vowel vocalizations from PwPs submitted to active
and sham rTMS.
The comparison among pre- and post-stimulus
estimations in terms of LLRs given in 0 confirms the
observations on the β-band, pointing to strong
improvements in the active case (λ>0), whereas the
sham case shows mixed behavior and moderate
improvements in T1 and T3 which might be due to
circumstantial or confounding factors. The p-values
which are shown in 0 avail the estimations given in 0
for a significance level of 0.05 on the null hypothesis
of equal medians.
After examining the global improvement scores
on all the non-overlapping frequency bands given in
0, it may be concluded that taking the time interval
between the pre-stimulus and each post-stimulus
evaluation into account, the progress in the process
induced by rTMS seems steady, at least for the
observation time intervals considered. These findings
may be better examined on the evolution templates
given in 0.a and b, where the normalized amplitude
average values of the frequency-band components are
given, as well as the VFS unbalance regarding
expression (5) which is added as a reference. The
improvements of the phonation instability conditions
for the active case 1400 are evident (0.a), whereas the
evaluations from the sham case (0.b) do not show a
clear tendency. When considering the difference
between the pre-stimulus and each post-stimulus
estimations by bands given in 0.c and d, the droppings
observed in the active case (1400) become more
evident when compared with the random behavior of
the sham case (1900). This comparison is even more
meaningful when comparing the same differences in
all frequency bands weighted by the time intervals
between each pre- and post-stimulus pair, as seen in
0.e and f. The monotonous descent observed in 0.e is
indicative of the almost-permanent improvements
observed in the active case during the period
considered, contrasting with the quasi-erratic
behavior of the sham case.
The character of this study is very specific,
exploratory, and limited to the observations from the
two cases considered, and further efforts would be
required to generalize its potential application on a
large database.
The present paper is intended to explore the
possibilities of predicting the interactions on the
EEG-related β-γ frequency bands of the NMA from
the phonation acoustical signal. Albeit the specificity
of the cases studied is a limit to the findings observed,
the methodology proposed to extract neuromotor
activity from acoustical information to characterize
PwP vocalization may provide new meaningful
insights into the neuromotor activity related to
phonation stability. The three scores used in the
assessment of potential improvement behavior of
PwP phonation after active rTMS are in full
agreement, and can be used alternatively or
combined. These facts may open new applications of
signal processing in the field of speech neuromotor
understanding, and neurodegenerative disease
This research received funding from European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
agreement no. 734718 (CoBeN), a grant from the
Czech Ministry of Health, 16-30805A, a grant from
EU – Next Generation EU (project no.
LX22NPO5107 (MEYS)), and grants TEC2016-
77791-C4-4-R (Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Competitiveness of Spain), and Teca-Park-
(InterReg Programme). Andrés Gómez-Rodellar
holds a scholarship from the Medical Research
Council Doctoral Training Programme in the Usher’s
Institute (University of Edinburgh Medical School).
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