mechanism to select good “sets” of sentences, rather
than just individually relevant sentences. Further-
more, the semantic information gap, arising from the
challenge of incorporating it through non-dense fea-
tures, could be a means of obtaining even more pow-
erful models in the future.
In this work, we present the application of EBM and
GAMI-Net to interpretable extractive summarization,
as a simple but attractive alternative to traditional
classification algorithms. Our results show that, de-
spite more restrictive than full-complexity models in
terms of formulation, GAMs with interactions were
able to achieve similar results to former black-box
Although the need for feature engineering can be
seen as a disadvantage when comparing traditional
approaches to neural models, with a concise set of
features, both EBM and GAMI-Net models showed
promising results for extractive summarization in tex-
tual datasets. The combination of intelligible features
and the transparency of GAMs with interactions can
be a tool to enlighten the view of the extractive sum-
marization decisive process.
We present this paper as a preliminary effort con-
cerning the topic of learning-based interpretable ex-
tractive summarization and believe that the percep-
tions presented into this work could help future re-
search exploring the topic of intelligibility for ATS
The authors are grateful to FAPESP grants
#2013/07375-0, #2014/12236-1, #2019/07665-4,
#2019/18287-0, and #2021/05516-1, and CNPq grant
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