Figure 30: Result of questionnaire of positive aspect.
Figure 31: Result of questionnaire of negative aspect.
grade evaluation to the questionnaire items about con-
scious of chewing in the meal compared to conscious
of chewing to the answer of questionnaire before the
experiment, indicating effect especially conscious of
chewing activity by using the ChewReminder.
This research proposed ChewReminder which is a
feedback system using dietary sound by real-time
feedback on a smartwatch and displayed feedback
on a smartphone to improve eating habit. The An-
droid app on a smartphone detect eating activities by
three steps: segmentation dietary sound, extraction
features and prediction using a classification model.
The smartwatch gives feedback using vibration de-
pend on chewing count per one bite which informa-
tion was linked from the smartphone. Also, the total
feedback about the meal was displayed on the smart-
phone after finishing the meal.
The objectives of this research was achieved.
ChewReminder can detect eating activity in real-time
under a natural meal environment and provide feed-
back based on detected eating activity. The chewing
count for 70% subjects and chewing pace for more
than half subjects was improved with using ChewRe-
minder by the result of total chewing count, average
of chewing count per bite and chewing pace. The pro-
posed system chewReminder is effective especially
people who are aware of fast eating. Also, the re-
sult of long-term experiment indicated that feedback
displayed on a smartphone was effective to improve
consciousness of eating activity. Therefore, the re-
sult of both experiment shows that ChewReminder is
a valid system to improve consciousness of eating ac-
tivity especially chewing activity.
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Eating Habit Improvement System Using Dietary Sound