Compared to early 2-stage detectors, which had
intermediate steps for selecting, e.g. region proposals
which were then fed into a second neural network,
the advantage is a massive speed increase (and only a
minor loss in accuracy) since this intermediate steps
take time since they are running on the CPU.
In this article, we demonstrated and visualized the
inner mechanics of the YOLO architecture. Our key
message is that YOLO is not really “looking once”,
but a lot more often. Because of a clever exploitation
of Artificial Neural Network structures, which make
it possible to share most of the computation between
regions and also allow to easily parallelize the compu-
tations on a GPU, this can be very fast and efficient.
Our findings might be used for future develop-
ments in architecture design or for evaluating trained
models. Interesting future work include the improve-
ment of these visualization techniques. Also, the pro-
posed detection dream approach might be used to de-
termine how much information about a training image
is actually saved “within the weights of the network”
by setting the target output to the actual prediction
output of the model and optimize from a gray image.
Also, different other constraints can be added to the
optimization loss. By including the distance to a color
histogram into the loss function, the reconstructed im-
ages might can be improved to have a more realistic
color distribution.
This work was supported by a fellowship within the
IFI program of the German Academic Exchange Ser-
vice (DAAD).
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications