Table 6: Enumeration of entire-outcome counterfactual explanations.
Dataset radius min #CFs avg #CFs max #CFs enumtime One
CF (s)
min enumtime (s) avg enumtime (s) max enumtime (s)
YELP Review Analysis
60 1891 2025 6858 ≤ 10
≤ 10
2.29 13.46
180 2601 3203 9693 ≤ 10
0.009 4.5 29.97
Augmented MNIST
150 96 4971 9347 ≤ 10
0.02 15.61 33.27
250 1158 5027 11323 ≤ 10
1.77 15.9 45.36
IMDB Movie Genre Pred 30 5 14 22 ≈ 0 0.13 2.78 7.47
Patient Characteristics (NYS15) 63 134 1052 2399 ≤ 10
0.15 2.83 9.37
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SR (s)
min enumtime (s) avg enumtime (s) max enumtime (s)
YELP Review Analysis 60 13116 23167 38620 0.028 10.94 19.37 31.95
Augmented MNIST 150 11292 11956 12621 0.053 12.26 13.06 13.85
IMDB Movie Genre Pred 30 3 41.83 161 0.004 0.003 0.02 0.07
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