An Android App for Posture Analysis Using OWAS
Christian Lins
1 a
, Franziska Minh-Khai Dang Quang
, Rica Schulze
, Stefanie Lins
Andreas Hein
2 b
and Sebastian Fudickar
3 c
Department of Computer Science, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, 20099 Hamburg, Germany
Assistance Systems and Medical Device Technology, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany
MOVE Junior Research Group, Institute of Medical Informatics, University of Luebeck, Germany
University of Hagen, 58097 Hagen, Germany
Smartphone App, Postural Assessment, Musculoskeletal Disorders, non-Neutral Postures, UEQ.
In this paper the APA, an App for Posture Analysis, that incorporates the OWAS method (Ovako Working
Posture Analysis System) for assessing potential harmful postures of physically hard working employees,
is presented and evaluated. The app is intended as a tool for occupational safety experts in assessing the
individual postures of workers to identify and prevent harmful working situations in regards to musculoskeletal
hazards. For this, APA incorporates a digitized assessment sheet for the OWAS method and timing support
that helps occupational safety experts structure and simplify the assessment workflow. To investigate whether
the protocol sheet can be replaced with the app, a study was conducted in which the inter-rater reliability
among the app and the paper protocol sheet (as control group) was evaluated. In addition, the usability of
the app was determined via the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). In the study, the app achieved higher
inter-rater reliability for watching a video recording of postures than the control group. The chi-square test
revealed differences in the use of the app and paper only for leg postures. The UEQ indicated overall above
average results, which indicates a sufficient usability, which was also confirmed by free-textual comments of
the 13 study participants. The results suggest that it would be possible to replace the paper protocol sheet in
the future with an app.
Musculoskeletal disorders are a major occupational
health problem, especially in industrialized countries.
Since poor working postures repeated often or over
a long period of time are a major risk for mus-
culoskeletal disorders (Hoy et al., 2010; Amell and
Kumar, 2001; Karwowski and Marras, 1998; Matsui
et al., 1997), the postures of employees during work
shifts should be observed regularly to detect and pre-
vent posture damage early. It is important to iden-
tify patterns of work-related musculoskeletal disor-
ders, symptoms, and their risk factors early in the
workplace. In doing so, appropriate work postures not
only counteract the problems, but also result in greater
control of work performance and a reduction in the
number of workplace accidents. Individual worker
strain and corresponding risks are typically assessed
by human observers via questionnaire-based assess-
ment methods such as the Ovako Working Posture
Analysis System (OWAS) (Karhu et al., 1981). It is a
practical method for identifying and assessing poor
working postures. OWAS is known to be easy-to-
use and reliable in terms of high inter-rater reliability
(Lins et al., 2021). In OWAS a human observer rates
the posture of an individual in intervals (e.g. every
few minutes) using three categories: arms, back, and
legs. For each of these categories 3 to 7 different part-
postures can be coded (arms: code 1-3, back: code 1-
4, legs: code 1-7). The codes obtained can be used to
determine both individual holding combinations and
their proportion of the total time. In both cases, val-
ues are classified into four action classes (from 1: pos-
ture not harmful to 4: posture very harmful) indicat-
ing the severity of the posture and the corresponding
need of improvement. These action classes for postu-
Lins, C., Quang, F., Schulze, R., Lins, S., Hein, A. and Fudickar, S.
An Android App for Posture Analysis Using OWAS.
DOI: 10.5220/0011668300003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 307-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ral combination are specified in accordance with risk
assessments for musculoskeletal disorders. If a code
is assigned action class 4, the posture should be cor-
rected immediately (Karwowski and Marras, 1998).
The second option gives an action class based on the
relationship of the posture of the back, legs, and arms
for an observation period. This refers to the partial
codes and their proportion of time. The highest ac-
tion class of the 4 partial codes indicates how danger-
ous the postures were for the worker. In this regard,
the method should be easy enough to use so that un-
trained people can apply it. It should provide unam-
biguous answers, even if it leads to overconfirmation.
The OWAS method fulfills these criteria. See (Lins
et al., 2021; Lins and Hein, 2022) for a detailed dis-
cussion of OWAS.
A digitized assessment holds advantages over
paper-based approaches: the time interval of the ob-
servation can be controlled, the assessment results can
be easily processed and summarized, and potential
coding errors can be avoided. Additionally, it might
be possible to assess several subjects at once by care-
fully timing the different observations, a task that is
very error-prone if using paper sheets. In some coun-
tries such as Germany companies might be required
to legally document the workplace assessment, which
can be automated using digital tools. This is possi-
bly a useful intermediate step to the assessment with
smart workwear, e.g. (Lins and Hein, 2022). As a re-
sult, we propose APA, an Android app which guides
occupational health experts and untrained personnel
through an OWAS observation session. This app is
intended to replace the paper-based questionnaire and
to save time both in entering the information and in
evaluating it. In addition, it is evaluated whether the
inter-rater reliability of the app is comparable to the
one of the paper-based version. Furthermore, the user
experience of untrained observers using the app is in-
vestigated. To summarize the contents of this paper:
A newly developed app is presented as a tool for
classifying postures using the OWAS method.
The app is tested with users to determine inter-
rater reliability of the OWAS method when using
the app.
The observation results are compared to the usual
pen-and-paper application of OWAS.
The User Experience Questionaire (UEQ) is used
to examine the design of the app for strengths and
weaknesses in use.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: first, the app and the evaluation study and its
analysis are described (Section 2), followed by a pre-
sentation of the results in Section 3. A discussion of
the results is provided in Section 4, and the paper con-
cludes with Section 5.
The APA App and the study design and the statistical
analysis are presented in the following subsections.
2.1 Android App for Posture Analysis
APAs main aim is to enable its users (occupational
safety experts and physiotherapists as well as layper-
sons) to assess the posture of the observed workers
via the OWAS method. The app should support the
user to record and document postures while observed
workers move in work environments. APA was pri-
marily developed for a 1:1 observation, i.e. one ob-
server observes only one worker, although a future
extension to more than one worker is possible. The
APA app (see Figure 1) was developed via a two-step
iterative human-centered design process. Initially, a
click prototype was created and was discussed with
an occupational safety expert resulting in a simpli-
fication of the user interface and a focus on a one-
by-one assessment instead of the originally intended
support of multiple parallel observations. In a second
iteration the user interface (UI) was implemented ap-
plying the 8 Golden Rules of Shneiderman (Shneider-
man, 2002). Herein, we evaluate the resulting version
of the second design iteration, integrating already the
insights of these expert interviews. Once started, APA
asks for the observer name and the observed worker’s
name and workplace (see Figure 1b). When all en-
tries have been made, a new observation session can
be started. The observation interval is set to 30 sec-
onds in accordance with (Brandl et al., 2017) in order
to leave sufficient room for the risk assessment, while
collecting sufficient samples for an OWAS classifica-
tion. Per observation for this session, the user inter-
face first opens with input options for the body pos-
ture, which can be seen in Figure 1c). The observer is
expected to enter individual postures for back, arms,
and legs as well as the weight load. These values
are initially set to code 1 for the first observation and
then always set to the last used partial code. Hereby,
observers can use shortcuts for subsequent session-
observations, in case the posture does not change.
Once all codes are set correctly, the user can con-
firm the entry and then enter a waiting screen. Here
the user can end the session or move on to the next
observation. A special feature is the timer, which pro-
vides an acoustic signal after 30 seconds to remind
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
the observer to continue with the observations. In ad-
dition, the timer time can be tracked visually with a
bar that fills up.
The APA provides basic information about the
specific OWAS postures used for assessment (Figure
1a) and allows the export of the assessment results
(Figure 1d). The app implementation is based on An-
droid, Java, SQLite database, the Room and the Hilt
frameworks for depencency injection and the MPAn-
droidChart API for results visualization. Test-driven
development is implemented via JUnit and Mockito.
2.2 Study Design
To evaluate the APA app and compare it with the stan-
dard paper assessment sheet, a study was conducted.
Inclusion criteria for participants was the availabil-
ity and experience in using an Android smartphone
with a supported Android version (5 to 10). Due
to COVID-19 restrictions, the study was conducted
in one on one meetings via video calls. Participants
were sent a file with a brief overview of the OWAS
posture categories and general participant information
in advance. Initially, participants were introduced to
the study aims, the general study procedure and were
shown two introductory videos. The groups were in-
troduced to the protocol-guideline and the groups spe-
cific methodology (app or paper). Concluding open
questions have been answered. Within the main study,
participants were shown a video of a man adopting
work related human postures. The man models pos-
tures evenly over all OWAS codes. All participants
were shown the same videos and were requested to
rate the posture every 30 seconds according to OWAS.
The study was approved by the Institutional Re-
view Board of the University of Oldenburg (Drs.
2.3 Statistical Analysis
2.3.1 Inter-Rater Reliability
Since no direct comparison with a ground truth is pos-
sible with the OWAS observation method, the test-
retest reliability with multiple observers (inter-rater
reliability) is determined between the two logging
methods (app and paper). Inter-rater reliability indi-
cates the degree of agreement when a subject is as-
sessed by multiple observers. It is usually expressed
by a kappa value (κ < 0: strong disagreement to
κ = 1.0: perfect agreement). The calculation is made
according to Fleiss (Fleiss, 1971).
2.3.2 Test for Independence
The observations (dependent variable) of the two log-
ging groups are tested for their independence from the
respective logging method (app or paper). For this
purpose, the χ
-test for independence is applied. The
null hypothesis H
is: the observations are stochasti-
cally independent of the logging method. The alterna-
tive hypothesis H
: the observations are stochastically
dependent on the logging method.
2.4 Usability Test
The User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) is used
to evaluate the usability of the app. The UEQ was
also supplemented with free text fields to collect fur-
ther impressions of the participants about the app. To
compare the quality of the user experience of the app,
the UEQ benchmark is used, which contains the ag-
gregated data from various evaluation studies of di-
verse products. Through the benchmark, the relative
quality of the app compared to other products is esti-
mated. (Laugwitz et al., 2008)
3.1 Study Cohort
13 participants with no prior experience in coding
postures were randomized into two groups: The inter-
vention group using the APA (n = 7) and the control-
group using the established paper-protocol (n = 6).
The data of one rater from the APA group were ex-
cluded from the evaluation due to technical problems.
Two raters from the pen-and-paper group were also
excluded, because they completely misunderstood the
OWAS method.
3.2 Statistical Analysis
Table 1 summarizes the inter-rater reliabilities for the
APA use and the control condition per body-part.
Table 1: Inter-rater reliability values (per body-part cate-
gory) for both logging method groups.
Legs Arms Back
APA logging κ = 0.448 1.000 0.383
Paper logging κ = 0.417 0.657 0.249
Table 2 shows the χ
-test values (number of rat-
ings N = 191). According to the test values the H
hypothesis can be provisionally accepted for the legs
category (stochastical dependence between logging
An Android App for Posture Analysis Using OWAS
Figure 1: User Interface (UI) for Android of the APA App. The UI can be as well experienced as a screencast video (see
method and rating results), for both arms and back
the H
must be kept.
Table 2: χ
-test values (per body-part category) for both
logging method groups (N = 191), *: H
provisionally ac-
cepted (V = 0.342).
Legs Arms Back
22.349* 0.448 4.762
p < 0.001* 0.799 0.190
3.3 User Experience Questionnaire
Figure 2 summarizes the averaged answers to the indi-
vidual questions of the questionnaire. The sub-items
can be summarized based on coloring into the six
main scales covered by the UEQ: Attractiveness can
be used to determine whether the participant likes the
product or not. Transparent indicates how easy it is
for the user to become familiar with the product. Effi-
ciency describes whether the tasks can be completed
without unnecessary effort. Controllability indicates
whether the user has the impression of being in con-
trol at all times. Stimulation asks whether the user
feels motivated to use the product and originality in-
dicates how interesting the product is and whether it
arouses the interest of the user. The scale ranges from
-3 ”horribly bad” to +3 ”extremely good”. The range
of values between -0.8 and 0.8 encompasses a neutral
rating, values >0.8 represent a positive rating, and
values <-0.8 represent a negative rating. (Schrepp
et al., 2017)
Figure 3 indicates the ”user experience” quality
of the product. In this diagram, above average indi-
cates that 25% of the results were better than the app,
and 50% were worse. Accordingly, good means that
10% were better and 75% were worse (Schrepp et al.,
2017). The results show that the app achieves good re-
sults for Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability and it
achieves above average results in all remaining ones.
Considering the additional questionnaire-items
provided room for further free-text comments:
The app users indicated being comfortable with
the RGB Videos.
While many participants described the app as ap-
pealing and praised individual elements such as
the timer and the intuitive user interface, one par-
ticipant stated that she required an introduction
to use the app. In addition, one user stated that
users do not need the shortcuts, as users found
the search in them slower compared to the already
very fast normal input option.
Inter-Rater Reliability. The κ-values summarized
in Table 1 show an overall increased inter-rater relia-
bility for the app compared to the pen-and-paper log-
ging group. The app-raters achieved a significantly
increased reliability for rating the arms and the back
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: Mean answers to the individual questions of the standardized Usability Questionnaire UEQ (each color is assigned
to an already given range: Attractiveness: purple; Perspicuity: green; Novelty: orange; Stimulation: red; Dependability:
azure; Efficiency: dark blue);.
postures, with a perfect reliability for the arms when
using the APA app.
Test for Independence. The χ
test for indepen-
dence revealed no dependence of the observational re-
sults on the logging method, at least for the arms and
back categories. For the legs, the test shows a depen-
dence of the results on the logging method (medium
effect size according to (Cohen, 2013)). This could be
due to the small number of participants or the larger
selection of legs poses, but perhaps also due to the in-
terface design of the app. Smaller devices may require
scrolling the interfaces, so perhaps observers were
more inclined to connect to the icons visible from the
beginning. This potential source of error should be
further investigated in future studies (e.g., with pro-
fessionals) and eliminated if necessary.
Overall, the results of the arms, legs, and back cat-
egories as a whole are inconclusive. The different re-
sults are probably due to the larger number of posture
classes in the legs category (7 vs. 3 or 4). A larger
number of subjects is necessary for a clearer conclu-
Usability of App. Based on the data obtained from
the UEQ questionnaire, it is possible to determine
which areas need improvement. For the app, it would
be the areas of Originality and Stimulation, which are
not conspicuously bad with 1.0 and 1.25, but lower
compared to the other areas. However, the follow-
ing can be said about the originality area: The app is
not designed to be novel or innovative. Moreover, the
use case is very specific, while the participants came
from fields where the OWAS method was not known.
An Android App for Posture Analysis Using OWAS
Table 3: Results of the User Experience Questionnaire for the App user group.
UEQ Scales Mean (SD)
Attractiveness (Overall impression of the product. Do users like or dislike it?) 1.524 (0.33)
Perspicuity (Is it easy to get familiar with the product and to learn how to use it?) 1.893 (0.60)
Efficiency (Can users solve their tasks without unnecessary effort? Does it react fast?) 1.607 (0.77)
Dependability (Does the user feel in control of the interaction? Is it secure and predictable?) 1.571 (0.66)
Stimulation (Is it exciting and motivating to use the product? Is it fun to use?) 1.250 (0.54)
Novelty (Is the design of the product creative? Does it catch the interest of users?) 1.0 (0.52)
Figure 3: UEQ - Benchmark-Diagram for the App.
None of the participants had to deal with body pos-
ture analysis before. Therefore, it can be assumed that
the paper protocol sheet was not known and therefore
no comparison could be made. Thus, it is not sur-
prising that the app scored lower on originality. As
described above, the stimulation area expresses how
high the motivation is to use the product. This score
could have been better as well. However, consider-
ing that the test subjects had to watch a video with
repeated 30-second pauses in which they had to wait,
the rather low value is not surprising. Moreover, the
APA app is designed for a work environment in which
the observers would be busy alongside the observa-
General Considerations. In further studies the re-
sults should be confirmed in a work environment, to
finally confirm the applicability of the APA app. In
addition, it might be worthwhile to investigate which
effect the level of training brings to the inter-rater re-
liability, as some of the common errors seem to be
well addressed by the app. In order to support such
research questions and enable other groups to bene-
fit from the APA app, we decided to make the app
available as open source software. Thus, the source
code of the app can be found at
We presented an app as a support tool for posture
analysis using the OWAS method. The app was tested
for reliability with human subjects and the usability of
the app was evaluated. The results show that the app
approaches the usual pen-and-paper logging method
in terms of reliability and has higher inter-rater reli-
ability, at least in our cohort. It is suggested to con-
sider digital tools such as apps more for the analysis
of movements and postures. In the future, the app
could be extended to include other assessment meth-
ods apart from OWAS (e.g. REBA, RULA, etc.), and
in addition, different observation strategies could be
implemented and evaluated, e.g., with different sam-
pling frequencies. It may also be worthwile to in-
tegrated a semi-automatic classification via the inte-
grated camera of the smartphone.
The author(s) would like to thank all study partici-
pants for their contribution.
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An Android App for Posture Analysis Using OWAS