Table 1: Mean Velocities Over 81 Edge Segments.
Anger -.0003 -.0009 .0006 .0027 .0017
Fear -.0003 -.0008 .0005 .0027 .0017
Sadness .0014 -.0002 .0016 .0090 .0058
Surprise -.0003 -.0008 .0005 .0027 .0017
Locating the mean of the Avatar velocities for four
emotion labels within ± 1 Standard Deviation
suggests that the Avatar’s velocity behavior is within
at least 68% of the behavior of the Emotion Model’s
behavior in response to the same stimuli. This fact
alone must be bolstered by noting that the Variance
for each of the histograms is 1 to 2 magnitudes less
than the Standard Deviation. With such a narrow
variance, we conclude that the emotion velocities of
all four emotion labels are substantially resemblant.
The contribution or our proposed method is to
create a ground truth reference for one single subject.
The experiments of this research accept the
assumption that the corpora used to validate the NNs
embedded in the FER software are sufficient to build
a secondary corpus like the one we propose, designed
to simulate one actor’s character rather than to
recognize the facial emotion of a wide set of generic
human faces. The approach of this research intends to
streamline character animation in video game
production by leveraging the work of human
annotators used in the development of FERs. By
using programable statistical techniques as applied in
this research, a more automatic process of evaluating
facial emotion corpora could accelerate the use of
emotion AI in NPCs for future game production.
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