Rewiring Knowledge Graphs by Graph Neural Network Link Predictions
Alex Romanova
Melenar, LLC, McLean, VA, US, 22101, U.S.A.
Link Prediction, Knowledge Graph, Graph Neural Network, Graph Topology, Deep Learning.
Knowledge Graphs recently received increasing attention from academia and industry as a new era in data-
driven technology. By building relationships graphs are ’connecting the dots’ and moving data from zero-
dimensional to multi-dimensional space. Emerging Graph Neural Network (GNN) models are building a
bridge between graph topology and deep learning. In this study we examine how to use GNN link prediction
models to rewire knowledge graphs and detect unexplored relationships between graph nodes. We investigate
diverse advantages of using highly connected and highly disconnected node pairs for graph mining techniques.
On his keynote presentation on Semantics 2017 con-
ference in Amsterdam, Aaron Bradley declared that
“Semantic Web has died but in 2012 it was reincar-
nated by Google Knowledge Graph” (Bradley, 2017).
Knowledge graph became essential in both academia
and industry as a new era in data integration and data
management. Knowledge graphs provide the struc-
tured data and factual knowledge that drive many
products and make them more intelligent and ”magi-
cal” (Noy et al., 2019).
Google Knowledge Graph conceptually is simi-
lar to Semantic Web and in many cases knowledge
graphs are built based on Semantic Web fundamen-
tal techniques, in particular on Sparql language. In
our previous paper (Romanova, 2020) we examined
limitations of Sparql language and demonstrated how
knowledge graphs can be build by non-Sparql meth-
ods. Also we demonstrated that knowledge graph
abilities are much wider than search and data integra-
Methods that we used in that study were based
on traditional property graph techniques. In this
study we will show how to rewire knowledge graphs
through emerging Graph Neural Network (GNN) link
prediction models.
The year when Google Knowledge Graph was in-
troduced was a breakthrough year for Deep Learning:
in 2012 the evolutionary model AlexNet was created
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012). Convolutional Neural Net-
work (CNN) image classification techniques demon-
strated great success outperforming previous state-of-
the-art machine learning techniques in various do-
mains (LeCun et al., 2015). For several years deep
learning and knowledge graph were growing in par-
allel until in the late 2010s GNN bridged the gap be-
tween them (Bronstein et al., 2021).
Table 1: Numbers of Words in Wikipedia Articles about
Modern Art Artists.
Artist Number of Words
Vincent van Gogh 13677
Paul Gauguin 13249
Marc Chagall 12627
Paul C
ezanne 8609
Claude Monet 7852
Pablo Picasso 6713
Vasily Kandinsky 6491
Paul Klee 6314
Henri Matisse 5188
Piet Mondrian 5148
Jackson Pollock 4626
Joan Mir
o 3959
Oskar Kokoschka 3247
Kazimir Malevich 3097
Egon Schiele 3048
Paul Signac 2290
Natalia Goncharova 1897
Max Beckmann 1850
Georges Braque 1639
Franz Marc 1324
CNN and GNN models have a lot in common:
both CNN and GNN models are realizations of Ge-
ometric Deep Learning. What is peculiar for GNN
is the fact that in GNN node features are not just ar-
bitrary vectors but coordinates of geometric entities
Romanova, A.
Rewiring Knowledge Graphs by Graph Neural Network Link Predictions.
DOI: 10.5220/0011664400003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 2, pages 149-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Bronstein et al., 2021). Based on this, GNN link pre-
diction models allow to combine node features with
graph topology.
In this study we will use GNN link prediction
models to find missing links in knowledge graphs.
Finding missing links for knowledge graphs helps to
solve numerous problems, in particular knowledge
graph incompleteness. Also adding links to knowl-
edge graphs allows to detect unknown relationships
between graph nodes.
Experiments of our previous knowledge graph
study (Romanova, 2020) were based on finding un-
known relationships between modern art artists. As
data for experiments we used artist biographies,
known relationships between artists and data about
modern art movements. For experiments of this study
we will use Wikipedia articles about the same 20
modern art artists (please see Table 1).
We will examine two different scenarios: one
scenario is based on artist names and full text of
Wikipedia articles and another scenario is based on
distribution of co-located words within and across the
For the first scenario we will build initial knowl-
edge graph on artist names and Wikipedia text as
nodes and relationships between artists and corre-
sponding articles as edges. Then we will embed node
features through transformer models and generate ad-
ditional edges for artist pairs if their corresponding
Wikipedia article vectors will have high cosine sim-
ilarities. Modified knowledge graph will be used as
input data to GNN link prediction model.
For the second scenario we will build initial
knowledge graph with nodes as pairs of co-located
words and edges as pairs of nodes with common
words. That knowledge graph will represent not
only word sequences within articles but also chains
of words across Wikipedia articles about different
After running GNN link prediction models on
top of both knowledge graphs, we will rewire ini-
tial knowledge graphs through similarities of re-
embedded nodes.
In this paper we will demonstrate the following:
Describe related work.
Examine raw data analysis.
Describe methods of data preparation, model
training and interpreting model results.
Explain in different scenarios how to rewire
knowledge graphs based on interpreting the model
Illustrate applications of highly similar and highly
dissimilar artist pairs for recommender systems.
Emphasize that pairs of dissimilar nodes provide
for graph mining quite different values that pairs
of similar nodes.
After it was introduced by Google, knowledge graph
was adapted by many companies as a powerful way to
integrate and search various data such as structured,
unstructured or semi-structured data taken from a va-
riety of sources. Knowledge graphs combine internal
data with public knowledge, drive a variety of data
products and make them more intelligent (Noy et al.,
Knowledge graph organizes various data types
and data volumes to highlight relationships between
data points. Relationship is one of the main reasons
of knowledge graph popularity but in practice in ex-
isting knowledge graphs it is often incomplete.
Also real-world data are often dynamic and evolv-
ing, which leads to difficulty in constructing correct
and complete knowledge graphs and it is a challeng-
ing task to automatically construct complete dynamic
knowledge graphs. Link prediction is one of ways to
solve these challenging problems (Wang et al., 2021).
Link prediction is a fundamental problem that at-
tempts to estimate a likelihood of existence of a link
between two nodes, which makes it easier to under-
stand associations between two specific nodes and
how the entire network evolves (Wu et al., 2022). The
problem of link prediction over complex networks can
be categorized into two classes. One is to reveal the
missing links. The other is to predict the links that
may exist in the future as the network evolves.
Various types of link predictions has been widely
applied to a variety of fields. In social networks link
predictions support potential collaborations and help
to find assistants. In biology and medicine link pre-
dictions provide ability to foresee hidden associations
like protein–protein interactions. (Zhou, 2021).
In recent years, link predictions are extensively
used in social networks, citation networks, biologi-
cal networks, recommender systems, security and so
on and link prediction models attract more and more
Before GNN became an emerging research area
link prediction techniques were based either on graph
topology or on node features (Zhou et al., 2009).
There has been a surge of algorithms that make
link prediction through representation learning that
learns low dimensional embeddings such as Deep-
Walk (Grover and Leskovec, 2016), node2vec (Per-
ozzi et al., 2014), etc. Over the years many link
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
prediction methods have been developed (Wang and
Vinel, 2021).
As the Graph Neural Networks have been an
emerging research area in recent years, significant ad-
vances and various architectures were proposed and
developed (Wu et al., 2022).
For this study we will use GraphSAGE link pre-
diction model (Hamilton et al., 2017), an inductive
learning algorithm for GNNs which instead of apply-
ing the whole adjacency matrix information among all
nodes, learns aggregator functions that can induce the
embedding of a new node given its features and neigh-
borhood information without retraining of the entire
model (Wang and Vinel, 2021).
We will describe data processing, model training and
interpreting model results in the following order:
We will start with description of node embedding
process. In the second scenario node embedding
will be used only for GNN link prediction model,
but in the first scenario it also will be used to add
edges to the input knowledge graph.
Then we will describe the first scenario: knowl-
edge graph based on artist names and Wikipedia
full text as nodes and connections between artists
and corresponding Wikipedia articles as edges.
Next we will describe the second scenario: knowl-
edge graph based on co-located word pairs as
nodes and pairs joint through common words as
Next we will illustrate how to prepare and train
GNN link prediction models.
And finally we will define how to rewire knowl-
edge graphs based on the model results interpre-
For data processing, model training and in-
terpreting the results we will use techniques that
are described in details in our technical blog
(, 2022a; sparklingdatao-, 2022b).
3.1 Node Embedding
For both knowledge graph scenarios to translate text
to vectors we will use the ’all-MiniLM-L6-v2’ trans-
former model from Hugging Face. This is a sentence-
transformers model that maps text to a 384 dimen-
sional dense vector space.
There are two advantages of embedding text
Vectors generated by transformers can be used for
GNN link prediction model as node features.
Graphs can get additional edges on highly con-
nected vector pairs.
We will use the first technique for both knowledge
graph scenarios and the second technique only for the
first scenario - knowledge graph built on artist names
and full text of Wikipedia articles. For the first sce-
nario we will calculate cosine similarity matrix for
vectors generated by transformers, select from that
matrix highly connected pairs and generate on those
pairs additional graph edges.
3.2 Build Initial Knowledge Graph on
Names and Full Text
For the first scenario to build a knowledge graph on
artist names and full text of Wikipedia articles we will
do the following:
Define nodes as artist names and full text of
Wikipedia articles.
Define edges as pairs of artist names and corre-
sponding articles.
Embed nodes through transformer model.
Calculate cosine similarity matrix for pairs of vec-
tors and add highly connected pairs of nodes as
edges to the graph.
Build a knowledge graph on these nodes and
Detail information about the first scenario is
described in our technical blog (sparklingdatao-, 2022b)
3.3 Build Initial Knowledge Graph on
Co-Located Word Pairs
For the second scenario to build a knowledge graph
on co-located word pairs we will do the following:
Tokenize Wikipedia text and exclude stop words.
Get nodes as co-located word pairs.
Get edges between nodes.
Build a knowledge graph.
To generate edges we will find pair to pair neigh-
bors following text sequences within articles and joint
pairs that have common words.
Rewiring Knowledge Graphs by Graph Neural Network Link Predictions
if pair1=[leftWord1, rightWord1],
pair2=[leftWord2, rightWord2]
and rightWord1=leftWord2,
then there is edge12={pair1, pair2}
Graph edges built based of these rules will cover
word to word sequences and word to word chains
within articles. More important, they will connect dif-
ferent articles by covering word to word chains across
Description of the second scenario and code can
be checked in our technical blog (sparklingdatao-, 2022a)
3.4 Training the GNN Link Prediction
For this study we will use GraphSAGE link predic-
tion model GraphSAGE (Hamilton et al., 2017). This
algorithm is based on learning aggregator functions
that can induce the embedding of a new node given
its features and neighborhood information without re-
training of the entire model. The concatecated vec-
tor will be passed through a GNN layer to update the
node embedding.
As Graph Neural Networks (GNN) link predic-
tion model we used a model from Deep Graph Li-
brary (DGL) (DGL, 2018). The model is built on
two GraphSAGE layers and computes node represen-
tations by averaging neighbor information.
For data preparation and model training we used
the code provided by DGL tutorial. In our code we
only had to transform input graph data to DGL data
format. Coding techniques are available in our tech-
nical blog (, 2022b).
3.5 Interpreting Results of the GNN
Link Prediction Model
The results of GNN link prediction model are re-
embedded nodes that can be used for further data min-
ing such as node classification, k-means clustering,
link prediction and so on.
The goal of this study is to find unknown connec-
tions between modern art artists. To do it in the first
scenario we will use the results of the model in tra-
ditional way: we will estimate cosine similarities be-
tween re-embedded node pairs and select graph edges
based on cosine threshold.
In the second scenario we will use a non-
traditional approach. We will aggregate re-embedded
nodes by artists and estimate link predictions by co-
sine similarities between aggregated vectors.
In this section we will present results of our experi-
First we will introduce the process of building
knowledge graphs.
Then we will show how to prepare training data
for GNN link prediction model.
Finally we will illustrate applications of this
model for rewiring knowledge graphs.
Table 2: Scenario 1: Artist Pairs with High Cosine Similar-
Artist1 Artist2 score
Georges Braque Pablo Picasso 0.97
Paul Signac Paul C
ezanne 0.93
Paul C
ezanne Claude Monet 0.83
Paul Signac Paul Klee 0.82
Vincent van Gogh Claude Monet 0.79
Franz Marc Vincent van Gogh 0.79
Natalia Goncharova Vasily Kandinsky 0.79
Paul C
ezanne Paul Klee 0.78
Vincent van Gogh Paul Gauguin 0.76
Vincent van Gogh Paul C
ezanne 0.7
Vincent van Gogh Paul Klee 0.7
Marc Chagall Paul Klee 0.75
Kazimir Malevich Oskar Kokoschka 0.72
Marc Chagall Vasily Kandinsky 0.72
Paul C
ezanne Paul Gauguin 0.71
Paul Klee Paul Gauguin 0.66
Paul Signac Vincent van Gogh 0.64
Paul Signac Paul Gauguin 0.63
Claude Monet Paul Gauguin 0.62
Henri Matisse Paul Gauguin 0.62
Paul Signac Claude Monet 0.61
Paul Klee Claude Monet 0.61
Pablo Picasso Henri Matisse 0.60
4.1 Data Source
As the data source for this study we used text data
from Wikipedia articles about 20 modern art artists -
the list of artists is represented in Table 1.
To compare sizes of Wikipedia articles we to-
kenized text data and calculated counts of words.
Based on text size distribution (Table 1), the most
well known artist in this list is Vincent van Gogh and
the most unknown artist is Franz Marc. The size of
Wikipedia article about Franz Marc is less than 10
percent of the size of Wikipedia article about Vincent
van Gogh.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.2 Knowledge Graph on Full
Wikipedia Article Text
4.2.1 Building Initial Knowledge Graph
For knowledge graph of the first scenario, as nodes
we used artist names and full text of Wikipedia arti-
cles and as edges we used connections between artist
names and corresponding articles.
Figure 1: Scenario 1: Rewired Knowledge Graph.
To enrich the graph by adding edges between
artists with semantically similar articles, first, we em-
bedded node features, i.e. transformed artist names
and full text of Wikipedia articles to vectors.
For text to vector translation we used ’all-
MiniLM-L6-v2’ transformer model from Hugging
Face. As input we used text information for 40 nodes
and as a result of node embedding model we received
a tensor of size [40, 384], i.e. 40 vectors of size 384.
For pairs of embedded full text nodes we calcu-
lated cosine similarity matrix. In that matrix we found
21 node pairs with cosine similarities greater than 0.6
and added corresponding 21 edges to the knowledge
4.2.2 Training GNN Model
As a GNN link prediction model we used a Graph-
SAGE model from Deep Graph Library (DGL). The
model code was provided by DGL tutorial (DGL,
2018) and we only had to transform nodes and edges
data from our data format to DGL data format. Cod-
ing techniques for data preparation and encoding data
to DGL data format are available on our technical
blog (, 2022b).
We used the GNN link prediction Graph-SAGE
model with the following parameters:
40 nodes: 20 artist names and 20 Wikipedia arti-
41 edges: 20 edges between artist names and cor-
responding Wikipedia articles plus 21 edges on
pairs with cosine similarities greater than 0.6.
PyTorch tensor of size [40, 384] for embedded
For GraphSAGE model output vector we selected
size 64:
model =
.shape[1], 64)
To estimate the model results we calculated accu-
racy metrics as Area Under Curve (AUC). The model
accuracy metric was about 88.5 percents.
4.2.3 Rewiring Knowledge Graph
To estimate predicted links between artists we looked
at cosine similarities for pairs of re-embedded nodes.
In the Table 2 you can see pairs of artists with co-
sine similarities highest scores and in the Table 3 you
can see pairs of artists with cosine similarity lowest
scores. On Figure 1 you can see graph visualization
for pairs of artists with scores more than 0.6.
In Observations subsection of Experiments sec-
tion we will examine how the results of this scenario
can be applied to recommender systems and to graph
mining techniques.
More examples and coding techniques are
described in our technical blog (sparklingdatao-, 2022b).
Table 3: Scenario 1: Artist Pairs with Lowest Cosine Simi-
Artist1 Artist2 score
Paul Klee Joan Mir
o -0.66
Natalia Goncharova Claude Monet -0.64
Pablo Picasso Paul Signac -0.63
Paul Signac Max Beckmann -0.61
Georges Braque Paul Signac -0.57
Claude Monet Joan Mir
o -0.56
Pablo Picasso Paul Klee -0.56
Paul C
ezanne Joan Mir
o -0.5
Natalia Goncharova Henri Matisse -0.56
Natalia Goncharova Piet Mondrian -0.55
Pablo Picasso Paul C
ezanne -0.54
Georges Braque Franz Marc -0.52
Kazimir Malevich Marc Chagall -0.52
Georges Braque Paul Klee -0.51
Paul Signac Joan Mir
o -0.51
4.3 Knowledge Graph on Co-Located
Word Pairs
4.3.1 Building Initial Knowledge Graph
The second scenario is based on a knowledge graph
that is built on co-located word pairs as nodes and
word chains within and across the articles as edges.
As we illustrated in Table 1, artists have Wikipedia
articles of very different sizes and if we use full
Rewiring Knowledge Graphs by Graph Neural Network Link Predictions
Wikipedia text data, well-known artists, i.e. artists
with longest articles will get more word pairs and
much more connections than unknown artists.
To balance artist to artist relationship distribution
we selected subsets of articles with similar word pair
counts. As all selected Wikipedia articles about artists
start with high level artist biography descriptions,
from each article we selected the first 800 words.
To generate initial knowledge graph we used the
following steps:
Tokenized Wikipedia text and excluded stop
Selected the first 800 words from Wikipedia arti-
Generated nodes as co-located word pairs.
Calculated edges as pair to pair neighbors follow-
ing text sequences within articles.
Calculated edges as joint pairs that have com-
mon words. These edges will represent word
chains within articles and connect different arti-
cles through word chains across them.
Built an initial knowledge graph.
Coding techniques for building initial knowledge
graph for this scenario are described in our technical
blog (, 2022a).
Figure 2: Cosine similarity distributions for GraphSAGE
link prediction model outputs of sizes 128, 64 and 32.
4.3.2 Training GNN Model
As a GNN link prediction model we used the same
GraphSAGE model as in the first scenario: DGL
link prediction model (DGL, 2018). Coding tech-
niques for data preparation and encoding data format
to DGL data format are available on our technical
blog (, 2022a).
We used the model with the following parameters:
14933 nodes.
231699 edges.
PyTorch tensor of size [14933, 384] for embedded
For GraphSAGE model output vector size we ex-
perimented with sizes 32, 64 and 128:
model =
.shape[1], 128)
To estimate the model results we calculated Area
Under the Curve (AUC) accuracy metrics. Accuracy
metrics for models of different output vector sizes are
similar and they are represented in Table 4.
Table 4: AUC Accuracy Metrics for GNN Link Prediction
Graph-SAGE Model.
Output Vector Size AUC
32 96.6 percents
64 96.8 percents
129 96.3 percents
4.3.3 Rewiring Knowledge Graph
The results of the GraphSAGE model from DGL li-
brary are not actually ‘predicted links’ but node vec-
tors re-embedded by the model. Those vectors can be
used for further analysis steps to predict graph edges.
The results of this scenario are 14933 re-
embedded nodes and to detect relationships between
artists we calculated average node vectors by artists
and estimated link predictions by cosine similarities
between them.
As we mentioned above, we experimented with
GraphSAGE model output vector sizes of 32, 64 and
128 and compared distributions of cosine similarities
between artist pairs.
Figure 3: Scenario 2: Rewired Knowledge Graph.
The number of cosine similarity pairs for 20 artists
is 190 and the Figure 2 illustrates cosine similar-
ity distributions for model outputs of sizes 128, 64
and 32. For knowledge graph rewiring we selected
the model results with output size 128 that reflect a
smooth cosine similarity distribution.
In the Table 5 you can see pairs of artists with
highest scores of cosine similarities and in the Table
6 - pairs of artists with cosine similarity lowest scores.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
On Figure 3 you can see graph visualization for pairs
of artists with cosine similarity scores more than 0.5.
More examples and coding techniques are
described in our technical blog (sparklingdatao-, 2022a).
Table 5: Scenario 2: Artist Pairs with Highest Cosine Simi-
Artist1 Artist2 score
Paul Signac Henri Matisse 0.85
Egon Schiele Marc Chagall 0.82
Paul C
ezanne Paul Gauguin 0.77
Kazimir Malevich Natalia Goncharova 0.75
Georges Braque Henri Matisse 0.74
Georges Braque Joan Mir
o 0.64
Pablo Picasso Jackson Pollock 0.62
Georges Braque Paul Signac 0.59
Paul Signac Joan Mir
o 0.58
Vincent van Gogh Paul Gauguin 0.55
Henri Matisse Claude Monet 0.52
Paul C
ezanne Claude Monet 0.52
Egon Schiele Oskar Kokoschka 0.51
Franz Marc Joan Mir
o 0.50
4.4 Observations
Node pairs with high cosine similarities, also known
as high weight edges, are actively used for graph min-
ing techniques such as node classification, commu-
nity detection or for analyzing node relationships.
In experiments of this study artist pairs with high
cosine similarities can be considered as artist pairs
with high semantic relationships through correspond-
ing Wikipedia articles. Some of these relationships
are well known: both Pablo Picasso and Georges
Braque were pioneers of cubism art movement. Spe-
cialists in biographies of Paul Gauguin or Vincent van
Gogh will not be surprised to find that these artists
had high relationship regardless of different art styles.
Some unknown artist semantic connections such as
between Egon Schiele and Marc Chagall might be in-
teresting for modern art researchers.
Rewiring knowledge graph and finding high
weight links between artists can be applied to recom-
mender systems. If a customer is interested in Pablo
Picasso art, it might be interesting for this customer to
look at Georges Braque paintings or if a customer is
interested in biography of Vincent van Gogh the rec-
ommender system can suggest to look at Paul Gau-
guin biography.
Applications of node pairs with high cosine simi-
larities (or high weight edges) for graph mining tech-
niques are well known: they are widely used for node
classification, community detection and so on. On the
other hand, node pairs with low cosine similarities (or
negative weight edges) are not actively used. Based
on our observations, dissimilar node pairs can be used
for graph mining techniques in completely different
way that similar node pairs or weakly connected node
For community detection validation strongly dis-
similar node pairs act as more reliable indicators than
weakly dissimilar node pairs: negative weight edges
can validate that corresponding node pairs should be-
long to different communities.
Graphs with very dissimilar node pairs cover
much bigger spaces that graphs with similar or
weakly connected node pairs. For example, we found
low cosine similarities between key artists from not
overlapping modern art movements: Futurism - Na-
talia Goncharova, Impressionism - Claude Monet and
De Stijl - Piet Mondrian.
Links with very low cosine similarities can be
used by recommender systems. If a customer is very
familiar with Claude Monet’s style and is interested
in learning about different modern art movements the
recommender system might suggest to look at Piet
Mondrian’s paintings or Natalia Goncharova’s paint-
Table 6: Scenario 2: Artist Pairs with Lowest Cosine Simi-
Artist1 Artist2 score
Egon Schiele Henri Matisse -0.77
Marc Chagall Henri Matisse -0.76
Georges Braque Egon Schiele -0.74
Kazimir Malevich Claude Monet -0.72
Egon Schiele Paul Signac -0.70
Marc Chagall Paul Signac -0.68
Georges Braque Marc Chagall -0.62
Paul C
ezanne Vasily Kandinsky -0.62
Paul Klee Joan Mir
o -0.59
Natalia Goncharova Claude Monet -0.58
Vasily Kandinsky Claude Monet -0.56
In this study we propose methods of rewiring knowl-
edge graphs to detect hidden relationships between
graph nodes by using GNN link prediction models.
In our experiments we looked at semantic similar-
ities and dissimilarities between biographies of mod-
ern art artists by applying traditional and novel meth-
ods to corresponding Wikipedia articles. Traditional
method was implemented on full test of articles and
Rewiring Knowledge Graphs by Graph Neural Network Link Predictions
cosine similarities between re-embedded nodes.
The novel method was constructed based on distri-
bution of co-located words within and across articles.
The output vectors from GNN link prediction model
were aggregated by artists and link predictions were
estimated by cosine similarities between them.
We explored advantages for graph mining tech-
niques of using not only highly connected node pairs
but also highly disconnected node pairs.
We denoted that level of disconnected word pairs
can be used to define boundaries of a space covered
by knowledge graph: existence of node pairs with
very low cosine similarities shows that a graph cov-
ers much bigger space than a graph with only high
and medium cosine similarities. Also highly discon-
nected node pairs are good indicators for validation of
community detection.
We demonstrated applications of rewired knowl-
edge graphs for recommender systems. Based on high
similarity pairs recommender systems can suggest to
look at paintings on biographies of artists that are sim-
ilar to the artist of interest. Based on high dissimilar-
ity pairs recommender systems can advice to look at
very different art movements.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence