ing that the use of multiple cameras proposed in this
work significantly improved this type of environment.
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method uses the MPNN architecture to associate de-
tections that belong to the same pedestrian and to
trace their spatial-temporal trajectory. By carrying
out experiments on the WILDTRACK database, we
showed that the technique reaches up to 77.1% of
MOTA when trained with the tracking result of Lyra
et al. (2022) and 62.3% of MOTA in 10-fold-cross-
validation. In addition, the time required to track
pedestrians is 40 fps, which is twice the most accu-
rate competing solution (Lyra et al. (2022)).
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worse than those obtained with 15 frames because
there are more identity changes, so it would be in-
teresting to study how to reduce these changes so that
the performance using 2 frames is as good as the one
when using 15 frames.
Furthermore, this work evaluated the use of a pos-
sible approach to training the neural network without
the need for ground truth annotations. However, sev-
eral unsupervised training techniques could be tried
in this scenario.
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Multi-Camera 3D Pedestrian Tracking Using Graph Neural Networks