Using NLP to Enrich Scientific Knowledge Graphs: A Case Study to
Find Similar Papers
Xavier Quevedo and Janneth Chicaiza
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on, Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
DBPedia, NLP, Metadata, Scientific Knowledge Graphs, RDF, Semantic Similarity.
In recent years, Knowledge Graphs have become increasingly popular thanks to the potential of Semantic
Web technologies and the development of NoSQL graph-based. A knowledge graph that describes scholarly
production makes the literature metadata legible for machines. Making the paper’s text legible for machines
enables them to discover and leverage relevant information for the scientific community beyond searching
based on metadata fields. Thus, scientific knowledge graphs can become catalysts to drive research. In this
research, we reuse an existing scientific knowledge graph and enrich it with new facts to demonstrate how
this information can be used to improve tasks like finding similar documents. To identify new entities and
relationships we combine two different approaches: (1) an RDF scheme-based approach to recognize named
entities, and (2) a sequence labeler based on spaCy to recognize entities and relationships on papers’ abstracts.
Then, we compute the semantic similarity among papers considering the original graph and the enriched one
to state what is the graph that returns the closest similarity. Finally, we conduct an experiment to verify the
value or contribution of the additional information, i.e. new triples, obtained by analyzing the content of the
abstracts of the papers.
In recent years, Knowledge Graphs (KG) have be-
come increasingly popular thanks to the potential of
Semantic Web technologies such as RDF, ontologies
and query languages, and the development of NoSQL
technologies based on graphs to structure and con-
nect large amounts of data and improve tasks such
as search, recommendation, question-answering sys-
tems, among others. Indeed, according to the Gart-
ner Report 2021 (Sallam and Feinberg, 2021), graphs
are in trend eight because they can facilitate rapid
decision-making, thus more organizations identify
use cases that graph-based techniques can solve (Ti-
wari et al., 2021).
Currently, in most of the academic institutions, a
lot of valuable information is available in text such
as teaching/learning resources and research objects.
However, the main problem of unstructured data is
that machines do not understand natural language and
the structure or grammatical syntax of human lan-
guage. To make data readable for both machines
and humans (Kejriwal, 2019), several projects have
emerged that have focused on the creation of KG by
extracting entities and relationships from textual re-
sources (Buscaldi et al., 2019). There are KG for
specific domains such as GeoNames for geographic
names, and KG cross-domain such as DBPedia. In
the context of scholarly production, projects such as
scholarlydata, among others have emerged.
From structured data sources, we can use some
tools which read data from CSV files or relational
databases and then convert them to RDF data (Ke-
jriwal, 2019). Also, there are techniques to generate
data in triple patterns from unstructured text, but it is
a more challenging task. In this paper, the main prob-
lem that is addressed is how to leverage textual infor-
mation of papers, as their abstracts, to discover new
statements and to improve tasks based on computing
similarities such as search and recommendation.
Scholarly production describes research advances
in several fields; making a paper’s text legible for ma-
chines enables them to discover and leverage rele-
vant information for the scientific community beyond
searching based on metadata fields. Also, data orga-
nized as graphs can help researchers to more quickly
identify and compare methods, protocols, datasets
and findings.
Quevedo, X. and Chicaiza, J.
Using NLP to Enrich Scientific Knowledge Graphs: A Case Study to Find Similar Papers.
DOI: 10.5220/0011671100003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 2, pages 190-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Next, we describe the research background (see
section 2), and explain a case of application based on
information extraction tasks applied to enrich a sci-
entific knowledge graph; then we demonstrate that to
find similar papers is more accuracy (see section 3)
when we use the enriched graph. Finally, we present
the research conclusion.
2.1 Scientific Knowledge Graphs
A knowledge graph is like a network of heteroge-
neous entities related between them. In the context
of the Semantic Web, domain-specific facts are ex-
pressed as RDF triples. This type of representation
provides a flexible, context-sensitive, fine-grained,
and machine-actionable way to leverage and process
knowledge (Jaradeh et al., 2019).
In the academic context, Scientific Knowledge
Graphs (SKG) are the framework to describe the
underlying entities, such as research or educational
institutions, professors, students, scholarly produc-
tion, projects, etc. Here, some interesting graphs in-
clude Open Academic Graph
, Microsoft Academic
Knowledge Graph (MAKG)
, Scholarly Linked
, OpenCitations
and Artificial Intelligence-
Knowledge Graph (Dess
ı et al., 2020b). The main
advantage of these SKG is the ease of retrieving and
integrating their content through the SPARQL stan-
dard and other access methods.
Different services could be created from SKG
based on the papers’ metadata. However, this type
of graph is limited since metadata such as the title,
abstract and body of the publications are based on
text which contains valuable information for users,
but that cannot be processed directly by the machines.
Therefore, we need to build knowledge graphs based
on free text processing. The textual content of the
papers can be analyzed with Information Extraction
(IE), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Ma-
chine Learning (ML) techniques to identify entities
and predict links between them.
Below, we introduce some techniques used to
parse and transform textual content into knowledge
units of KG.
2.2 Extraction of RDF Statements from
Information extraction is a process of retrieving struc-
tured information from semi-structured or unstruc-
tured data. The three main tasks of IE are entity
extraction, relation extraction, and co-reference res-
olution. Entity extraction (EE) aims to find entities
such as people, organizations, topics or locations im-
plicit in scientific publications (Dess
ı et al., 2020a).
Relation extraction (RE) refers to finding semantic
links between these entities (Helesic, 2014). Finally,
co-reference resolution (CR) is the process of find-
ing mentions in a text such as names, pronouns, syn-
onyms or acronyms referring to the same entity (Mos-
chitti et al., 2017). By connecting entities through
relationships, we can create knowledge units into a
graph, i.e. RDF triples.
Although there are different approaches and meth-
ods to extract entities and relationships from text, it is
also true that there are several challenges to take on
when processing natural language. The most common
problems of natural language are understanding and
ambiguity. In general, extracting information from
text is complex because there are many ways of ex-
pressing the same fact (Kejriwal et al., 2021).
Addressing these issues is beyond the scope of this
research, our goal is to describe the main methods to
identify the fundamental components of RDF triples,
i.e. entities and relationships.
Figure 1 illustrates an example of how a sentence
in natural language could be analyzed through the
three tasks to create RDF triples. First EE aims to
identify key entities of interest (e.g., organizations,
people, places or topics) from the text. Second, RE
aims to extract the relations between two entities (e.g.,
structure, is, used for). And third, CR tries to identify
whether multiple mentions in a text refer to the same
Below, we describe some well-known methods to
perform EE and RE tasks, CR falls outside the scope
of this paper.
2.2.1 Entity Extraction (EE)
Entity extraction task is useful in many different ap-
plications such as question-answering systems, trans-
lation services, and search engines, among others. EE
is also known by other terms like entity identifica-
tion, and named entity recognition (NER). Addition-
ally, when the objective is linking the mention of an
entity to the correct reference entity in a knowledge
base, we can refer to this task as named entity linking
(NEL) (Vasilyev et al., 2022).
Using NLP to Enrich Scientific Knowledge Graphs: A Case Study to Find Similar Papers
Figure 1: Entities found during EE are the nodes in the knowledge graph. Relations are used to connect entities and traverse
the graph. Using CR methods we can infer that ”It”, refers to the term RDF.
Therefore, EE aims to identify real-world objects
from a text and classify them into predefined types
like person, location, organization, topic, language
and so forth (Moschitti et al., 2017). This task can
include the extraction of two entity types: entities
defined in ontologies or dictionaries, and entities not
seen or described previously (Kalyanpur and Krishna,
2021). Simply, EE can be seen as a labelling prob-
lem, i.e., predicting the label right for a term men-
tioned in the text; this implies that this task is depen-
dent on the domain, i.e. every domain has its entity
types. Therefore, the problem of NER cannot be ac-
complished by a single string matching against some
sort of dictionary because the entity types usually are
context-dependent (Moschitti et al., 2017).
Early solutions for entity extraction were using
manually crafted patterns, later systems were trying
to learn patterns from labeled data, and the newest
applications are using statistical machine learning for
pattern discovery (Helesic, 2014). Below, we de-
scribe three broad approaches to solve this problem:
sequence-labeling, learning machine-based and rule-
based approaches.
Sequence-labeling. Sequence labelers try to clas-
sify the sequence of words in a sentence as a
whole instead of classifying each word indepen-
dently. In the general case, the problem of tak-
ing all elements in a sequence and classifying
them jointly is intractable for reasonable sequence
sizes, but with some model assumptions, we can
try to take some dependencies into account when
classifying each token (Kalyanpur and Krishna,
2021). To recognize entities, we can use (1) NLP
libraries, (2) systems based on dictionaries, or (3)
machine learning methods.
Regarding the first approach, there are some pack-
ages for NER like NLTK and spaCy. Natural
language Toolkit or NLTK is a set of Python li-
braries used for educational purposes. spaCy is a
Python library too but is more accessible. Using
these packages implies following a 3-step process.
The first step is word tokenization, the second one
is POS (parts-of-speech) tagging or grammatical
tagging, and the last step is chunking to extract
the named entities (Philna Aruja, 2022).
The second approach, dictionary-based systems,
is the simplest. It provides suitable terminology
from catalogues, such as lexical databases, on-
tologies or RDF schemes, and basic string match-
ing algorithms are used to check whether the en-
tity is occurring in the given text to the entities in
vocabulary. The main limitation of this approach
is it is required to update the dictionary used for
the system (Dathan, 2021).
The third approach, ML-based systems for se-
quence tagging and other approaches is presented
Machine learning methods have the main advan-
tage of solving EE by recognizing an existing
entity name even with little spelling variations
(Dathan, 2021). It includes supervised methods
like statistical-based models as maximum entropy
models, hidden Markov models (HMMs), and
conditional random fields (CRFs). These methods
assign output states to input terms without mak-
ing a strong independence assumption (Kalyan-
pur and Krishna, 2021). Modern supervised ap-
proaches include deep learning approaches for
solving NER can require a large amount of la-
beled training data in order to learn a system that
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
achieves good performance. According to (Kejri-
wal et al., 2021), the advantage of deep Learning
models for NER is they do not normally require
domain-specific resources like lexicons or ontolo-
gies and can scale more easily without significant
manual tuning.
For detecting the entity names, in addition to
supervised methods, there are semi-supervised
and unsupervised methods. Regarding semi-
supervised methods, in (Kejriwal et al., 2021) au-
thors stand out that recently weak supervision has
gained interest because it requires some amount
of human supervision, usually in the very begin-
ning when the system designer provides a starting
set of seeds, which are then used to bootstrap the
The last group of ML-based methods are based
on unsupervised learning, therefore they do not
require labeled texts during training to recognize
entities. Thus, the goal of unsupervised learning
is to build representations from data. Typically,
clustering algorithms are used to find similarities
in data during training (Eltyeb and Salim, 2014).
Due to their simplicity, these algorithms are suit-
able for simple tasks (Bose et al., 2021) and are
not popular in the NER task.
Another ML-based approaches use language
models based on deep neural networks. Neu-
ral language models have made interesting ad-
vances in several NLP tasks by improving their
performance and scalability. Pre-trained language
models like BERT are created with large amounts
of training data and are effective in automati-
cally learning useful representations and underly-
ing factors from raw data. In (Li et al., 2022), the
authors present the most representative methods
of deep learning for NER.
By combining supervised and unsupervised mod-
els in NER we can leverage the advantages of each
approach (Uronen et al., 2022).
Rule-based systems. We can use a formal rule
language to define the extraction rules of enti-
ties. The rules can be based on regular expres-
sions or references to a dictionary, or we can reuse
custom extractors. Mainly two types of rules
are used, Pattern-based rules, which depend upon
the morphological pattern of the words used, and
context-based rules, which depend upon the con-
text of the word used in the given text document
(Dathan, 2021). This approach may be appro-
priate when the entities’ names of a certain type
share a spelling pattern; for example, in general
any university has in its name the term university.
2.2.2 Relation Extraction (RE)
When constructing KGs, EE is used to get the nodes
of a knowledge graph, and relation extraction can be
used to get the edges or relationships, which connect
pairs of nodes or entities in the graph. Therefore, RE
is the problem of detecting and classifying relation-
ships between entities extracted from the text, being
a significantly more challenge than NER (Kejriwal
et al., 2021).
ML-based approaches include some supervised
and semi-supervised techniques:
1. Supervised RE methods require labeled data
where each pair of entity mentions is tagged with
one of the predefined relation types. According
to (Kejriwal et al., 2021), there are two kinds of
supervised methods: feature-based supervised RE
and kernel-based supervised RE. On one hand,
feature-based methods define the RE problem as
a classification problem. Namely, for each pair
of entity mentions, a set of features is generated,
and a classifier is used to predict the relation, of-
ten probabilistically. On the other hand kernel-
based supervised methods, generally are heavily
dependent on the features extracted from the men-
tioned pairs and the sentence. Word embeddings
could be used to add more global context. Ker-
nel methods are based on the idea of kernel func-
tions; some common functions include the se-
quence kernel, the syntactic kernel, the depen-
dency tree kernel, the dependency graph path ker-
nel, and composite kernels.
2. Semi-supervised Relation Extraction. There are
two motivations for using this type of methods:
(1) acquiring labeled data at scale is a challenge
task, and (2) leveraging the large amounts of un-
labeled data currently available on the web, with-
out necessarily requiring labeling effort. A semi-
supervised or weakly supervised method is boot-
strapping, which starts from a small set of seed
relation instances and it is able to learns more re-
lation instances and extraction patterns. Another
paradigm is distant supervision which uses a large
number of known relationships instances in exist-
ing large knowledge bases to create a proxy for ac-
tual training data. Besides bootstrapping and dis-
tant supervision, other LM methods include active
learning, label propagation and multitask transfer
learning (Kejriwal et al., 2021).
Besides supervised and semi-supervised methods,
there are other approaches to extract relationships be-
tween two named entities.
Syntactic patterns or rule-based. It tries to dis-
cover a pattern for a new relation by collecting
Using NLP to Enrich Scientific Knowledge Graphs: A Case Study to Find Similar Papers
several examples of that relation.
Unsupervised ML-based RE. When we need to
discover relation types in a given corpus, we can
use unsupervised ML methods. Among these
methods highlight Open Information Extraction
(Open IE) which attempts to discover relations
(and entities) without any kind of ontological in-
put or relations previously designed. As we noted
before, RE is a more challenging task than EE and
there is a need for general-purpose solutions that
can achieve roughly the same kind of performance
as NERs (Kejriwal et al., 2021).
2.3 Related Work
The research related to SKG has attempted to address
two fundamental problems: (1) the analysis of sci-
entific domains doesn’t take into account the seman-
tics of concepts or topics (Tosi and Dos Reis, 2021),
and (2) the continuous growth of scientific literature
difficults the analysis of it and increases the effort to
prepare data (Dess
ı et al., 2020a). To alleviate these
problems and contribute to the creation of structured
pieces of knowledge that ease the analysis of schol-
arly production, some frameworks and architectures
have been proposed.
The authors in (Tosi and Dos Reis, 2021) propose
an analysis framework to construct knowledge graphs
by structuring scientific fields from natural language
texts. Then, the knowledge graphs are clustered in
relevant concepts. The proposed model is evaluated
in two datasets from distinct areas and achieved up to
84% of accuracy in the task of document classification
without using annotated data. Another framework for
performing three information extraction tasks: named
entity recognition, relation extraction, and event ex-
traction is proposed in (Wadden et al., 2020). The
framework is called DYGIE++ which tries to capture
local (within-sentence) and global (cross-sentence)
contexts. The proposal achieved state-of-the-art re-
sults across all tasks, on four datasets from a variety
of domains.
ı et. al. also propose a new architecture that
mixes machine learning, text mining and NLP to ex-
tract entities and relationships from research publi-
cations and integrate them into a knowledge graph.
Likewise, ref. (Buscaldi et al., 2019) proposes a pre-
liminary approach based on NLP and Deep Learn-
ing to extract entities and relationships from scientific
publications. The extracted information is used to cre-
ate a knowledge graph which includes about 10K en-
tities, and 25K relationships focused on the Semantic
Web (Dess
ı et al., 2020a).
Similar to the previous proposals, (Luan et al.,
2018) presents a model for identifying and classi-
fying entities, relations, and coreference clusters in
scientific articles. The difference is that the authors
propose a unified model, or multi-task setup, which
outperforms previous models in scientific informa-
tion extraction without using any domain-specific fea-
tures. As a result, the authors create the dataset SCI-
ERC, which includes annotations for all three tasks
and develop a unified framework called Scientific In-
formation Extractor (SCIIE) with shared span repre-
Finally, (Martinez-Rodriguez et al., 2018) explore
the use of OpenIE for the construction of KG. The au-
thors created RDF triples using binary relations pro-
vided by an OpenIE approach. They ”demonstrate
that the integration of information extraction units
with grammatical structures provides a better un-
derstanding of proposition-based representations pro-
vided by OpenIE for supporting the construction of
Continuing work along the lines of SKG, here we
reuse an existing graph and enrich it with new facts
to demonstrate how this information can be used to
improve certain base tasks like finding similar doc-
uments. To identify new entities and relationships
we combine two different approaches: (1) an RDF
scheme-based approach to recognize named entities
from an existing KG, then connect them to semantic
representation of papers, (2) a sequence labeler based
on spaCy to recognize entities and relationships on
papers’ abstracts. Next, we describe the work carried
out through an application case.
In this section, we describe how we collect metadata
from the SKG named scholarlyData, and then how we
process their textual metadata to obtain new triples for
the SKG, carrying out entity and relation extraction
tasks. Finally, we compute the semantic similarity
among papers considering the original SKG and the
enriched graph to state what is the graph that returns
the closest similarity.
3.1 Data Sources and Data Schema
Figure 2 shows the three data sources used and
the resulting data schema which was populated with
new triples (1) scholarlydata is a scientific knowl-
edge graph that contains RDF triples that describe
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
about 5.8K papers of proceedings, (2) DBPedia is a
knowledge graph built on information of pages’ in-
foboxes of Wikipedia, and (3) the spaCy library is
an open library designed for several large-scale IE
tasks(Kejriwal et al., 2021). Follow, the usage of each
data source is described:
1. scholarlydata
is accessible on the Web and of-
fers RDF data that describe the scholarly produc-
tion related to academic conferences about Linked
Data. This graph is suitable for our purpose which
is to compute semantic similarity of resources re-
lated to a given domain.
2. DBPedia was used to identify semantic entities
and SKOS concepts contained in the papers’ ab-
stracts. We used DBPedia for recognition of
named entities.
3. spaCy
library was used to parse the paper’s ab-
stracts and to identify new underlying triples.
3.2 Information Extraction Pipeline
To populate the data schema shown in Figure 2, we
implemented a pipeline made up of three main task
(see in Figure 4).
First, we collected RDF data from the scholarly-
data data set. Using SPARQL queries, we accessed
and collected metadata from a subset of conference
papers related to the artificial intelligence field. For
each paper, we collect metadata such as title, abstract,
DOI, authors, and keywords. The extracted data was
saved in a relational database to clean them using SQL
operations. During the extraction, some inconsistent
values were detected, such as the presence of key-
words in the abstract metadata.
Second, we analyze the text of the papers ab-
stracts to identify semantic annotations mentioned
into them. The TagMe APIs
were used to parse the
text and carry out the annotation task. TagMe return
Wikipedia pages where entities or resources are found
in text. From this links, we reached the DBPedia
URIs of the equivalent entities. From the new enti-
ties, we connect each one to each paper to create new
triples and enrich the original SKG.
Finally, spaCy was used to extract entities (nodes)
and relationships between them. Steps such as syntac-
tic analysis or linguistic tagging (e.g., part-of-speech
tagging) help us to compute dependency structures
(parse tree) over sentences of the papers abstracts.
Table 1: Summary of entities collected and extracted.
Data Source Type of Entity Count
Paper 5,604
Author 13,216
Keyword 9,697
DBPedia resources 16,856
Concepts 64,245
with spaCy
Statements 10,995
Subjects 21,924
Predicates 8,989
Objects 10,794
Another task carried out was the phrase recognition
(i.e. recognition of verb groups and noun phrases)
and morphological analysis, thus to identify the rela-
Before processing the abstract of the papers, we
divided the text into short sentences using the symbols
”;” and ”. as statement separators. Then we execute
two functions; the first is to extract entities (nouns)
from the sentences, the entities are used to assemble
the subjects and objects of the triples; and the second
function was used to obtain the relationships (verbs)
that connect entities. It is worth mentioning that we
reused and adapted the code from Prateek Joshi
build this component.
Considering the pair of entities and the relation-
ship found in each sentence with spaCy, the next step
was to convert them to triples, ¡ subject, predicate,
object ¿ following the data schema shown in Figure
2. However, the generation of KG units, i.e. triples,
is not an easy task due to the complexity of under-
standing the natural language for machines, for this
reason, we randomly explore a subset of triples and
note that the quality was poor. Analyzing results, we
could identify a preliminary pattern that helped us to
discover best results: the sentence should not be too
long or too short. For this reason, we only select the
triples built from the original sentences between 15
and 30 words in length.
In summary, we executed the IE pipeline and the
original scientific knowledge graph was enriched with
new facts inferred from text of paper’ abstracts. Fig-
ure 4 shows a subset of new nodes added, in yellow
and gray color, and new relations connected to a given
paper, directly and indirectly way.
Table 1 shows the total number of nodes and
triples that make up the resulting graph.
In conclusion, completing the enrichment of the
SKG by using NLP tasks, like entity and relation ex-
traction, we discovered 133K new entities which were
connected to the original KG (i.e. scholarlydata) com-
Using NLP to Enrich Scientific Knowledge Graphs: A Case Study to Find Similar Papers
Figure 2: Data schema that identifies the metadata collected from scholarlydata and the new metadata added using DBPedia
and spaCy.
Figure 3: General pipeline used for information extration.
Figure 4: Extract of a semantic description of a given paper.
posed of about 5.6K papers. Finally, the resulting
graph was stored in a GraphDB Free
3.3 Computing Semantic Similarity
Between Papers
To validate the quality of the data extracted from the
abstract of the publications, in this research we do not
use specific metrics used in IE, rather we carry out
an application case using the enriched graph to cal-
culate the similarity between papers. If the automatic
similarity score is coherent with manual evaluation of
results, we could suspect that the quality of the triples
has been important to build applications based on the
extracted information, such as a semantic search en-
gine or a recommender system of papers.
GraphDB, the RDF repository used to store the
enriched SKG, provides functionalities to create sim-
ilarity indexes based on values of a subset of the en-
tity’s properties. The similarity score was calculated
by creating three indexes based on metadata of the
next sub-graphs: (SG1) the original SKG, i.e. the
triples obtained from scholarlydata; (SG2) the en-
riched SKG with entities and SKOS concepts identi-
fied by the TagMe API from DBPedia, and (SG3) the
enriched SKG with additional facts obtained through
text analysis using spaCy. Then, we use a rubric
as a basis to determine the quality of the results re-
turned by the three prediction indices: (1) P1 applied
on metadata of SG1, (2) P2 = applied on metadata of
SG1 + SG2, and (3) P3 = applied on metadata of SG1
+ SG2 + SG3.
Since the validation was performed manually,
from the total set of papers (n= 5,604), we randomly
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Performance by each index. Table enlists the num-
ber of evaluated base papers evaluated and the number of
relevant papers returned by each index according to the
comparison made.
Index Rate of relevant papers
P1 64.3%
P2 83.3%
P3 50.0%
selected 20 base papers to analyze the effectiveness
of the similarity indexes created to return the top-3
similar papers. To determine how good the results re-
turned by the indexes are, we apply a rubric based on
three criteria that evaluate the title, abstract and key-
words of the recommended papers. The score of each
criterion is made by a human and depends on the per-
centage of similarity between the metadata of the base
paper vs. the recommended similar paper.
The purpose of computing the similarity is to de-
termine if the automatic ranking returned by the in-
dices is close to the assessment that a human would
make when evaluating the similarity of two papers.
The comparison of the three indices has the purpose
of verifying the value or contribution of the additional
information, i.e. new triples, obtained by analyzing
the content of the abstracts of the papers.
The authors of this research performed the prelim-
inary validation by comparing the automatic score of
indexes and the manual exploration of results. Table 2
shows the results for each indexed evaluated.
As a conclusion of the results obtained, we can
affirm that the prediction index 2 (P2) returns the
highest proportion of relevant resources, that is, that
the SKG enriched from DBpedia entities recognized
in the abstract of the papers was the best option for
finding similar papers. On the contrary, the P3 in-
dex, which is based on the complete graph, including
the triples found with spaCy, is the most imprecise.
Therefore, for future work we must change the strate-
gies for entity and relationship extraction, so that gen-
erate valuable triples before delivering this informa-
tion for any application.
Scientific knowledge graphs can become catalysts to
drive research. When units of knowledge are struc-
tured and codified through formal languages, we can
build machines to process, connect, analyze, or com-
pare research related to a particular topic, thus sup-
porting the work of researchers.
In this research, we reuse data available on SKG
and open KG, but we also generate new structured
data from textual information of papers by using NLP
methods, APIs and Python libraries. Reusing data,
models and available services enables the fast imple-
mentation of apps without the need to make major
changes, therefore the importance of research being
reproducible. As a contribution, all the code and data
used in this project is available in a GitHub repos-
, so that it can be used and improved by the
academic community who is interested in this field of
research. After enrich a SKG with new triples, the
graph was leveraged to demonstrate that the graph
structure is useful when the user needs to find and
understand the similarity relationships between re-
sources, such as papers in our case.
In light of the results obtained, and as future work,
we are going to improve the automatic generation
of triples from text; this implies adding modules for
merging similar entities or triples by using ML and
NLP models and similarity metrics. Also, for im-
proving the results, we will try to combine several
extraction approaches, specially weak supervision-
based ones. Thus, the best set of ”reliable” triples
will be selected to enrich the knowledge graph.
The authors thank the Computer Science Department
of Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja for spon-
soring this academic project.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence