the model accuracy. As can be seen, when 10% of top
most important pixels are removed, there is a sharp
drop in the mean average precision to reach around
37%. This continues to drop when we remove pixels
in decreasing order of salience (as expected).
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obtained masked images to get proposals. Finally,
the saliency map is computed as a weighted sum of
the masks where weights are pairwise similarities be-
tween proposals and target detections. We have suc-
cessfully demonstrated the application of the DRISE
explainability method to our face detector models as
a preliminary exploration in Tenebrism painting im-
ages. We have also shown its abilities to locate rele-
vant features and discuss reasons for its failures. As
further improvement of this work, we should be look-
ing to improve the very processing time consuming of
the method.
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods