2019 (Caputo et al., 2019) dataset
contains only 5 dynamic gestures described by a hand
trajectory. In SHREC 2021 (Caputo et al., 2021),
there were 18 gesture classes divided into static, dy-
namic and fine dynamic gestures. Finally, the third
dataset, SHREC 2022 (Caputo et al., 2022) was cre-
ated to alleviate some of the problems of the previous
datasets. These challenges resulted in several meth-
ods for gesture localization and recognition proposed
by the contestants.
The results of four research groups participating in
SHREC 2021 contest are presented in (Caputo et al.,
2021). One group proposed a transformer-based ar-
chitecture for gesture classification. The model makes
predictions for every time step of the input and then
a finite state machine is utilised for localisation of
the gestures. Another group proposed an energy-
based detection module for gesture localisation. With
a sliding window approach, they calculated the en-
ergy for several consecutive windows and selected the
ones with the minimum of energy as candidate ges-
tures. Similar work was done in SHREC 2022, where
one group applied an energy-based proposal module
with the addition of a gesture localisation branch in
the classification model for more precise localisation.
Another group presented a method based on tempo-
ral convolutional network (TCN), where the model is
fed with windows of length n, and the final per-frame
prediction is made by a voting strategy with n votes
for each frame. An additional post-processing strat-
egy is applied to determine the gesture start and end
from the per-frame predictions.
Figure 1 shows the general flow of the proposed two-
model system. The first model (gesture localizer) is a
binary classifier, predicting whether a gesture is hap-
pening, for every time step of input data. The input is
constructed by a temporal sliding window, where the
classifier makes its prediction for the last time step of
the input window. The model outputs a binary predic-
tion: 1 if a gesture is detected, and 0 otherwise.
Based on the sequence of predictions from the lo-
calizer, segments which contain gestures are extracted
from the data, resampled to a fixed length, and pro-
vided as input to the second model (gesture recog-
nizer). The second model then classifies the segments
into one of the known gesture classes, or the non-
gesture class. The purpose of the non-gesture class
is to filter out any gesture segments that do not ac-
tually contain a gesture, i.e. the false positives of the
Figure 1: General flow of the system. Using a sliding win-
dow approach, the gesture localization model (GRU model
1) extracts gesture segments, while the gesture classification
model (GRU model 2) classifies them into gesture classes.
3.1 Input Preprocessing
The input for both models is preprocessed as follows:
first, for each input sample, the per-axis coordinates
are normalized to have zero mean and unit variance;
then, additional features are derived from the coordi-
nates and added to the input – joint velocity and pair-
wise Manhattan distance. The final feature vector for
each time step is obtained by flattening and concate-
nating the aforementioned features.
Velocity is important as different gestures and dif-
ferent parts of the same gesture are made with varying
speeds. For time step t and joint i, per-axis velocity is
calculated as the first derivative of the joint’s positions
approximated by finite differences:
= x
, (1a)
= y
, (1b)
= z
. (1c)
Pairwise Manhattan distance is introduced to add
spatial information. We chose Manhattan distance in-
stead of the more popular Euclidian because exper-
imental results have shown better performance. For
joint pair i and j, Manhattan distance for time step t is
calculated as follows:
i, j,t
= |x
| + |y
| + |z
|. (2)
3.2 Architectures of the Models
Figure 2 shows the architectures of the recurrent mod-
els used. The encoder part of both architectures is
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
essentially the same: it consists of a fully connected
layer for reduction of feature dimensionality, fol-
lowed by two gated recurrent unit (GRU) layers with
hyperbolic tangent activation. The only differences
are that in the second model batch normalization is
added after the fully connected layer, and dropout
with the probability of 0.2 is applied after each GRU
layer, to reduce overfitting. Inspired by (Maghoumi
and LaViola, 2019) we selected GRU as a building
block of the encoder because it has less training pa-
rameters than LSTM, and still performs well for se-
quences that are not very long. We found experimen-
tally that stacking just two GRU layers is enough for
our application.
For time step t, based on the input vector x
the previous hidden state h
, the hidden output for
the GRU unit is calculated as follows:
= σ(W
+ b
), (3)
= σ(W
+ b
), (4)
= tanh(W
) + b
), (5)
h = u
+ (1 u
, (6)
where u and r are update and reset gates, respectively,
h and h represent intermediate hidden state and
output hidden state, respectively. Weights and bi-
ases are denoted as W and b, while σ denotes the
sigmoid function. Symbol represents the element-
wise product, know as the Hadamard product.
The classification part for the first model consists
of only one fully connected layer with a sigmoid ac-
tivation function. The second model has three fully
connected layers: two with ReLu activation, and the
last one with softmax activation, where the number
of units is equal to the number of classes, plus one
for the non-gesture class. The hyperparameters of the
models are chosen experimentally.
The proposed system is trained and evaluated on two
similar datasets: the SHREC 2021 and SHREC 2022
online gesture detection benchmarks.
SHREC 2021 dataset consist of 16 gestures di-
vided into static (one, two, three, four, ok, menu),
dynamic (left, right, circle, v, cross) and fine-grained
dynamic (grab, pinch, tap, knob, expand) gestures.
Hand skeleton data consisting of 20 joints was col-
lected by a Leap Motion sensor at 50 fps. Total of
180 sequences is divided into train and test, with 108
and 72 sequences respectively. The sequences contain
variable number of gestures (3-5), and the gestures are
Figure 2: Architecture of the gesture localization model
(GRU model 1) and the gesture classification model (GRU
model 2). The models share the same encoder structure
while they differ in the classifier architecture.
interleaved with other hand movements. The begin-
ning and the end of each gesture is annotated, as well
as the gesture class.
SHREC 2022 consists of 16 gestures divided into
four classes: static (one, two, three, four, ok, menu),
dynamic (left, right, circle, v, cross), fine-grained dy-
namic (grab, pinch), and dynamic periodic gestures
(deny, wave, knob), as illustrated in Figure 3. The
dataset has a total of 288 sequences divided evenly
into training and test set. For each time step the co-
ordinates (x,y,z) of 26 hand joints are captured by a
HoloLens 2 device. The gesture dictionary is slightly
changed compared to SHREC 2021 to avoid some
ambiguities that were noticed.
The evaluation considers several measures: the
detection rate, the number of false positives, the de-
tection latency, and the Jaccard Index.
Detection rate (DR): A gesture is considered cor-
rectly detected if the overlap between the ground
truth gesture temporal boundaries and the predic-
Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data
Figure 3: SHREC 2022 gestures (first row - static, second
row - dynamic coarse, third row left - dynamic fine, third
row right - periodic)(Caputo et al., 2022).
tion boundaries is larger than a predefined thresh-
old (usually 50%), and the predicted class label
is correct. The detection rate is the percentage of
the ground truth gestures (of some class) that are
correctly detected and classified.
False positive rate (FP): False positives include
segments detected as gestures, not overlapping
with any of the ground truth gestures, as well as
the misclassified gestures. The false positive rate
is the ratio between the number of false positives
and the number of gestures in the test set.
Detection latency (DL): expresses the difference
between the predicted gesture start and the last
time step used for that prediction.
Jaccard Index (JI): measures the relative overlap
between the ground truth and the predicted ges-
The Jaccard Index is given by the expression:
, (7)
where GT
and P
are ground truth and prediction
binary vectors for sequence s. Vector components as-
sume values one or zero, based on the timesteps where
the i-th gesture is being performed.
We used both SHREC’21 and SHREC’22 datasets
to test the benefits of our two-model approach. Addi-
tionally, we compared the obtained results with the
published state-of-the-art results for the SHREC’22
dataset (Caputo et al., 2022). We omit the compari-
son with the SHREC’21 results from (Caputo et al.,
2021) due to the recent modification of the labels.
4.1 Training
Models were trained with the Adam optimizer and a
learning rate of 0.001 for 200 epochs. Reduction of
learning rate on plateau is applied with patience of 20
epochs. First model is optimised with the binary cross
entropy loss, while for the second model the categor-
ical cross entropy is used.
Training data for both models was split into train-
ing and validation in the ratio of 80:20 by a stratified
split. The length of sliding window for the first model
is set to 40. The positive data for the second model
are the extracted gesture segments, while negative ex-
amples are randomly sampled with a variable length
from the non-gesture segments of the sequences. All
extracted segments are resampled to a length of 20.
Data augmentation was applied for the training of
both models. For each axis (x,y,z) of the input sam-
ple, with 10% probability, a random number between
-0.1 and 0.1 is added to the joint coordinates in a ran-
domly chosen segment of the sequence. The length of
the segment is determined randomly, ranging from 0
to 25% of the input length. The position of the mod-
ified segment in the input sequence is also selected
4.2 Online Gesture Detection
When using the proposed system in an online setting,
the boundaries of the candidate gestures sent to the
second model are determined as follows: the begin-
ning of the gesture is detected if 5 consecutive time
steps are labelled as a gesture, while the end of the
gesture is determined when 10 consecutive time steps
are labelled as a non-gesture. That means, the sys-
tem has a delay of 10 time steps between the end of
the gesture and making the final gesture classification.
Detection latency is 5 time steps, because decision
about the start time step is made after 5 consecutive
gesture predictions. The output of the first model, p,
is a number between 0 and 1 because of the sigmoid
activation function. We select time steps with p > 0.5
as frames that contain a gesture.
A single processing step for the first model in-
cludes sliding window data preprocessing and clas-
sification, while for the second model it consists of
extracted gesture segment resampling and classifica-
tion. For both models the measured execution time
for a single processing step is approximately 20 ms.
The experiments were conducted on a single GPU,
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER (8GB) with an In-
tel Core i9 (8 cores) CPU. The system can process
about 50 fps and, therefore, is appropriate for real-
time applications.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Comparison of one-model and two-model approaches on SHREC’21 and SHREC’22 gesture recognition challenges.
Dataset Method DR FP JI
SHREC’21 One model 0.7279 0.1728 0.6570
SHREC’21 Two models 0.7831 0.0919 0.7371
SHREC’22 One model 0.8524 0.1528 0.7519
SHREC’22 Two models 0.8542 0.0920 0.7881
Table 2: Comparison of our results with state-of-the-art on SHREC’22 gesture recognition challenge.
Method DR FP JI DL (fr)
Stronger 0.7188 0.3299 0.5915 14.79
2ST-GCN 5F 0.7378 0.1042 0.6720 13.28
Causal TCN 0.8003 0.2552 0.6845 19.00
TN-FSM+JD 0.7708 0.1823 0.6582 10.00
Ours 0.8542 0.0920 0.7881 5.00
4.3 One-Model and Two-Model
Approach Comparison
To validate the benefits of our two-model approach,
an experiment has been conducted comparing a typi-
cal one-model approach to our own.
First, we trained only the gesture classification
model from our system (GRU model 2) to make pre-
dictions based on sliding window input instead of the
already extracted gestures. The model predicts one of
the gesture classes (or a non-gesture), for every time
step. All of the post-processing and training strategies
are the same as explained above.
Then, we trained the proposed system, where the
first model predicts gesture segments based on slid-
ing window input, and the second model classifies the
extracted segments. We trained and tested both ap-
proaches on SHREC’22 and SHREC’21 datasets. The
detection rate, the number of false positives and the
Jaccard Index are shown in Table 1 and are calculated
as a mean of per class results.
For the SHREC’22 dataset the detection rate is ap-
proximately the same for both approaches, while the
Jaccard Index is better for the two-model approach.
The number of false positives is lower for the two-
model approach by 6%. We also compared the num-
ber of false positives across all examples. For the two-
model approach the total number of false positives is
9%: 3% are misclassified examples, and 6% are real
false positives. For the one-model approach the total
number of false positives is 16%: 4% are misclassi-
fied examples, and 12% are real false positives. This
suggests that the two-model approach has 50% less
false positives.
While in the SHREC’22 the results are mostly
similar, for the SHREC’21 dataset the two-model ap-
proach shows better results across all measures. We
suppose that this is due to the fact that SHREC’21
dataset labels for start and end of gestures are nois-
ier, and gestures differ more in length so that the gen-
eralization properties of the two-model approach are
more pronounced. Figure 4 shows the detection rate
(which includes both correct localization and classifi-
cation) in relation to the chosen threshold on overlap
ratio between the predictions and the ground truth for
both approaches on SHREC’21. The two-model ap-
proach is consistently better. The graph shows that
both approaches have much higher detection rate for
lower overlap ratio values. This indicates that gesture
classification is usually successful even with poor lo-
Figure 4: Detection rate in relation to overlap ratio thresh-
old on SHREC’21 test set for one-model and two-model
4.4 Comparison with SHREC 2022
Challenge State-of-the-Art Results
Our results are compared to the best runs of the
SHREC’22 challenge participants. Table 2 shows the
results. Participant results reported here differ a lit-
tle from (Caputo et al., 2022) because the evalua-
tion script has been fixed by the contestant organis-
ers since the publishing of the results. Our system has
the highest detection rate and Jaccard Index, while the
number of false positives is slightly lower than the
Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data
(a) Detection rate.
(b) False positive rate.
(c) Jaccard Index.
Figure 5: Comparison of per class (a) detection rate (b) false positive rate and (c) Jaccard Index with state-of-the-art of SHREC
2022 gesture recognition challenge.
best result in the contest.
Figure 5 shows per class detection rates, false pos-
itive rates, and Jaccard Indexes compared to the chal-
lenge contestants. As visible in figure 5a, we have the
best detection rate results for most of the gestures in
the dynamic category (left, circle, v, cross), and com-
parable results for the rest of the categories. Other
methods usually have inconsistent results across ges-
ture categories. For instance, Causal-TCN is the best
in the static category (one, two, three, four, ok, menu),
but their performance in dynamic category is signifi-
cantly lower. For our system, these differences are far
less emphasized.
As for the Jaccard Index in 5c, it is also the best
for dynamic category and comparable with the best
results for other categories, which is to be expected as
it is correlated with the detection rate.
Lastly, figure 5b shows the number of false pos-
itives. It can be observed that out model has consis-
tently low false positive rate across all gesture classes.
This is important because some of the other methods,
like Stronger or Causal-TCN, have spikes with high
number of false positives for certain gesture classes.
These spikes are in some cases even larger than one,
meaning that the number of false positives exceeds
the number of samples for that class.
In this work we proposed a method for gesture lo-
calization and recognition from hand skeleton data in
an online environment. The presented results demon-
strate the benefits of distributing the tasks of ges-
ture localization and recognition between two mod-
els, rather than training just one model for both. The
two-model approach reduces the number of false pos-
itives and can improve generalization when gestures
are considerably diverse in length, or when the dataset
labels are noisy.
Although our results are better than those of the
SHREC 2022 challenge contestants, they should be
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
further improved for real-word use. With the detec-
tion rate of 85% and 9% of false positives, the system
is still not robust enough. The number of false posi-
tives should be close to zero because every response
activated by a false gesture detection would deterio-
rate the user experience. As shown, using two models
slightly alleviates this problem, but further improve-
ments are needed to enable smooth system usage.
There are several directions future work can take
to further improve our results. Firstly, our models are
trained independently. We believe they could benefit
from end-to-end training. The accuracy of the second
model is dependent on the output of the first model,
however, higher accuracy of the first model alone does
not necessarily lead to the better overall performance.
Secondly, the choice of hand-crafted features de-
rived from hand skeleton has a large influence on
model performance. We believe it should be further
explored to fully utilize model capacity.
Lastly, we selected the models’ parameters based
on single stratified split. Although time consuming, it
could prove beneficial to do grid search in combina-
tion with k-fold cross validation for the selection of
This work was supported by the ”Development of an
advanced electric bicycles charging station for a smart
city” project co-funded under the Operational Pro-
gram from the European Structural and Investment
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Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data