There exist potential avenues for future work. Quantita-
tively analyzing natural language is faster than manual
annotation and less subject to researcher bias. The
description of insight differences provided by this
study can give researchers a general understanding
of how different visualizations enable insight genera-
tion. When used in combination with insight complex-
ity metrics, the results provide a more holistic view
of participant insights. The insight analysis method
currently only analyzes insights on a per-word basis.
Extending the method to look at phrases, rather than
individual words, may yield interesting results. In this
case, a phrase-based approach may better capture the
idea of groups of points such as “aquatic animals” or
“physical traits”. Within education research, the insight
analysis may also be helpful to develop an automatic
grading scheme of natural language insights.
The presented case study analysis identifies differ-
ences in insight complexity and vocabulary within
. Across all interaction types available
, the dimensionality of insights in-
creases with its usage. While the insights see con-
sistent complexity changes, their vocabulary differs
based on the interaction types available. When compar-
ing insights generated with parametric interaction and
observation-level interaction, it is clear that insights
generated with parametric interaction are associated
with WMDS-related terminology, while insights gener-
ated with observation-level interaction tend to describe
WMDS interpretations of relationships in the data. The
analysis method presented in this work can be applied
and improved to further visualization research that
seeks to understand through automated processes.
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Evaluating Differences in Insights from Interactive Dimensionality Reduction Visualizations Through Complexity and Vocabulary