proposed multi-channel method delivers up to 58%
mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) improve-
ment by deploying various neural networks in com-
parison with the use of only voltage charging profiles.
The feed-forward neural network (FFNN) has been
deployed in (Chaoui et al., 2017) to estimate the SOH
of Li-ion batteries by using input features, including
battery terminal voltage, current, and ambient temper-
ature from charging curves, which enables the neural
network to extract the dynamic characteristics from
Li-ion batteries and map them to the capacity. To es-
timate the SOH of Li-ion batteries, a gate recurrent
unit-convolutional neural network (GRU-CNN) was
proposed in (Fan et al., 2020), which can extract the
shared information and time dependencies from the
charging curve and limit the maximum prediction er-
ror to 4.3%. The authors in (Yang et al., 2022) have
utilized the battery data from charging/discharging
curves and fed them into various CNN-based SOH
estimation models, indicating the effectiveness of the
proposed models in predicting the SOH of Li-ion bat-
The data-driven methods mentioned above all rely
heavily on the charging curve data, but the charging
patterns of users are difficult to predict, resulting in
randomness in the battery charging data. As an al-
ternative to using battery voltage, current, and tem-
perature from charging curves, EIS has gained in-
creased interest from researchers in recent years for
its non-destructive nature and capability to analyze
the impedance spectrum of batteries.
It has been demonstrated in (Li et al., 2021) that
the EIS feature set was more effective and efficient in
predicting Li-ion battery capacity than battery volt-
age, current, and temperature from charging curves.
Incorporating cycle numbers with EIS features in (Li
et al., 2022) improved the SOH estimation accuracy
by up to 50% compared to those relying solely on
EIS features. The authors in (Kim et al., 2022) pro-
pose an unsupervised machine learning model called
EIS-based InfoGAN (EISGAN), which extracts vari-
ables that can precisely formulate battery degradation
from the EIS feature set with low-frequency fluctu-
ations. An acceptable level of prediction accuracy
can be achieved with a mean absolute error (MAE)
of 0.71 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.91,
respectively, for testing on a single cell. Moreover,
a CNN model has been deployed with EIS measure-
ment data to estimate the SOH of Li-ion batteries in
(Pradyumna et al., 2022), where the maximum esti-
mation error was found to be 0.57 (% capacity) and
the RMSE was found to be 0.233 (% capacity).
Despite the high dimensionality of EIS features,
it has been challenging to select the quantitative fea-
tures that correlate with battery degradation when us-
ing EIS measurements to predict the SOH of lithium-
ion batteries. Hence, a CNN model has been devel-
oped in this paper, in which the convolutional layer is
employed to extract the most useful features from the
input data automatically without omitting any critical
characteristics of the battery data.
This section discusses Zhang’s EIS dataset (Zhang et
al., 2020), one of the largest publicly available EIS
datasets to date, as well as how EIS features were ex-
tracted and restructured in different ways to charac-
terize battery degradation patterns. Also, a proposed
machine learning framework will be described where
the CNN and DNN models were deployed to extract
the aging characteristics from EIS features to estimate
the SOH of Li-ion batteries. The proposed machine
learning framework in this work is presented in Fig-
ure 1.
3.1 Data Acquisition
Various non-linear mechanisms and complex decline
trajectories are involved in the degradation of Li-ion
batteries. In order to train a machine learning model
that will accurately predict the SOH of Li-ion batter-
ies, reliable battery aging data are essential.
In light of the difficulty of conducting battery ag-
ing experiments, researchers have evaluated their pro-
posed prediction algorithms based on publicly avail-
able battery datasets. A comprehensive dataset of EIS
measurements, as specified in (Zhang et al., 2021),
was selected for this experiment, which was con-
ducted by continuously charging and discharging 12
Eunicell LR2032 lithium-ion coin cells made of Li-
Battery internal impedance plays an important
role in determining its operational voltage, rate ca-
pability, and efficiency, and can even have a signifi-
cant impact on its practical capacity. In general, the
measurement approach involves applying a sinusoidal
current or voltage with a certain amplitude and fre-
quency, and measuring the amplitude and phase shift
of the output voltage or current (Li et al., 2020). Re-
peating this procedure for various frequencies, typi-
cally between kHz and MHZ, yields a characteristic
impedance spectrum. More than 20,000 EIS spectra
of 12 commercial Li-ion batteries have been collected
in the EIS dataset (Zhang et al., 2021). The samples
were cycled at different temperatures, specifically,
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods