In this study, we proposed a GAN Inversion us-
ing StyleMap, a spatial extension of the latent code
that controls image properties in StyleGAN. We
found that a simple extension of existing encoders to
StyleMap improves reconstruction quality, but signif-
icantly degrades editability. Therefore, we added reg-
ularization to improve editability. Even though the
use of StyleMap is out of consideration in the design
of StyleGAN, we confirmed that our method is com-
parable to existing methods in image editing. In addi-
tion, we showed that StyleMap allows local editing of
arbitrary images. Notably, our method is comparable
in performance to SOTA methods, even though it em-
ploys a strategy independent of PTI. In other words,
performance can be improved by incorporating PTI’s
strategy into our method. In the future, we would like
to adopt a PTI strategy and experiment with a wide
range of data sets.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP21H03496, JP22K12157.
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