volve a more in-depth sensitive analysis on the param-
eters chosen in the model, and the possibility to ex-
tend the experiments to other different urban contexts
(larger size cities with more transportation modes).
In this case, the possibility of implementing heuris-
tic algorithms cannot be excluded a priori. Under the
mathematical perspective, other variants of the opti-
mization model can be investigated by considering
multitrip, time-dependent travel times and the vari-
ability of the visit duration (dependent of the crowd-
ing level of the visited POIs). Under the managerial
perspective, further studies can be devoted to evalu-
ate the scalability of the proposed model in a regional
context, in which a tourist likes moving between POIs
in different cities using long-distance transportation
modes (bus, train, private car) and where discour-
aging the use of private cars has a stronger impact
on the CO
emission levels. Finally, specific studies
can be addressed to the tourist trip design for VRUs
with particular disabilities (for example, people in
wheelchairs or with low vision) who need to access to
POIs, and to transportation modes with specific fea-
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The Green Tourist Trip Design Problem with Time Windows: A Model Application on a Urban Scale