Extractive Text Summarization Using Generalized Additive Models with
Interactions for Sentence Selection
ıcius Camargo da Silva
, Jo
ao Paulo Papa
and Kelton Augusto Pontara da Costa
ao Paulo State University - UNESP, Bauru, Brazil
NLP, Text Summarization, Interpretable Learning.
Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) is becoming relevant with the growth of textual data; however, with
the popularization of public large-scale datasets, some recent machine learning approaches have focused on
dense models and architectures that, despite producing notable results, usually turn out in models difficult
to interpret. Given the challenge behind interpretable learning-based text summarization and the importance
it may have for evolving the current state of the ATS field, this work studies the application of two modern
Generalized Additive Models with interactions, namely Explainable Boosting Machine and GAMI-Net, to the
extractive summarization problem based on linguistic features and binary classification.
Nowadays, computer systems have assumed impor-
tant role in providing useful information inside the
increasingly amount of data generated daily. In this
context, Natural Language Processing (NLP) have
gained space and applicability as a result of consider-
able amounts of text distributed across news portals,
social media and various sources. With the growth of
textual data, finding exact information may be a diffi-
cult task (El-Kassas et al., 2020). As such, Automatic
Text Summarization (ATS) is becoming relevant (El-
Kassas et al., 2020), as it fosters automatic strategies
for building textual comprehensible summaries, ide-
ally capable of preserving the original content and
meaning (Moratanch and Chitrakala, 2017) while dis-
tilling the most important information considering the
user involved (Maybury, 1995).
Some of the previous ATS approaches were sim-
pler and had certain transparency, for example, using
linear equations or fuzzy rules with statistical or lin-
guistic features to map the importance of document
sentences to produce extractive summaries (Mutlu
et al., 2019; Afsharizadeh et al., 2018). In general,
the simpler and the clearer the predictors used, the
more directly it is possible to observe how the sum-
mary sentences are being chosen in case of extractive
However, not all available approaches are trans-
parent when considering model’s decisions, espe-
cially in the machine learning context. With the popu-
larization of public large-scale datasets, various deep
learning approaches have been explored during the
last years, competing for the state-of-the-art on such
data. Despite their notable ability to elaborate sum-
maries, as a problem inherited from dense architec-
tures and language embeddings opacities (Danilevsky
et al., 2020), in practice, such models usually yield
shallow or obscure interpretations about their true be-
haviour and decisions.
Machine learning applications have been success-
ful in different areas based on their statistical accu-
racy, but often lack clarity when explaining how de-
cisions are actually being made. The so-called XAI
(or Explainable Artificial Intelligence) field focuses
on the study and elaboration of more explainable AI
methodologies (Do
c et al., 2018; Samek and
uller, 2019; Arrieta et al., 2020). Depending on the
application, explainability could impact in different
aspects of a model, as its lack of interpretability can
undermine its trustworthiness towards users or even
hide potential improvements (Danilevsky et al., 2020;
Arrieta et al., 2020).
Within the context of ATS, interpretable mod-
elling relates to giving transparency to the model’s
summarization process, which could contribute to a
better sense of the limitations and capabilities of the
model, help the investigation of why the model makes
mistakes or even assist in gaining insights about the
problem itself. Such information could be useful, for
da Silva, V., Papa, J. and da Costa, K.
Extractive Text Summarization Using Generalized Additive Models with Interactions for Sentence Selection.
DOI: 10.5220/0011664100003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
example, for evolving approaches and for clarifying
what the model actually satisfy in contrast to user’s
With the interest in moving towards interpretable
ATS learning models, this work aims to study the ap-
plication of Generalized Additive Models with Inter-
actions (GAMI) to the extractive summarization prob-
lem. More specifically, this work investigates training
Explainable Boosting Machine (EBM) and GAMI-
Net models in a binary classification fashion to later
inferring the relevancy of sentences in the documents
of interest.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ap-
plication of EBMs or GAMI-Nets as the decision al-
gorithm involved on extractive summarization. EBM
and GAMI-Net models are built, respectively, on en-
semble of trees and neural networks, whose main at-
tempt is to balance intelligibility and accuracy in su-
pervised problems combining main effects and pair-
wise interactions additively. The idea is to benefit
from the additive formulation to make the behaviour
and contributions explicit considering explanatory
features and outputs, allowing intelligibility along the
process. This work evaluates these models for news
summarization (CNN/Dailymail) and long document
summarization of scientific papers (PubMed), com-
paring to other machine learning algorithms and re-
cent approaches.
Automatic Text Summarization is an NLP task that
grows in importance with the expansion of data in tex-
tual form and the interest in exploring it efficiently,
since assisting users understanding over documents
could save time and effort (El-Kassas et al., 2020).
As pointed by (Luhn, 1958), the summariza-
tion process may require familiarity with the subject,
which could culminate in qualified human resources
dedicated to facilitating access to information. There-
fore, the importance of ATS relies on the potential
of reducing human efforts while accelerating read-
ing time over text sources (Moratanch and Chitrakala,
2017) provided by automatic summarization.
A common way to distinguish text summariza-
tion approaches is between extractive and abstrac-
tive modelling. On extractive summarization, the
model selects parts of the source text to compose the
projected summary (Nenkova and McKeown, 2011),
whereas on abstractive summarization the model may
reuse parts of the source, but new terms and sen-
tences are expected to appear (Nenkova and McKe-
own, 2011).
Traditionally, extractive techniques have the ad-
vantage of not suffering from grammatical or seman-
tical issues in the summary (Nallapati et al., 2017),
as usually the approaches are based on selecting en-
tire sentences from the source text, leading to faster
and simpler methods than abstractive techniques (El-
Kassas et al., 2020). One way to give general de-
scription of the extractive summarization process can
be done through three important steps (Nenkova and
McKeown, 2012):
1. Creating an intermediate representation of the in-
2. Scoring sentences based on this representation;
3. Selecting sentences to compose the summary.
Previous work such as the scoring approach presented
by (Afsharizadeh et al., 2018) and the fuzzy systems
addressed by (Mutlu et al., 2019) can be seen as ex-
amples of extractive summarization techniques with
some level of interpretability for human intuition. The
authors in (Afsharizadeh et al., 2018) relied on ex-
perimentally setting feature weights to linear feature
functions and ranking sentences according to the ob-
tained scores, while (Mutlu et al., 2019) presented
fuzzy systems that distinguish summary-worthy and
summary-unworthy sentences with the help of a fully
data-driven rule generation scheme, providing an in-
teresting alternative to manually generating rule sets.
Supervised machine learning algorithms emerged
as an option for modelling extractive summarization
that offers statistical performance at the price of re-
quiring a dataset of considerable size (Wong et al.,
2008; El-Kassas et al., 2020). Considering the inter-
est on fully explainable models (Arrieta et al., 2020;
Danilevsky et al., 2020; Samek et al., 2020), bring-
ing explainability to ATS is becoming a necessity
(Sarkhel et al., 2020). Being able to produce sum-
maries through interpretable approaches may be an
important step for machine learning-based models;
however, literature focused on this topic is still scarce.
Recently, the authors in (Ghodratnama et al.,
2020) combined supervised and unsupervised learn-
ing into a model called ExDoS that learns features
weights as part of an extractive summarization ap-
proach. Such weights are discussed by the authors as
a form to indicate the learned importances of the fea-
tures, which may help the interpretation of how the
model is deciding to select important sentences and
avoid unimportant ones when elaborating summaries.
With a similar intention, in this work, we present
an attempt to build interpretable extractive summa-
rization models by taking advantage of Generalized
Additive Models with Interactions, relying on their
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
transparency concerning features and outputs, to give
intelligibility to the sentence selection process.
2.1 Generalized Additive Models with
Pairwise Interactions
Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) (Hastie and
Tibshirani, 1987) are statistical approaches that have
gained interest for their ability to be intelligible, ap-
pealing to their additive formulation and human in-
tuition to provide interpretability in supervised prob-
These models have the form of Equation 1, work-
ing as middle ground between linear models (e.g., lin-
ear regression) and full-complexity models (e.g., en-
sembles of trees) (Lou et al., 2012), where the motiva-
tion could be, for example, obtaining predictors more
accurate than the former while staying more intelligi-
ble than the latter, fitting individual features with non-
linear functions that are combined additively (Lou
et al., 2012):
g(y) =
), (1)
where x
is the i-th feature given a set N of features, f
is called shape function, and g is called link function.
On additive models, the contribution of each fea-
ture map towards final decisions can be seen more
clearly than in dense ones. This property allows
GAM’s learned shape functions to be visualized and
their outputs to be investigated for individual or
group of predictions, providing interpretability over
the model and its decisions. Moreover, as GAMs
can assume non-linear behaviour through their shape
functions, they may fit a wider variety of problems
when compared to linear models.
Recently, some works were focused on effectively
building more powerful GAMs with the addition of
modern machine learning strategies and supplement-
ing the original univariate shape functions with a
usual restricted set K of pairwise interactions (bivari-
ate shape functions), increasing the accuracy of the
final model while maintaining some intelligibility, re-
sulting in the following models:
g(y) =
) +
(i, j)K
i j
, x
), (2)
where f
is a pairwise interaction.
In this work, two representatives of those algo-
rithms are applied to the extractive summarization
problem, i.e., EBM and GAMI-Net.
2.1.1 Explainable Boosting Machine
Explainable Boosting Machines (also known as Gen-
eralized Additive Model plus Interactions (GA
(Lou et al., 2013)) are modern tree-based GAMs
with pairwise interactions based on ensembles, which
achieved accuracy comparable to full-complexity
models while keeping interpretability similar to for-
mer GAMs (Lou et al., 2012; Lou et al., 2013; Nori
et al., 2019).
Given a supervised problem, tree-based GAMs
can be learned upon residuals using gradient boost-
ing, cycling through the features and improving shape
functions iteratively (Lou et al., 2012). Using this al-
gorithm with bagged trees have led to even better re-
sults on different regression and binary classification
datasets (Lou et al., 2012).
Another inprovement was addresed by (Lou et al.,
2013), encompassing the inclusion of pairwise inter-
actions into tree-based GAMs. Considering computa-
tional cost, the authors propose an approach based on
firstly building an additive model with only univari-
ate shape functions, and then ranking and selecting a
fixed number of pairwise interactions that are fit on
the residuals. The model that wraps those improve-
ments was later called Explainable Boosting Machine
by (Nori et al., 2019).
2.1.2 GAMI-Net
GAMI-Net is an interpretable neural network based
on GAMs with structured interactions (Yang et al.,
2021). The architecture consists in additive subnet-
works with multiple hidden layers, each of which cap-
turing a different shape function of Equation 2. The
idea is to produce a model that keeps interpretabil-
ity aspects of GAMs while relying on the power of
deep neural networks to model non-linear behavior of
shape functions.
The authors in (Yang et al., 2021) proposed an
adaptive training algorithm using mini-batch gradient
descent that fits main effects and pairwise interactions
in separated stages. Firstly, the algorithm train the
main subnetworks, pruning the trivial ones accord-
ing to their contributions. Secondly, the algorithm
selects a fixed number of pairwise interactions using
the ranking procedure proposed by (Lou et al., 2013)
and fit their respective subnetworks on the residuals,
pruning trivial ones as in the first stage. Lastly, in a
third and final stage, all the network parameters are
fine-tuned together.
Moreover, GAMI-Net is designed to preserve
sparsity, heredity and marginal clarity considering
the main effects and pairwise interactions by keeping
only non-trivial shape functions, including pairwise
Extractive Text Summarization Using Generalized Additive Models with Interactions for Sentence Selection
interactions only if at least one of their parent main
effects are kept and putting a regularization factor that
enforces main effects and pairwise interactions to be
more identifiable, which is intended to contribute to
the model’s interpretability (Yang et al., 2021).
Let D = {s
, ..., s
} be a document composed of a se-
quence of sentences s
. The goal of our extractive
summarization process is to obtain a sequence S of
the most relevant sentences in D, where S is limited
in size to be shorter than D.
We train EBM and GAMI-Net models using a set
of six features from the literature to be able to rank
and select sentences to compose S. The approach con-
sists in training a model to decide which sentences are
summary-worthy and then using such model to select
the most important sentences in the input document to
compose summaries. The simplicity of the explored
features should contribute to both model efficiency
and intelligibility. The approach is divided in prepro-
cessing, feature extraction and sentence scoring and
selection, as follows.
3.1 Preprocessing
The preprocessing step is responsible for turning raw
documents into sequences of sentences, capturing
useful information for future feature extraction. The
process starts by segmenting raw documents into text
sentences, which are split in tokens. Then, the pro-
cess follows by removing punctuation and stopwords,
word tagging and stemming. After preprocessing,
sentences correspond to lists of their respective words
that are forwarded to the feature extraction step.
We perform most of the NLP preprocessing with
the Python library spaCy (Montani et al., 2021), with
the exception of stemming step which is done using
the NLTK SnowballStemmer (Bird et al., 2009).
3.2 Feature Extraction
After sentences are preprocessed, six different fea-
tures are extracted from sentences to become inputs
vectors x = {x
, x
, ..., x
} that are used to train and
predict. The feature computations are formulated as
described below:
3.2.1 TF-ISF
TF-ISF is a variant of the TF-IDF method applied at
sentence level for text summarization (Oliveira et al.,
2016; Mutlu et al., 2019). The idea is to compute a
score to each sentence based on term importance and
descriptiveness inside the document (Oliveira et al.,
2016), which are measured by term frequency (TF)
and inverse sentence frequency (ISF) of the terms. We
use bigrams TF-ISF, so each sentence s
of a docu-
ment receives a salience score (Equation 4) based on
its term bigrams b:
) =
) × log
, (3)
) =
. (4)
where F(b) is the frequency of b in the document, n
is the number of sentences in the document, n
is the
number of sentences of the document in which b oc-
curs and J
is the number of bigrams s
3.2.2 Position
Depending on a document type, how early or how
late sentences appear may give important information
about their relevancy (Ferreira et al., 2013; Oliveira
et al., 2016). The position feature (Equation 5) rep-
resents the sentence position inside the document,
where p
is the position of sentence s
) =
. (5)
3.2.3 Length
The length feature (Equation 6) is calculated based
on the length of sentence s
in terms of the maximum
sentence length. The length feature allows the model
to learn the relationship between sentence length and
relevancy (Oliveira et al., 2016; Mutlu et al., 2019):
) =
number of terms in sentence s
max(number of terms in a sentence)
. (6)
3.2.4 Proper Nouns and Numerical
The individual ratio of proper noun and numerical
terms in the sentence s
may indicate the presence of
relevant information (Oliveira et al., 2016). We cal-
culate these features as follows:
) =
number of proper nouns in s
number of terms in s
and (7)
) =
number of numerical terms in s
number of terms in s
. (8)
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3.2.5 Sentence-Sentence Similarity
The sentence-sentence similarity denotes how close a
sentence is to other sentences in the document (Mutlu
et al., 2019). We calulate this feature using cosine
similarity c as in Equation 9:
) =
, s
, s
, i ̸= j. (9)
3.3 Sentence Scoring and Selection
In order to select sentences to produce summaries, as
various works did in the past, we interpret the Extrac-
tive Summarization problem as a binary classification
one, where the model is trained to decide between ex-
clusion and inclusion of individual sentences in the
The procedure consists in minimizing the binary
loss in a supervised learning approach where the sen-
tences’ feature vectors and the labels that classify
whether they are present or not in their respective doc-
ument summaries are used to train the model.
After training, we use the model’s ability to dis-
tinguish between “important” and “unimportant” sen-
tences to, given an input document, score and select
appropriate sentences among the others. The scoring
process consists in obtaining the probability of a sen-
tence being part of the summary given its feature vec-
tor x, for each of the sentences in the document. Then,
similarly to (Nallapati et al., 2017; Kedzie et al., 2018;
Xiao and Carenini, 2019), the document summary is
obtained by ranking and selecting top sentences us-
ing that probability, respecting the length compres-
sion limit.
4.1 Datasets
In this work, we compare EBM and GAMI-Net mod-
els with other approaches on two public text summa-
rization datasets, namely CNN/Dailymail (Hermann
et al., 2015; See et al., 2017) and Pubmed (Co-
han et al., 2018). The CNN/Dailymail summariza-
tion dataset consists of pairs of news articles and
their main highlights constituting 312K documents.
This dataset have been widely adopted on recent
ATS works, especially by Recurrent Neural Network
and Transformer-based approaches. We use the non-
anonymized version of this dataset (See et al., 2017).
The PubMed dataset is a collection of scientific
papers totaling 133K documents in which the ab-
stract section is used as the summary references. This
dataset have been used for evaluating long document
summarization approaches as both document and
summaries are usually longer than in news datasets
(Xiao and Carenini, 2019).
As mentioned in Section 3, our approach uses in-
dividual sentences as the input instances for training.
Considering that initially both datasets only possess
abstractive summaries, we needed extractive oracle
labels to train our models. Recently, different authors
obtained those labels using automatic heuristics while
working with these datasets (Nallapati et al., 2017;
Kedzie et al., 2018; Liu, 2019; Xiao and Carenini,
2019), which we adopt here. For CNN/Dailymail,
we generated labels using the scripts provided by
(Liu, 2019)
, and, for Pubmed, we utilized labels
extracted and made public by (Xiao and Carenini,
. Moreover, we adopted random undersam-
pling to handle label inbalance during the training
4.2 Model Comparison
We compare EBM and GAMI-Net with some recent
baselines, most of which produced by deep neural ar-
chitectures, in the sense of outlining the summariza-
tion ability in contrast to these models, despite the no-
table differences in terms of interpretability. Tables
1 and 2 present the results and reporting authors in
CNN/Dailymail and Pubmed datasets, respectively.
Additionally, we compare EBM and GAMI-Net
models with other supervised machine learning clas-
sifiers, i.e., Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest
(RF) and XGBoost, using the exact same fashion and
features described in Section 3. Each technique was
trained and tested ten times and the average scores are
considered for comparison purposes.
Overall approaches are evaluated using the
ROUGE score metric (Lin, 2004) considering its
broad adoption for extractive summarization systems.
Also, we evaluate the sentence selection ability of the
supervised classifiers computing summary F1 scores
based on the oracle labels. Moreover, Lead base-
line correspond to selecting the first sentences present
in the documents as the summaries (respecting each
dataset summary-length limit) and Oracle denote the
pre-obtained oracle labels’ scores. Our ROUGE
scores were obtained using pyrouge
, a python wrap-
https://github.com/Wendy-Xiao/Extsumm\ local\ g
lobal\ context
Extractive Text Summarization Using Generalized Additive Models with Interactions for Sentence Selection
Table 1: Results on CNN/Dailymail dataset.
ROUGE F (%) F1
Models Type Interpretability R-1 R-2 R-L (%)
Lead 40.12 17.54 36.30
Oracle 56.09 33.67 52.21
P-Gen (See et al., 2017) Abs. Low 39.53 17.28 36.38
BART + RD (Wu et al., 2021) Abs. Low 44.51 21.58 41.24
SummaRuNNer (Ghodratnama et al., 2020) Ext. Low 39.90 16.30 35.10
MatchSum (Zhong et al., 2020) Ext. Low 44.41 20.86 40.55
ExDoS (Ghodratnama et al., 2020) Ext. High 42.1 18.9 37.7
LR Ext. High 38.51 16.66 34.74 31.96
RF Ext. Low 39.46 17.34 35.71 32.71
XGBoost Ext. Low 39.58 17.50 35.82 33.52
EBM Ext. High 39.48 17.40 35.74 33.40
GAMI-Net Ext. High 39.52 17.42 35.76 33.40
Table 2: Results on PubMed dataset.
ROUGE F (%) F1
Models Typt Interpretability R-1 R-2 R-L (%)
Lead 37.38 12.65 33.71
Oracle 55.37 26.31 49.07
Discourse-aware (Cohan et al., 2018) Abs. Low 38.93 15.37 35.21
SummaRuNNer (Xiao and Carenini, 2019) Ext. Low 43.89 18.78 30.36
ES-LG (Xiao and Carenini, 2020) Ext. Low 45.18 20.20 40.72
ES-LG+MMR-S+ (Xiao and Carenini, 2020) Ext. Low 45.39 20.37 40.99
LR Ext. High 38.07 12.70 32.94 27.61
RF Ext. Low 40.16 14.13 34.98 30.26
XGBoost Ext. Low 40.16 14.18 34.97 30.86
EBM Ext. High 39.86 13.96 34.65 30.70
GAMI-Net Ext. High 39.78 13.92 34.57 30.76
per of the original ROUGE-1.5.5 scripts and, concern-
ing summary sizes, CNN/Dailymail summaries were
limited to three sentences (Zhong et al., 2020) while
Pubmed summaries were limited to 200 words (Xiao
and Carenini, 2019).
4.3 Discussion
As denoted in Tables 1 and 2, EBM and GAMI-
Net achieved similar results on both datasets. Con-
sidering ROUGE scores, GAMI-Net is ahead on
CNN/Dailymail while EBM is superior on Pubmed,
for less than 0.1 for each variant.
As shown in Table 1, comparing to other ap-
proaches, EBM and GAMI-Net models were able to
compete with SummaRunner (Nallapati et al., 2017)
and Pointer-Generator (See et al., 2017) networks
two of the earliest deep summarization architectures
proposed in the past, surpassing the former concern-
ing R-L and both of them considering R-2 on the
CNN/Dailymail dataset. On the other hand, they
could not overcome BART+RD (Wu et al., 2021)
and MatchSum (Zhong et al., 2020) (Transformer-
based models) or ExDoS (Ghodratnama et al., 2020)
in terms of scores. On the Pubmed dataset, as Ta-
ble 2 shows, EBM and GAMI-Net achieved higher
R-L scores than SummaRuNNer, but failed to com-
pete with ExtSum-LG (Xiao and Carenini, 2019) and
ExtSum-LG+MMR-S+ (Xiao and Carenini, 2020).
Although EBM and GAMI-Net fail to approxi-
mate the ROUGE scores of the most advanced sum-
marization approaches, they are able to provide higher
levels of transparency on how predictions are being
built. For Extractive Summarization, this could be
useful for clarifying what is being considered by the
models while deciding the importance of the sen-
tences. Figure 1 presents the plot of shape functions
built upon the Position feature (Equation 5) given the
respective model and dataset, where the horizontal
axes represent feature values and the vertical axes de-
notes the corresponding shape function outputs. In
practice, this kind of view allows further investigation
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Position shape function.
of the summarization models, for example, inspecting
how training models on different document types may
be affecting the learning.
As Figure 1 shows, the shape functions fit on
CNN/Dailymail (Figures 1a and 1c) tend to give
higher outputs to sentences in the beginning of the
documents, while on Pubmed (Figures 1b and 1d)
sentences both at the beginning and the end of the
documents are likely to be prioritized by the mod-
els. In this case, a possible assumption is that mod-
els trained on CNN/Dailymail (news type) are likely
to avoid sentences at the end of the documents when
looking for relevant sentences, which is not the case
for all types of documents, as seems to happen for
models trained on Pubmed (scientific article type/long
document summarization). EBM and GAMI-Net
ability to capture such properties intrinsically and
grant the possibility of further exploration can be seen
as a great benefit when comparing to full-complexity
Additionally, EBM and GAMI-Net feature out-
puts can be easily investigated for single predictions
or a group of samples, helping better understanding of
feature contributions while producing the summaries.
Figures 2 and 3 show the most contributive feature ef-
fects quantified by their variation (Yang et al., 2021)
on test set considering CNN/Dailymail and Pubmed
datasets, respectively, where Sentence-Sentence Sim-
ilarity, TF-ISF and Position shape functions are, in
general, prevailing in importance over the others.
Comparing to other binary classifiers, both EBM and
GAMI-Net placed in bewteen XGBoost and Logistic
Regression models, reinforcing their position as a bal-
ance between predictive power and transparency.
A key limitation of using GAMs with interac-
tions for extractive summarization is the absence of a
Figure 2: Top-7 importance ratios on CNN/Dailymail
Figure 3: Top-7 importance ratios on Pubmed dataset.
Extractive Text Summarization Using Generalized Additive Models with Interactions for Sentence Selection
mechanism to select good “sets” of sentences, rather
than just individually relevant sentences. Further-
more, the semantic information gap, arising from the
challenge of incorporating it through non-dense fea-
tures, could be a means of obtaining even more pow-
erful models in the future.
In this work, we present the application of EBM and
GAMI-Net to interpretable extractive summarization,
as a simple but attractive alternative to traditional
classification algorithms. Our results show that, de-
spite more restrictive than full-complexity models in
terms of formulation, GAMs with interactions were
able to achieve similar results to former black-box
Although the need for feature engineering can be
seen as a disadvantage when comparing traditional
approaches to neural models, with a concise set of
features, both EBM and GAMI-Net models showed
promising results for extractive summarization in tex-
tual datasets. The combination of intelligible features
and the transparency of GAMs with interactions can
be a tool to enlighten the view of the extractive sum-
marization decisive process.
We present this paper as a preliminary effort con-
cerning the topic of learning-based interpretable ex-
tractive summarization and believe that the percep-
tions presented into this work could help future re-
search exploring the topic of intelligibility for ATS
The authors are grateful to FAPESP grants
#2013/07375-0, #2014/12236-1, #2019/07665-4,
#2019/18287-0, and #2021/05516-1, and CNPq grant
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A. (2018). Query-oriented text summarization us-
ing sentence extraction technique. In 2018 4th inter-
national conference on web research (ICWR), pages
128–132. IEEE.
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Extractive Text Summarization Using Generalized Additive Models with Interactions for Sentence Selection