Rumor Detection in Tweets Using Graph Convolutional Networks
Takumi Takei, Yuichi Sei
, Yasuyuki Tahara
and Akihiko Ohsuga
Department of Informatics, The University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Rumor Detection, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Twitter.
Abstract: The recent development of social networking services has made it easier for anyone to get information. On
the other hand, rumors which are information whose truth is unverified are not only easy to spread but also
can cause damage such as flames, incitement, and slander. Accurate identification of rumors is effective
against such problems and may prevent the spread of misinformation. Based on previous research, this study
created a dataset of rumors including replies to fact-checked Japanese tweets. Using a GCN-based deep
learning classifier, we performed binary classification of whether a tweet is a False rumor or not, and
multinomial classification of True rumor, False rumor, and Unclear rumor, varying the amount of propagation
information used. The result of binary classification shows that the maximum accuracy is 0.637, and the
maximum F value is 0.641, while the result of multinomial classification shows that the maximum accuracy
is 0.547, and the maximum F value is 0.460. We discussed the effectiveness of propagation information and
deep learning for detecting Japanese rumors.
In recent years, with the development of the Internet,
social networking services (SNS) have been widely
developed and many people can easily send and
receive information using SNS, but there are also
many posts on SNS that are not true or whose truth is
unknown. Such information is called rumors, and
they can have negative effects such as the spread of
misinformation, inflammation, and incitement. As an
example, it has been reported that at least 800 people
have died due to a rumor that COVID-19 disease can
be cured by consuming large amounts of alcohol, and
that rumor has resulted in the loss of life (
Islam, M. S.,
et al. 2020
In such a situation, fact-checking information is
being conducted worldwide. English information is
mainly fact-checked by
, and Japanese
information is mainly fact-checked by FactCheck
Initiative Japan (FIJ)
. However, the fact-checking
process is mainly conducted manually, which is a
time-consuming and labor-intensive task.
To address such a problem, it is assumed that the
ability to accurately automatically classify the kind of
rumor or identify an obvious False rumor in a post on
a social networking service is not only an effective
solution to this problem, but also can significantly
affect the behavior of the poster before and after the
post, and contribute to reducing the number of False
rumors on social networking services.
For the purpose of research on the classification
of rumors identified as clearly false tweets on Twitter,
we target Japanese posts which haven’t been studied
and conducted a binary classification of whether a
rumor is a False rumor or not. Furthermore,
considering the practical sides of the problem, we
executed a multinomial classification of whether the
rumor is True, False, or Unclear. Also, we extract
features used in discrimination, not only related to
users and tweets but tweet texts were converted into
embedded expressions using BERT which has not
been used in recent related studies. In addition,
propagation information such as replies to
discriminated tweets was also incorporated as a
feature, and we also checked and examined whether
it is also effective for Japanese by differentiating the
amount of information used for discrimination.
For our approach, first, we created a Japanese
rumor dataset by collecting fact-checked Japanese
Takei, T., Sei, Y., Tahara, Y. and Ohsuga, A.
Rumor Detection in Tweets Using Graph Convolutional Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011676600003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 397-404
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
postings, graphing the propagation information, and
extracting features. Next, we used two types of BERT
models to acquire embedded expressions and created
three datasets with different amounts of propagated
information. Finally, we carried out the
classifications using a deep learning classifier based
on Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) for each of
the six datasets.
The results showed that the dataset with the most
propagation information produced the Accuracy and
F value for both classifications. These results indicate
that propagation information is effective to some
extent in estimating rumors in Japanese. Although the
experiments in this paper were conducted on Japanese,
we also consider that our classification method,
which is based on the acquisition of embedded
expressions by BERT and classification by graph
convolution using GCN, can be applied not only to
Japanese but also to other languages including
English. With this in mind, we discussed and
examined the classification of rumors for Japanese
This paper is organized as follows. Chapter 1
describes the introduction of the study such as
background and purpose, Chapter 2 discusses related
works. We propose the methodology and dataset in
Chapter 3, Chapter 4 describes the experiments and
results. Finally, Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the results
and future prospects.
In this chapter, we mention the rumor detection
studies, which are previous studies of our research.
And BERT, a natural language processing model, is
used to acquire embedding representations in
2.1 Rumor Detection
In recent years, many Rumor Detection studies that
distinguish fact-checked tweets using the information
related to user and tweets, and so on have been
reported. The research on which the recent research
was based has made a dataset including not only user
information and tweet information but also
information on the propagation of posts on Twitter
and Weibo that has been fact-checked on the fact-
checking site, and has performed two
experiences. One is a binary classification that
discriminates between "Non-rumor" or not. Another
is the four-value classification that discriminates
between "Non-rumor", "True rumor", "False rumor",
and "Unverified rumor" using a machine learning
method (Liu, X., et al. 2015, Ma, J., et al. 2016). It
has been a benchmark dataset and task for rumor
detection research in recent years, and rumor
detection research has been conducted in English and
Chinese. There are researches using the tree-
structured RNN method (Ma, J., et al. 2018), and
established detection models such as combining two
Graph Convolutional Networks for the above dataset.
(Bian, T., et al. 2020). Furthermore, it has reported an
approach that points out the issues of the GCN
method, it establishes a detection model that learns
time series information, propagation information, and
textual information separately and combines them (Li,
J., et al. 2021), and a detection model that divides
linear and nonlinear information, focusing on the fact
that each feature of information has a different
structure (Lao, A., et al. 2021). Also, there are several
approaches based on Generative Adversarial
Networks (GAN). It has proposed rumor detection
models that can detect rumors without the need for
verified data (Cheng, M., et al. 2021), and that
generate opinions in favor of or against replies and
discriminate based on the results of such generation
(Ma, J., et al. 2021). In addition, not only in English
and Chinese which could be estimable with the
existing dataset, a new rumor detection for Arabic
tweets is also conducted (Alzanin, S.M., et al. 2019).
While many studies on Rumor Detection have
been reported, most of the studies on Rumor
Detection for Japanese have focused on the search for
rumors, and there has been no study on Rumor
Detection from the viewpoint of how much
discrimination can be performed on fact-checked data,
which has been the subject of many studies in recent
years. Therefore, in this paper, we conducted research
on fact-checked posts in Japanese by modifying the
extracted features and the discriminant model from
the existing studies.
2.2 BERT
BERT is a bidirectional transformer-based natural
language processing model that requires two types of
learning pre-training and fine-tuning, and by adding
an output layer, achieved the best results for various
language processing tasks (Devlin, J., et al. 2018). In
addition, it is also known to be able to acquire an
embedding representation of a sentence from the
layer before the final layer of output. While the pre-
training step takes a great amount of time, pre-trained
BERT models using large corpora in each language
have been published, and pre-trained models for
Japanese have been published as well. (Shibata, T.,
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
398 2019) This study used two Japanese pre-trained
BERT models to get sentence embeddings and
performed two classifications.
In summary, the focus points of this study are the
following two points.
A Japanese rumor dataset was created based
on the benchmark dataset, and GCN-based
the classifier was set up and classified by
features using propagation information.
By using BERT's sentence embedding method,
the content and semantic aspects of tweets are
taken into account in the embedding of tweets,
rather than the embedding conversion method
using feature words like Bag-of-Words.
3.1 Problem Settings
Table 1: Definition of each Category in FIJ.
The claim is factually accurate
and not lacking significant
The main elements of the
statement are factually
accurate, but there are some
minor or insignificant errors.
The claim appears not to have
a factually inaccurate element,
but has a high possibility of
causing misunderstanding due
to a click-bait style, lack of
important facts, or such.
The claim lacks overall
accuracy, but is a mixture of
accurate and inaccurate
The claim is not proven to be
factually false, but there is
very little or no evidence to
support the claim.
All or core elements of the
claim are factually inaccurate.
All or core elements of the
claim are factually inaccurate.
The speaker or writer is
strongly suspected of knowing
they are inaccurate.
In this study, tweets whose fact-checking results were
shown in the FIJ were treated as rumor data for the
study. The definition of each detection category is
shown in Table 1, where the seven labels with
discrimination results are further grouped into three
groups: True, False, and Unclear. While the research
objective of this paper is to determine obvious False
rumor or not, considering the practical aspect,
classification against only two groups is not
appropriate as a problem sets up because there are
three groups of tweets.
So, we attempted to evaluate Rumor Detection in
Japanese through 1) Binary classification to
determine whether a tweet is judged as a False rumor
or not, and 2) Multinominal classification, which
discriminates between True rumor, False rumor, and
Unclear rumor.
3.2 Proposed Method
The proposed method outline is in the following
Figure 1 and (1) ~ (3). (1) Posts including replies were
converted to graphical data. (2) The feature extraction
described in chapter 4 is performed from the modified
graph data, and the data is converted into graph data
with features. (3) Binary and multinomial
classification results were calculated by convolving
the entire graph data with the feature values and
assigning them to a deep-learning classifier.
Figure 1: Approach Overview.
3.2.1 Change to Graph Data
On Twitter, information is exchanged and spread
through replies and retweets to posts. In other words,
a tweet starts a topic, and information is propagated
through a series of replies to it. This structure is very
similar to a tree structure, a type of graph structure,
Rumor Detection in Tweets Using Graph Convolutional Networks
and can be viewed as a tree structure. Based on these
characteristics, we transformed the posted data into a
graph as shown in Figure 2, and extracted features to
create a graph with features for rumor detection.
Figure 2: Sample post and replies change to Graph Style
(Post and replies translated into English).
3.2.2 Feature Extraction
We collected the tweet data which were checked in
FIJ using Twitter Search API v2. From the collected
data, we excluded quoted tweets and extracted the
feature. Before extracting features, we performed
twelve different cleaning processes on the tweet texts
as shown from (1) to (12).
(1) Change alphanumeric characters to half-width
(2) Delete the sentence interposed Japanese-style
quotation marks, square brackets, lenticular brackets
(3) Count and delete URLs
(4) Count and delete @...
(5) Delete quoted sentence
(6) Delete consecutive characters
(7) Change alphabetic characters to lower
(8) Count and delete hashtags
(9) Delete Emoji, special characters, and date
(10) Delete garbling sentence
(11) Delete space and line break
(12) Change any number to 0
We extract two kinds of features "Basis Features"
and “Text Features”. In the following, we explain
what two features are and how to extract them.
Basis Features are the features obtained from the
part other than tweet texts. Specifically, 22 types of
information about users and tweets as shown in Table
2 below were calculated from collected data and
treated in this study.
Table 2: Basis Features.
Features Meanin
Different Days between
Twitter Start and Making
The difference in days
Twitter Start and Making
Number of Followers
The number of followers
that the user has
Number of Follows
The number of follows
that the user has
Number of Lists
The number of lists that
the user sets
Number of Tweets
The number of tweets that
the user
Followers / Follows
The ratio of followers to
Follows / Followers
The ratio of follows to
Whether the account has a
rivate settin
or not
Whether the account is an
official account or not
Whether the account sets
abstract or not
Whether the account has a
location settin
or not
Whether the account has a
inned user ID or not
The language in which
the account is set up
(Japanese, English,
and others)
Different Days between
Twitter Start and Making
The difference in days
Twitter Start and Making
Number of URLs
The number of URLs in a
Number of Hashtags
The number of Hashtags
in a tweet
The type of tweet
(None, replied_to,
Whether the tweet has a
link or not
Whether the tweet has
media or not
Type of media file with
the tweet
hoto, others
Source of Tweet
Which media is the tweet
posted from
(Android, iPhone,
WebApp, others)
Target of Reply
Which target person of
the tweet
(everyone, others)
Text Features are the features obtained from the tweet
texts which are converted to the vector representation
(embedding representation). We tried to use a method
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
to convert the tweet texts into a vector representation
using a pre-trained model of BERT. We used two pre-
trained models; one was released from Tohoku
University and the other was released from Kyoto
University. Both models used ipadic for the
dictionary of BERT but used Mecab for
morphological analysis in the Tohoku University
model, and Juman++ for morphological analysis in
the Kyoto University model. Also, we tried to apply
the Word2Vec conversion method as a comparison to
the methods by BERT.
Hereafter, we will refer to the dataset using
Word2Vec as “w2v”, the Tohoku University BERT
pre-trained model as "Bert-Mecab", and the dataset
using the Kyoto University BERT pre-trained model
as "Bert-Juman" when the tweets are converted to a
vector representation.
3.2.3 Classification
In this paper, we use the posted data modified into
graph data to perform binary classification of False
rumor or not, and multinomial classification of True
rumor, False rumor, or Unclear rumor. We set up a
graph convolution network-based classification
model as shown in Figure 3 below. For both
classifications, the layers of the model were not
changed, but the number of outputs in the output layer
was changed to two for binary classification, and to
three for multiclass classification. The label with the
highest value among the output values was used as a
detection result for comparison and evaluation with
the correct data. Comparison and evaluation were
made by calculating Accuracy (Acc), Precision (Pre),
Recall (Rec), and F-value (F).
In addition, by focusing on the post creation time
in the collected data, it is possible to sort the tweets in
order of the earlier posting time. In order to consider
whether the propagation information is useful for
estimating Japanese rumors in the classification
process, the dataset was sorted in timestamp order,
and we made each dataset 1/6 of the total (Little), 1/2
of the total (Half), and whole of the total (All)
extracted, and the classification results were
calculated for each of these datasets.
Figure 3: Deep Learning Classifier Model.
4.1 Dataset Details
The number of events and each tweet in the
completed dataset is shown in Table 3 below. The
number of source tweets in the table refers to the
number of fact-checked tweets, and the number of
events refers to the number of topics discussed.
Table 3: Dataset Details.
All Tweets 22,486
Source Tweets 100
Events 100
True Source Tweets 4
Source Tweets 46
False Source Tweets 50
True Tweets (include Replies) 1,736
Tweets (include Replies) 7,761
False Tweets (include Replies) 12,989
4.2 Experimental Settings
The complete datasets were sorted in timestamp order,
and we made each dataset Little, Half, All. We set up
a deep learning classifier using the GCN layer as
shown in Figure 3. We performed three times 10-
point cross-validation to calculate the average values
of Acc, Pre, Rec, and F. Experiments were conducted
with CrossEntropyLoss as the loss function, Adam as
the optimizer, batch size is 8, Dropout rate is 0.5, and
200 epochs in the deep learning classifier. In
summary, we created three datasets with different
amounts of reply data for each of the three datasets
w2v, Bert-Mecab and Bert-Juman, and compared the
results by performing binary and multinominal
classification using a setting deep learning classifier.
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Binary Classification
The results of the binary classification of False rumor
or not are shown in Tables 4, 5, and 6 below. The
result of dataset w2v is Table 4, Bert-Mecab is Table
5, and Bert-Juman is Table 6.
Table 4: Binary Classification (w2v).
Rumor Detection in Tweets Using Graph Convolutional Networks
Table 5: Binary Classification (Bert-Mecab).
Table 6: Binary Classification (Bert-Juman).
4.3.2 Multinomial Classification
The results of True / False / Unclear multinomial
classifications are shown in Tables 7, 8 and 9 below.
The result of dataset w2v is Table 7, Bert-Mecab
is Table 8, and Bert-Juman is Table 9.
Table 7: Multinomial Classification (w2v).
Table 8: Multinomial Classification (Bert-Mecab).
Table 9: Multinomial Classification (Bert-Juman).
5.1 Experimental Discussion
The results of both binary and multinomial
classification experiments show that the larger the
amount of propagation information used, we got the
better results. These results indicate that propagation
information is effective to some extent in detecting
rumors in Japanese. In addition, there were no
significant differences in the results between Bert-
Mecab and Bert-Juman in terms of text features, but
Bert-Mecab calculated better results for Half, which
uses half of the reply data arranged in time-series
order for both classifications. It can also be seen that
the dataset with Bert calculated slightly better results
than w2v for both classifications. This suggested that
the acquisition of embedding using BERT is
somewhat effective for this task. On the other hand,
the accuracy of the results was generally poor. We
think that there are several possible reasons for this
The first point is the input of the detection model.
In this study, the model was designed to divide the
input into two parts, basic features, and text features.
And, these features were applied convolution using
GCN layers and combined with the results. However,
since the basic features have category values
represented like 0 and 1. The accuracy is expected to
be improved by further separating the categorical and
non-categorical values from the basic features as
input to the detection model.
The second point is related to text features. In this
study, the BERT model was used to obtain embedded
expressions because we thought this method could get
more semantic embedded representations than those
obtained by using feature words. However, both
BERT models used Japanese Wikipedia data as the
pre-training corpus. So, we believe that the results
would be better if we utilize the BERT model which
pre-trained a large corpus of more colloquial
sentences for getting embedded representations.
Another possibility for improving the results is that
the huge number of embedding dimensions of BERT
could have been compressed by principal component
analysis (PCA) or other methods before being
assigned to the model. Besides, it is thought that the
Sentence-BERT model (
Reimers, N. et al. 2019
) may be
more suitable for acquiring sentence vectors than the
usual BERT model when viewed in terms of sentence
Also, we consider that we can use other embedded
methods which have been proposed by other research.
Some example methods are text-CNN (
Yoon, K.,
), Rumor2Vec (
Tu, K., et al. 2021
), and character-
level deep learning embedding. (
Sato, M., et al. 2018
Besides, although we used the detection model only
GCN layers as in this study, we expect that
incorporating a recursive layer such as RNN or
LSTM that takes into account more time-series
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
information will improve the accuracy by reflecting
more information on tweets posted in the early stage
of posting.
5.2 Dataset Discussion
We created a Japanese rumor dataset based on
previous studies (Liu, X., et al. 2015, Ma, J., et al.
2016) in this paper. However, there are some points
to be considered for this dataset as well. Unlike, the FIJ data may make the problem of
multinomial classification more difficult because the
number of tweets that belong to the True Group is
small. In this regard, we thought of an approach to
increase the amount of data by creating pseudo
extended data using replies as the source tweets by
focusing on whether the replies affirm or deny the
postings as shown in Figure 4. However, this
approach has some issues, such as how to deal with
the case of Unclear tweets, and the fact that
denial/affirmation does not always correspond to
Figure 4: An example of data extension.
In addition, it is necessary to increase the evaluation
score of the dataset Little when considering early
rumor detection close to the time of source tweet
posting. One solution for this problem is to increase
the number of feature types. For example, we believe
the emotional information of a tweet or the textual
information in a summary sentence can be extracted
as separate features.
In this study, we created a dataset of Japanese fact-
checked tweets on Twitter and performed binary
classification which classified a tweet as False or not,
and multinomial classification which classified a
tweet as True Rumor, Unclear Rumor, or False rumor.
Moreover, we examined and discussed Japanese
rumor detection. Future prospects are to apply this
method to other languages than Japanese and to
experiment and confirm the methods accuracy.
Conversely, it is necessary to reconfirm the
evaluation score of the current model by comparing
the results with existing Rumor Detection models for
other languages. Also, one of our future goals is to
build a more practical fact-checking support system.
To do so, we need to improve the detection evaluation
score by building other models, putting in additional
features, and studying more effectively.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP21H03496, JP22K12157.
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