further improved for real-word use. With the detec-
tion rate of 85% and 9% of false positives, the system
is still not robust enough. The number of false posi-
tives should be close to zero because every response
activated by a false gesture detection would deterio-
rate the user experience. As shown, using two models
slightly alleviates this problem, but further improve-
ments are needed to enable smooth system usage.
There are several directions future work can take
to further improve our results. Firstly, our models are
trained independently. We believe they could benefit
from end-to-end training. The accuracy of the second
model is dependent on the output of the first model,
however, higher accuracy of the first model alone does
not necessarily lead to the better overall performance.
Secondly, the choice of hand-crafted features de-
rived from hand skeleton has a large influence on
model performance. We believe it should be further
explored to fully utilize model capacity.
Lastly, we selected the models’ parameters based
on single stratified split. Although time consuming, it
could prove beneficial to do grid search in combina-
tion with k-fold cross validation for the selection of
This work was supported by the ”Development of an
advanced electric bicycles charging station for a smart
city” project co-funded under the Operational Pro-
gram from the European Structural and Investment
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Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data