even better results. In future projects, we would like
to improve this approach by addressing several issues.
First, expand the training dataset of our system with
a wider variety of polyp sizes. Second, to bring more
precision to our algorithm in blood vessel selection.
And finally, to combine our classification with the one
done of polyp types in order to better detect their de-
gree of malignancy and to better help physicians in
CRC screening.
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ır from Bir
Mourad Ra
ıs Clinic, Algiers and Dr. C. Sekkai,
from Bou
ınan Clinic, Blida, both specializing in
Hepato-Gastro-Enterology, for their valuable help
especially in annotating the data. Iwahori’s re-
search is supported by Japan Society for the Promo-
tion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid Scientific Re-
search(C)(#20K11873) and Chubu University Grant.
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PVT based Blood Vessel Segmentation and Polyp Size Estimation in Colonoscopy Images