ducing the chances of the improved Physarum learner
connecting it to anything else.
Lung Cancer
Peer Pressure
Yellow Fingers
Attention Disorder
Car Accident
Born an Even Day
Figure 4: The obtained structure from hybrid approach. In
black are the edges were preserved by the algorithm that are
present in the ground-truth structure. The green edge from
Attention Disorder to Genetics has reverse orientation. It
has SHD = 1.
Based on his partial result, the edge weights were
sampled as mentioned in section 3 as a starting point
for Improved Physarum Learner. Figure 4 shows the
learned structure that has SHD = 1. The only edge in-
correctly oriented from Attention Disorder to Genet-
ics is the same edge in which the PC algorithm had
difficulty determining the orientation. Despite that,
all edges kept by the Improved Physarum Learner be-
long to the ground-truth graph.
No major difference between the structure learned
by the methodology proposed in this work and the Im-
proved Physarum Learner, however, the hybrid ver-
sion presented a decrease in computational time. In
10 executions, the Improved Learner had an average
217.2 seconds to find a structure, while the hybrid
had an average of 155.3 seconds, showing a consis-
tent 28% of time savings.
In this work, we presented a hybrid alternative for
Improved Physarum Learner in which we tested the
quality of the founded causal structure proposed in
(Guyon, 2022) by counting the Structural Hamming
Distance (SHD) between the learned structure and the
ground-truth graph. We also measured the computa-
tional time saved by adding information from Condi-
tional Independence tests into the Physarum maze.
The results showed consistency in the causal dis-
covery of the true structure with almost no errors.
The SHD = 1 refers to the green edge between Ge-
netics and Attention Disorder misoriented. In our
tests, the proposed methodology outperforms Im-
proved Physarum Learner, finding the causal struc-
ture on average 28% faster.
Although promising, the proposed combination of
algorithms needs, in future works, to be compared
with strategies of learning structures, both algorithms
consolidated in the literature and new approaches, us-
ing the same hardware and the same amounts of data
for all algorithms. Also, it is important to check the
Hybrid Improved Physarum behavior in different sce-
narios such as non-binary data, networks with a large
number of nodes, or even how it behaves with scarce
Furthermore, parallel implementation strategies
can be highly beneficial for the Hybrid Improved
Physarum Learner. For the PC algorithm, the method-
ology proposed by (Le et al., 2016) seems promising
especially in high-dimensional data. But no parallel
technique was found by the authors relating causal
discovery problem and Physarum.
This work was partially supported by the follow-
ing agencies: CAPES, FAPESP 2014/50851-0, CNPq
465755/2014-3 and BPE Fapesp 2018/19150-6.
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Hybrid Improved Physarum Learner for Structure Causal Discovery