assessment of the severity of cervical dystonia, where
the head posture is not only determined by three
degrees of freedom. Previous head pose estimation
algorithms do not address the necessary complexity
of head poses that are symptoms of cervical dystonia.
By generating a large data set to train the neural
network, we see the possibility to address the lack
of large data sets from real subjects with good
quality annotations regarding head posture. While
the network may have achieved good results on the
synthesized avatar data, this may not necessarily
translate to real-world situations where the input
data may be more varied and complex. Testing the
network on real images will allow us to assess how
well it can handle these variations. However, the
extent to which this generalization can also be applied
to real subject images is a question that we want to
address on the basis of this work in the future.
We acknowledge financial support by the BMBF
(01ZZ2007). Additionally we acknowledge the AI-
Lab L
ubeck, that has provided us with computational
resources for training the neural networks.
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