Figure 7: Comparative Analysis of the confusion metrics
obtained with the baseline model and with the addition of
the proposed attention module. The experimental values
from the two objective functions experimented with have
also been visually demonstrated, and have been tabulated
in Table 3. The values are on the testing dataset, which
consists of 582 samples belonging to the ‘TB’ class and 77
samples belonging to the ‘TE’ class.
preparation module to extract the ROIs (i.e., the wasp
inidividuals) from the high-resolution images. We
have also obtained SOTA results in the classification
subtask, as compared to other existing methods. This
can be attributed to our classification pipeline, espe-
cially the MSA block, which can extract subtle visual
cues to distinguish between wasp individuals. As evi-
dent from the results reported, this is a robust pipeline
that can be used in other similar wasp detection and
classification problems, or tiny object detection and
classification problems in general.
This work has been supported by the French government,
through the 3IA C
ote d’Azur Investments in the Future
project managed by the National Research Agency (ANR)
with the reference number ANR-19-P3IA-0002. The au-
thors are also grateful to the OPAL infrastructure from Uni-
e C
ote d’Azur for providing resources and support.
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