The number of digital accounts is ever-increasing.
The same is the case with attacks on them, ranging
from brute-force attacks to sophisticated supply chain
attacks targeting active directory environments. In or-
der to train beginners, we designed a series of blue
team scenarios with the topic of brute-force attacks
on authentication in a web application. In the first
step, we evaluated related work. With the help of the
results obtained, three consecutive scenarios for the
cyber range were designed and implemented. These
scenarios each cover a specific part of the learning
content and lay the foundation for beginners and those
interested in protection against brute-force attacks.
Nonetheless, more scenarios are required to train fu-
ture system administrators. Finally, the open-source
scenarios were assessed in a small-scale training and
a discussion.
In future work, we plan to extend the scenarios to
cover different attacks on identities and identity man-
agement systems, such as the more advanced attacks
of Kerberoasting, Golden Ticket, and Golden SAML,
and other OSs, in particular Windows. In addition, we
will evaluate and improve our description language
with these scenarios and discuss it with other experts.
For the brute-force scenarios, regular traffic was gen-
erated with Selenium. We want to investigate other
techniques and represent the traffic more realistically
for a better training setup in future work.
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