before exposure to ozone gas, and the orange curve
shows the results after 12-hour exposure to ozone
gas. The interface of the palisade and spongy tissues
(at the 0.17 mm depth position in Fig.5) is almost
unchanged before and after exposure to ozone gas.
However, the attenuation of the signal in the
palisade tissue is increased by exposure to ozone
gas. The signal below the palisade tissue is
unchanged. The effect of ozone gas on plant leaves
appears in the palisade tissue (Thomson et al., 1966,
Hartikainen et al., 2020).
We measured 11 white clover leaves exposed to
ozone gas for 12 hours. Figure 6 shows extinction
coefficients in the palisade tissue. The extinction
coefficient is the slope of the black dotted line in Fig.
5. The x-axis in Fig. 6 indicates the leaf number, and
the y-axis shows the extinction coefficient. The blue
and orange circles in the figure represent the
measurement before and after 12 hours of exposure
to ozone gas. The two vertically aligned blue and
orange circles are the results of the same leaf.
The results show an increase in the extinction
coefficient of the palisade tissue in most leaves. The
mean value of the extinction coefficients before and
after exposure to ozone gas is 12.6 ± 3.42 [/mm] and
16.9 ± 6.2 [/mm], respectively. After exposure to
ozone gas, the extinction coefficient increased, and
the standard deviation is larger. A one-tailed t-test
was performed on this result as p = 0.003 (p<0.05).
These findings confirm that ozone destroys the
palisade tissue, and these changes can be evaluated
quantitatively from OCT signals.
In this study, we investigate the effect of the plnat-
clearing agent on the OCT images and the ozone gas
on the plant tissue to assess the environmental
contamination of ozone by OCT for the purpose of
future field measurements. The transparency
process increased and homogenized the internal
OCT signals from leaf measurements. The ozone
gas affects the epidermis tissue of white clover and
significantly increases the extinction coefficient
obtained by OCT in the palisade tissue.
Soaking the leaves in Visikol, the signal only
visible near the epidermis layer became uniformly
visible from the adaxial surface to the abaxial
surface. The position of the veins, which had
originally been unclear, could be confirmed, too. In
addition, the extinction coefficient inside the leaf
becomes uniform due to the decrease of the
refractive index difference by the penetration of the
plant-clearing agent. It makes it possible to evaluate
the change of extinction coefficient over the leaf’s
full cross-sectional signal. The transparency process
can confirm the disease or environmental stress,
which changes the transmittance of light. Since the
plant-clearing agent can make the leaf’s full cross-
sectional signal clear, diseases or environmental
stresses affecting the whole region of interest or
region of the leaf where we don’t know are affected
can be detected by the proposed method. Because
this method can detect by point measurement, OCT
can quantitatively and speedily assess
environmental conditions.
When plant leaves are exposed to high
concentrations of ozone gas, the palisade tissues are
destroyed. It has been difficult to clearly distinguish
these changes from mere OCT images. By
averaging each A-scan and comparing before and
after exposure to ozone gas, a clear difference in the
extinction coefficient in the palisade tissue appeared.
On the other hand, the spongy tissue was almost the
same before and after the ozone gas exposure. In
addition, we measured multiple leaves, which
confirmed that palisade’s extinction coefficients
predominantly changed before and after exposure to
the ozone gas by t-test.
In the leaf measurements with transparency
process and exposure to ozone, the changes can be
confirmed by A-scan, as shown in Figs. 3 and 5.
Thus, it is possible to confirm the effect of ozone
when white clover leaves from areas with high and
low concentrations of ozone are observed using
point measurements by this OCT method. Since this
result shows that our portable OCT can detect the
change in the leaf’s interior, OCT can estimate the
environmental conditions by measuring indicator
plants. In addition, the OCT with additional
functions can observe changes in the internal
structure of plants, and more accurate
environmental evaluation can be performed. For
example, polarized OCT, which can observe
separately p-polarization and s-polarization, can
capture changes in the internal polarization state of
plants, and b-OCT, which visualizes the speckle
variation with time, can evaluate plant activity
(Silva et al., 2021). If this method is established, this
portable OCT can be a useful instrument to assess
the identification or predict comprehensive
environmental stress.